Ing-Yi Chen and Chao-Chi Huang
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 106, ROC
Keywords: Service Oriented Architecture, Information Security Management System, Service-Oriented Software
Abstract: This paper proposes an Information Security Management System (ISMS), which is essentially a service-
oriented mechanism. The system supports distributed process changes in run-time and as needed. In
addition, this study uses a Service-Oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) development methodology for
designing and building a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ISMS. These features represent significant
improvements upon existing systems because, they allow for a dramatic increase in the ease and efficiency
with which system modification can occur. They also allow for the reuse of existing services and their
recombination, either with other existing services, or with new software, in order to create new processes.
The features afforded by this system hold tremendous potential for use within a range of industries and
organizations, especially those that seek to provide on-line services to their customers or product users.
Increasing attention is being given to Information
Security (Wade H, 2007) as network technologies
and infrastructures rapidly develop. Many
organizations, such as schools, manufacture
industries and so on, are looking for a consolidated
security approach to better manage business
information services.
Information security protects information and
network systems from various kinds of threats and
enables them to run continuously. Hence, careful
consideration is given to information security
mechanisms when building and constructing
information systems, to increase robustness.
To achieve this goal, the information security
market consists of a complex mix of platforms and
services (Chin-Chen Chang, 2003) that provide two
related but very different types of functional
capabilities. The relationship is illustrated in Fig. 1.
In the following representation (Fig.1),
information security services imply a
comprehensive approach, encompassing a complete
set of lifecycle services for designing, building,
integrating, managing, and evolving sound security
The other part in the Figure 1 is the information
security management platforms, which are the
systems of management concerned with information
security. ISO27001:2005 are standardized
methodologies, and represent internationally
accepted “best practices” for designing and
measuring information security platforms. Security
architectures that employ these methodologies are
divided into five operational categories: (1)
Auditing, (2) Access control, (3)Flow control,
(4)Identification and credentials, and (5)Solution
Figure 1: The structure of information security.
These five subsystems can be meshed together,
so they work interactively with each other, in an
Chen I. and Huang C. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 357-362
DOI: 10.5220/0001716903570362
information security management system. In these
subsystems, access control plays an important role.
Even when solutions (Sanchez, 2007) (Manik
Dey, 2007) for information security management are
in place, some problems remain. One persistent
problem has been the issue of adapting security
management systems to various needs. Such
challenges persist because a gap exists between the
security management systems and the requirements
of various domains.
In the past, information security management
systems were typically designed to meet specific
goals rather than the strategic objectives of a
security management service provider as a whole.
Thus, their design architectures have made it
difficult for them to make changes in response to
changing demands. In addition, the effort taken to
implement a security management project is
As these systems become more complex, a major
need has emerged, - to improve service, there is a
need to develop an architecture that can integrate the
basic functions of security management with
specific domain needs.
Reusable information security modules reduce
costs by shortening system development cycles. By
taking advantage of previously created assets from
some single sign-on projects, developers can save
themselves from recreating an asset from scratch.
This also helps eliminate redundancies across the
organization further reducing costs.
Fortunately, a technological evolution in the
form of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
(Arsanjani, 2007) provides a foundation for
achieving software reuse. One of the key features of
SOA use is that it allows for the user to benefit from
software reuse.
The implementation of Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) using web service technologies
is currently the approach of choice in systems
integration and management. The defining feature of
SOA is that it describes domain applications as a
collection of processes each spanning a functional
boundary (Blevec, Y., 2007). There has been
extensive discussion on web services and SOA
technology, in numerous papers. Hence this paper
proposes a security management system based on
SOA, without engaging in an in-depth discussion of
the framework itself.
It is perhaps sufficient to note that service-
oriented architecture represents a critical new
application development style in the software area.
As noted, traditional software engineering
methodologies are inadequate to permit the
engineering of these critical new applications.
Service Oriented Software Engineering (SOSE)
has addressed this issue by providing a methodology
capable of overcoming these challenges. There is
some existing research on SOSE, including that of
Harri Karhunen (Karhunen, 2005). This project,
seeks to propose an adaptable information security
management server (ISMS) for Single Sign-On
environments using SOA technology and the
Software Engineering methodology. In addition,
this paper serves to provide a case-study of security
management scenario into the use of this framework.
SOA provides a mechanism for more formal
reuse which occurs when services are accessed by
service clients to perform a given function. The
service client does not really need to know what
code they are reusing. They just need to know that
the service is providing the function that they
In a Service-Oriented Architecture, assets are
represented as services. These services are like
building blocks that can be reused and assembled
into larger applications or services.
The service interface is the essence of the
integration design. Combined with the use of
standard protocols, interfaces are the essential
ingredient for creating a loose coupling where
service clients and service providers can
communicate regardless of programming language
and platform. Services are to be independent, in that
clients need not understand the inner workings of a
service component.
The proposed architecture uses SOA technology
to connect the current security management module
with security management needs. Conceptually,
there are four major levels of abstraction within
Since the provider already has security
management software, it would prefer reusing the
existing functionality to writing new security
management applications that replace the original
system. Hence, by adopting an SOA approach and
implementing it using supporting technologies, the
information security service provider should be able
to build flexible systems that allow for the speedy
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and efficient change of function processes. This
efficiency is primarily the result of the extensive
component re-use afforded by the architecture.
3.1 Single-Sign on Research Projects
As the trend toward informationization and
integration grow, enterprises have introduced
various kinds of information systems in order to
improve working efficiency. Every system offers its
own security mechanism to protect itself and to
ensure the security of its data. The difficulties in
management are further magnified by the increasing
number of information systems.
Using SSO, a user only needs to be authenticated
once - when logging into the front-end system. Then,
the user’s identity is passed on to the back-end or
external applications without requiring additional
identity verification from the user. The SSO
approach focuses on security integration between
these network products.
3.2 Identity Management Research
Identity Management is a useful tool for an
administrator. It provides a comprehensive, process-
oriented, and policy-driven security approach that
helps organizations consolidate identity data and
automate the deployment across the enterprise.
Constructing a mechanism for Identity
Management can solve the problem of maintaining
accounts. But Identity Management mechanisms
must also consider Account Synchronization
technology in order to combine all required
information systems. Therefore, a well designed
Account Synchronization component is the key to
Identity Management.
3.3 Service Oriented Software
Engineering (SOSE)
Several existing modeling methodologies such as
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) were
introduced. These provided a disciplined approach
for software analysis and development. They
became common practice and eventually constituted
a starting point for implementing distributed
applications. While the OOAD methodology is a
required precursor, it is not, in itself sufficient to
produce SOA technology.
While these traditional methods reinforce
general software architecture principles such as
information hiding, encapsulation, and
modularization, SOA introduces additional themes
such as service choreography and service bus that
require additional consideration. Hence, a key
requirement for development of a SOA is to adopt a
solution development methodology that designs and
builds SOA components.
Figure 2 shows the architecture of the SOA-based
information security management system. This
architecture consists of four parts: a single sign-on
module, the system management portal, a process
module, and an identity management subsystem.
This project uses a security management
scenario at a University as the application domain.
In the following representation (Fig.2), the existing
synchronization engine is responsible for providing
a means of synchronizing user accounts to various
Since there is a function gap between the
existing synchronization engine and business needs,
the SOA technology is applied as a bridge between
them. For this purpose, each application function of
the existing synchronization engine needed to be
transformed into a service or services.
SOA technology allows service assemblers to
place multiple synchronization services into
processes. After the synchronization related
processes are ready, a series of steps is executed by
invoking synchronization services.
Figure 2: Architecture of the Information Security
Management System.
The Single Sign-on module is the element of the
system that provides resource protection, and
authentication. A very important component of this
module is the Security Control Proxy. The Security
Control Proxy regards the concept of reverse proxy
as the infrastructure. Reverse proxy can connect
both front and back-ends to applications on the
server. In addition, the back-end server only accepts
requests through the Single Sign-on module
The unified authorization function of the Single
Sign-on module is composed of two key components.
These are the Authorization Service and the
Authorization Database. The module also manages
all for the protected resources by means of object-
The system management portal is essentially a
control center. It allows administrators to employ a
friendly interface to present the authority
immediately. Since all access control authority
information is stored in a LDAP Directory,
administrators can manage all authority resources
very easily.
In order to manage the register model of each
system, and maintain the accounts of SSO system
and account relation, this ISMS system must set up
an Identity and Policy management mechanism. The
underlying purpose in designing the management
module is to offer a unified user and group
management mechanism for the single sign-on
environment. This improves the efficiency of
authorization management in order to reduce the
cost of managing each system individually, and
accelerates the efficiency with which upgrades are
Because of diversity in platforms and
specifications for systems, the identity and policy
management module must establish mould to
synchronize accounts. So, the problem of identity
and policy management module primary treatment
lies in the data synchronization technology.
The identity management demands between
systems can be divided into three basic categories:
Type 1: The initial identity synchronization
This synchronization function creates account
information for identity integration. The information
includes basic user information
Type 2: Sign-on Account synchronization (SSO
necessary information)
These operations include creating accounts for
login on the SSO system and accounts for auto-login
to existing systems.
Type 3: Account maintenance
Synchronization work mainly maintains user
information which already exists in databases by
means of the identity and policy management
The identity and policy management module
includes: A synchronization engine, a
synchronization service interface, and an
information transformation module. The
synchronization service interface can, through a link
with SOAP protocol, offer process management
servers a service connection foundation.
The identity and policy management module
can receive new treatment demands sent from the
process engine. Then the information transformation
module will begin to update the identity update, in
order to meet the structural requirements of different
In this system, the event handler subsystem and
the service request receiver act as an interface for
expressing network service connections separately.
This synchronization subsystem system can use the
request receiver interface as a service provider
through the web services interface.
Figure 3: The architecture of the identity management
Each circle in Figure 3 represents a reference
point to the steps in an authority management
process. Every reference point contains a record of
the corresponding network service information. The
management process server can invoke the request
receiver interface via the service requestor in order
to execute each of the steps.
5.1 The Design Methodology of an
Information Security System
The Information security architecture is a design of
the processes and technologies needed to achieve
security. A proven methodology is important for this
design. All security architectures start with the
definition of a business context, that is, the balance
of business drivers and acceptable risks. The
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
business context is the result of decisions made
through the analysis of internal and external factors.
5.2 Service Oriented Software
To facilitate the adoption of SOA, this project
establishes this security management system in
phases. This system will focus on the security
management process. This phase includes exposing
existing security management system functionality
as services to other security management
5.2.1 Service Identification
This project initially uses a top-down approach
starting with business modeling. This allowed the
users to make progress on business models
iteratively and incrementally.
Typically, migration to an SOA solution involves
integration of existing systems by decomposing
them into services, operations, business processes
and rules. The domain scenario of the ISMS can
further decompose the functional areas into
processes, sub-processes and high-level business
One step of service identification is an analysis
of existing assets, in order to maximize the reuse of
the synchronization service engine. When
performing an existing synchronization service
engine analysis, a bottom-up approach is applied to
identify candidate services. During this activity,
technical constraints related to existing systems are
also considered. The use of this approach assists in
identification of potential risks.
After the candidate services have been identified,
the services are categorized into a service hierarchy.
The categorization reflects the composite nature of
services and helps to determine composition and
layering. Categorizations are typically identified
through functional area analysis, during domain
decomposition activities.
In the previous scenarios, information security
projects have always spent a lot of time on
customizing applications for specific domains. If
core applications of those systems could be analyzed
and reused, it would considerably reduce the effort
required for future projects.
In this paper, an example of an academic project
has been given. The subject university featured in
this case graduates approximately ten thousand
students each year. At the same time there are about
ten thousand new students entering the university.
Information for each of these students, in addition to
employee, faculty and existing student information
updates, must be incorporated into the system.
Table 1: The comparison of task results from different
design architectures.
Table 2: The efficiency differences between the two kinds
of security system structures.
The biggest difference between the two design
architectures discussed by this paper lies in the
number of levels into which job components are
divided. Hence, this paper measures the efficiency
differences between the two kinds of structures
when carrying out the same job.
This research adopted the efficiency tool
embedded in Microsoft Windows to collect
efficiency information. The content collected is the
I/O amount of data on each of the respective servers.
In testing the entire procedure, it is joined
account numbers of 10 users through an Identity
Management System. The identity management
system will send out a request for account creation
to the identity synchronization program. Then, the
identity synchronization program will connect to all
of its information systems in order to create the
account and update identity information.
The test results from the procedure described
above are displayed in Table2. The test results show
four important values. These following meanings:
1. IO Data Bytes and IO Other Bytes: Show the
in and outflow volumes when executing the
account synchronization. This value represents
the resources consumed by the process.
2. IO Other Operations: These are the operations
of the operation system, when executing
account synchronization - for example the
tasks of network communication. The higher
the number is, the larger the work load for the
systematic server to deal with is.
3. Page Faults: these shows the error time when
account synchronization occurs. The higher
the number value is, the more work the server
must deal with.
The project was used to test an SOA-based ISMS
implemented with a software engineering
methodology. In the ISMS, the operation
management portal provides administration pages
that have all been initially demonstrated using the
interfaces illustrated in figure 6.
Additionally, this paper analyzed the traditional
and SOA development styles. Doing so revealed
that the service-oriented development model was
capable of reusing existing programs, and reducing
the number of steps required in completing tasks.
The system also added additional subdivisions to
job-components, presenting a unified service process
model. Thus, whenever a new system began to
combine, the necessary service components were
available for use. The system was not affected by
low-level operations concerns.
In contrast, the traditional development lifecycle,
required components to be distributed
independently, during the construction phase.
Moreover, its hierarchical structure had the potential
of overweighting the server.
This paper, presented a mechanism for applying
SOA architecture to security management in single
sign-on environments.
This research has successfully demonstrated an
information security management system using
Service-Oriented Architecture. The ISMS not only
makes identity synchronization more effective, but
also reduces the gap between the basic identity
management engine and application domain needs.
The ISMS system employed reused identity
management functions in a complex domain. In
doing so, the SOA technology was found to be very
effective in addressing traditional reuse problems.
For an existing identity management engine, it is
advisable to have a service set that can guarantee a
high degree of support.
In terms of evaluation result, the model driven
development for SOA is a prescriptive method that
includes several complementary approaches to
identifying services for the security management
This research was supported by the Ministry of
Economic Affairs, Taiwan, and R.O.C. under grant
NSC 95-2221-E-027 -016.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems