Nuno Castela and José Tribolet
Centro de Engenharia Organizacional, INESC-INOV, Rua Alves Redol, n.9,, 1000-029 Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Organizational Engineering, Organizational Model, Annotations, UML.
Abstract: If the organizational model was a trustworthy and updated representation of the organizations, in all of its
aspects and perspectives, it could be permanently used as support base to most operational and management
tasks, using all its capacities for capturing, representing and distributing organizational knowledge.
However, the use of this model is normally restricted in time in order to support some organizational
activities, instead of being a solid foundation to support the organizational daily activities acting as an
organizational knowledge repository. This is a result of the difficulty to maintain the model updated and
aligned with the reality. The research in Organizational Engineering is already mature in defining modeling
artefacts, modelling languages and the necessary views to adequate the model to the users, promoting its
usage in a continuous baseline. This paper propose a process to maintain the As-Is Organizational Model
updated. The strategy presented considers the organizational model as a representation of the organizational
conscience, continuously aligned with the reality.
Organizational Engineering (OE) put together
concepts, methods and technologies, allowing
understanding, modeling, developing and analyzing
all the aspects of the changing business through the
focus on the relationships and dependencies among
strategy, business processes and the supporting
information (Tribolet, 2005).
The business models (used in OE) allow the
communication, documentation and comprehension
of the organizational activities (Caetano, 2004b).
The as-is business model have the following general
goals (Davemport, 1993), (Hammer, 1993): To be
the starting point for Process Improvement (e.g.
TQM) and Process Innovation (e.g. BPR); Act as
support and documentation of the construction
process of the ISA (Information Systems
Architecture); To be the starting point of the
requirement capture to develop information systems
(Software Engineering); To be a common
knowledge repository of organization.
This last goal could optimize the capacity of
organizations to become Learning Organizations
(Boudreau, 1996), (Magalhães, 2005). This concept
derive from social science and organization
psychology disciplines and, in this scope, is
important to recognize the organizational dynamics
and the interaction contexts among human being
who executes the business processes and creates the
organizational knowledge (Nonaka,1995), (Argyris,
In order to represent this knowledge, the
organizational models have to be used by people,
thus is necessary to promote the models usability: it
is necessary to know better the interaction dynamics
among several organizational actors – people and
machines. The context concept is the key element in
filtering the relevant information to actors and to
manage the interactions among the organizational
network of actors (Zacarias, 2004). It is also
necessary to define the model perspectives which
promote integrated, shared and abstract views of the
several realities and, at the same time, respect the
specific needs of each particular actor and context,
contributing to capturing both individual and group
knowledge of organizations.
In the next section some of the contributions to
this work are described. Then, the characteristics the
model should have to be continuously updated and
the continuous organizational model updating
process are defined, using the CEO Framework.
Castela N. and Tribolet J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 371-374
DOI: 10.5220/0001725403710374
2.1 Organizational Knowledge
The organizational knowledge theory is supported
by the individual interpersonal and group
relationships and depends of the facilitation contexts
(Magalhães, 2005). The organizational creation
theory says that the knowledge creation is a
continuous process of socialization, externalization,
combination and internalization. Nonaka and
Takeuchi apply the hypertext metaphor to the
organizations based in the analogy of the
organizational structure of the web sites
(hierarchical but navigable). The hypertext
organization facilitates the horizontal work without
loose the hierarchical formal structure. This
organization has three layers or contexts: business
system, project team and knowledge (Nonaka,
The learning process evolves errors detection and
correction (Smith, 2005). When, within
organizations, something goes wrong, the
deployment of an alternative strategy which allows
working under the same governing variables is a
way to continue working. Given or chosen the goals,
plans and rules, the action is set to run and is not
questioned. This is the single loop learning. Another
way of see this question is though questioning the
governing variables submitting it to some critical
scrutiny. This is an example of double loop learning.
This kind of learning could lead to change the
governing variables, and then, to a change in
strategy and its consequences (Smith, 2005).
2.2 CEO Framework
The CEO Framework has four modeling basic
primitives (Matos, 2007): Entity - used to model
things or concepts important to the universe of
organizational modeling. It can be a resource (an
informational entity, a material entity, a human
resource, an organizational unit, a goal, etc.). The
entities are numerable, identifiable and are denoted
through substantives; Activity - used to model
actions in organizational work context. Are
denotable trough verbs; Role – is the modeling
mechanism that allows concern separation through a
property set representation and the particular
behaviour of an entity when in a particular
collaboration (Caetano, 2004), (Caetano, 2005);
Context - is a business object network characterized
by a set of state variables associated with the
individual elements of the network and with the
emergent properties of the network (Zacarias, 2006).
These primitive are used to model several
perspectives of the enterprise architecture, each one
has a set of diagrams (Sousa, 2005). In each
diagram, different point of views can be defined.
One of the goals of enterprise architecture is the
maintenance of the alignment among architectures
(perspectives) despite its independency.
2.3 Annotations
The use of annotations is based in the work of
Becker-Kornstaedt e Roman Reinert who applied
this mechanism to capture the reasons to the changes
usually made to software projects based on the
implicit knowledge of the developing team members
(Becker-Kornstaedt, 2002).
To adapt this concept, the idea of Gregory
Mentzas, who enunciates the process called Human
Quality Control as a way to achieve the total quality
of the work executed in organizations, was used
(Mentzas, 1999).
The organizational model is used as a common and
shared knowledge repository of the organization,
To increase the knowledge of what each one is
doing as a part of the whole organization (the
points of view are important in the modeling
To facilitate the communication by allowing to
focus the right point of view.
To turn explicit the whole organization.
To clarify who are the actors in the processes
trough the identification of the client/supplier
relationship, the identification of who and
what is contributing with what for the process
and the clarification of what internal and
external factors influence the process.
The presentation of business information has to be
synchronized with the context and needs of the users
of the organizational model (EMIPA-SIG, 1992).
The model should formulate and answer relevant
questions associated to the several operations of the
organizations. The results should supply feedback in
order to execute new iterations. Considering the
model as source for decision support, it should
include the access to previous decisions, the current
state of whole organization and simulation capacities
of current decisions.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
It seems that beyond of the organizational model
traditional function related with the support of
organizational activities isolated in time (that makes
its existence short) the organizational model have a
facilitator function in collecting and sharing
organizational knowledge, making itself an essential
tool to deploy learning organizations.
The dynamic organizational model management
process aims to reduce the misalignment between
the distributed model and the reality.
This process, which includes activities like
observation, analysis and control, should be
executed by people (agents or organizational actors)
who execute also the business activities of the
operational processes in the organizations.
The annotations are the mechanisms which can be
used as a tool to manage this process.
The annotations are used to make proposals to
correct the presented model (corrective
maintenance), capture changes to the action or
interaction contexts (adaptive maintenance), make
free comments which could anticipate problems
(preventive maintenance) and promote continuous
improvement process (perfective maintenance).
In 1.4.2 UML specification (ISO/IEC 19501
standard), an annotation is used to express a
comment and should be attached to a modeling
element or a set of modeling elements. It does not
have semantic strength, but it could have useful
information for the modeler (UML ISO/IEC, 2005).
It has a unique attribute, a character string which
forms the annotation body, and is linked to the
element or elements trough an association and it
could have two basic stereotypes: <<requirement>>
and <<responsibility>>.
At the individual execution level, the actors must
have an available view or perspective that relates
their own business object (entity) with the activities
that they execute (which belongs to organizational
processes) and with the entities manipulated
(informational, material, IS/IT’s).
Not all the actors have to make this analysis,
because control points can be defined in processes
with the right granularity adjusted to the model.
In the context of the dynamic organizational model
management, the annotations can be of three types:
individual, group or organizational. The
organizational annotation can be divided in two
subtypes, process annotation and functional
Individual annotation (figure 1);
Group annotation (figure 1);
Organizational Annotation (figure 2):
Process annotation;
Functional annotation.
These three types implement three cycles which
represent the three layers vision of hypertext
organization (Nonaka, 1995) and present an
extension to the double cycle learning (Smith, 2005),
adding the intermediary cycle of group interaction
The first cycle handles the observation and
analysis of the individual task executed by the
individual actors of the organization in the action
context, and has the individual annotation as output.
The second cycle handles the observation and
analysis of the tasks executed by more than one
actor in the interaction context (group work or
orchestration work in a business process). This
cycle’s output is the group annotation.
The third cycle starts with the vision of the two
predecessor cycles, aligning them with the
functional dimension (of organizational units) and
the process dimension (of business processes).
Figure 1: Activities for model updating (1st and 2nd cycle). Figure 2: Activities for model updating (3rd cycle).
In the functional dimension, the individual and
group cycles are projected adding the functional
annotation by the owners of the organizational units
where the activities are executed. In the process
dimension the individual and group cycles are
projected adding the process annotation by the
owners of the organizational units where the
activities are executed. The figure 3 shows a
representation of the general process, where the
output of the organizational model dynamic
management process – the annotation, are then
considered as an input to the redesign model
Figure 3: Model updating process.
This work is based in the idea that the dynamic
updating of the organizational model could bring
strategic advantages to the organizations. Thus it
was presented a first step to defend and deploy the
dynamic maintenance of an organizational model.
This maintenance is based in the defined
mechanism: the annotation.
This mechanism is the output of several activities
executed in the various layers of the model, which
allows the redesign of the as-is model, promoting its
alignment with the reality.
A prototype tool is allready being created to
support this Model Updating Process in a
governamental agency in Portugal.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems