A Case Study at Siemens AG
Peter Killisperger
, Markus Stumptner
Competence Center Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences - M
unchen, Germany
Advanced Computing Research Centre, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Georg Peters
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Applied Sciences - M
unchen, Germany
Thomas St
System and Software Processes, Siemens Corporate Technology, M
unchen, Germany
Software, Process, Instantiation, Tailoring, Application.
Successful software development is still a challenge and improvements in software processes and their appli-
cation is an active research domain. Siemens has started research projects aiming to improve software process
related activities. The adaptation of generic software process models to project specific context and the ap-
plication of instantiated processes play a major role in these efforts. Several solutions have been put forward
in literature in recent years to better standardise and automate these procedures. However, no approach has
become a de facto standard. Instantiation and application of processes in practice are still often done manually
and not standardised. On the basis of an analysis of Siemens’ current practice, a New Software Engineering
Framework (NSEF) is suggested for improving the instantiation and the application of software processes
within the company. In particular, the paper suggests the development of a gradual instantiation approach.
In order to improve software project practice, a num-
ber of software process models have been suggested
in literature and tested in practice. According to ISO
15504 (ISO/IEC, 1998) a software process is ”the pro-
cess or a set of processes used by an organisation or
project to plan, manage, execute, monitor, control and
improve its software related activities”. Many organ-
isations choose one established model (e.g. the V-
Model (BMI, 2004)) as their internal standard or even
develop and define their own process.
Today’s software development projects are highly
individual and in order to apply processes to a spec-
trum of projects they are described in a generic way.
To use them in a particular project they have to be
adapted to the individual needs of a project in turn.
This instantiation comprises tailoring of the process
and resource allocation. The former is ”the act of
adjusting the definitions and/or of particularising the
terms of a general process description to derive a new
process applicable to an alternative (and probably less
general) environment” (Ginsberg and Quinn, 1995).
The latter is the assignment of resources to activities
to carry them out (Aalst and Hee, 2004). Recent stud-
ies show that this is still a wide open field for research
(Pedreira et al., 2007).
Siemens’ software developing business units de-
fine their processes according to their needs within a
general corporate wide process framework. The ap-
plication of processes in projects, including the in-
stantiation for individual projects, is rarely standard-
ised and thus differs widely within Siemens. Siemens
Corporate Technology, the University of South Aus-
tralia and the University of Applied Sciences -
unchen are collaborating to improve Siemens’ cur-
rent practice and to develop a general approach.
The goal of this paper is to introduce to Siemens’
Software Processes, identify shortcomings of the cur-
rent practice of instantiation and application and to
Killisperger P., Stumptner M., Peters G. and Stückl T. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 123-128
DOI: 10.5220/0001683301230128
provide an approach to overcome these issues. Our
work follows the long stipulated research in real-life
situations (Boehm, 1976)(Zmud, 1997).
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 intro-
duces into Siemens’ Software Processes by describ-
ing Siemens’ practice in modelling and applying soft-
ware processes and shortcomings of the current prac-
tice are revealed. In Section 3 a New Software En-
gineering Framework (NSEF) is proposed aiming to
improve the current practice and to identify design is-
sues. Relevant existing approaches are analysed in
section 4.
Siemens’ software developing business units model
their software processes within a company-wide
framework according to their individual needs. The
processes have several levels with the higher levels
being more abstract. Figure 1 shows a simplified ex-
ample of a low level process modelled as an Event-
Driven-Process-Chain (EPC) (Scheer, 2000). The
process is started when the state ”Implementation de-
cided (Component)” in the sub process ”Implement
Product (Subsystem)” is active. After reaching the
state ”Component Implemented”, work will continue
in the sub process ”Implement Product (Subsystem)”
as indicated in Figure 1. Sub processes can be ex-
ecuted several times within a project, even in paral-
lel, and dependencies can exist between them. For
every activity, a Function-Allocation-Diagram (FAD)
(Scheer, 2000) is defined. It contains a description of
the activity, the roles involved, input and output doc-
uments and links to further information such as docu-
ment templates.
2.1 Current Instantiation and
A reference process of a particular Siemens organ-
isation can comprise several thousand elements. It
functions as a guideline for any software project
within that organisation, but still cannot be applied in
projects without modifications. Instead, it is intended
to be a sample or framework from which the actual
process, in the form of project specific plans such as
project plan, quality assurance plan or test plan, is de-
In addition, the reference process provides a
knowledge base for project management and mem-
bers. In order to use the reference process, project
Figure 1: Example of a Low Level Process.
members have to interpret its information for the
project at hand. A project specific process visuali-
sation is not available.
The purpose of the established reference processes
is to be used by humans and not to be supported
or automated by any kind of information technology.
Therefore they are designed to be easily read and un-
derstood by humans.
2.2 Issues of Current Approach
There is essentially no standardisation of the manual
transformation process from the reference process to
project-specific plans, or for the way in which ref-
erence processes are currently applied. Siemens has
identified the following significant disadvantages of
their current approach:
Since the adaptation process for creating the
project-specific plans is not standardised, the
adaptation and the resulting plans depend largely
on the experience and preference of the perform-
ing expert. This leads to non-standardised plans
and can implicate poor process adherence.
Manual adaptation is time consuming and expen-
Due to missing a visualisation of the instantiated
software process, interpretations of the reference
process by project members are necessary. From
this follows that the perception and application of
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the process varies widely. This can reduce effec-
tiveness and efficiency of software projects.
Missing support of information technology in the
application of processes can result in cumbersome
and inefficient project management.
Decisions made during setup of the plans and in-
terpretations of the reference process by project
members are not documented and thus unrepro-
Due to missing standardisation, improvement of
the reference process as well as the adaptation
process is difficult to achieve.
Standardisation and support by information tech-
nology are desired for the instantiation of software
processes and their application in projects.
A survey with practitioners, namely project members
and consultants, was conducted at Siemens, in order
to find out how processes can be better applied in
daily work and how the issues described above can
be addressed.
In our project, we asked them how (from their
point of view) the application of processes in projects
can be better supported and how the reference process
has to be transformed to support their desired applica-
tion of processes.
Because of the complex domain and diverse per-
ceptions of ”perfect support in application of pro-
cesses”, we decided to use unstructured interviews
(Fontana and Frey, 1994) for questioning of individ-
uals and groups. They provide a good means to un-
derstand complex context without the limitation of a
predefined categorisation (Fontana and Frey, 1994) by
providing some structure through predefined areas to
be covered (Simmons, 2002).
On the basis of the information collected in the
interviews a New Software Engineering Framework
(NSEF) for improving the instantiation and applica-
tion of processes at Siemens is proposed (see Figure
Starting with a reference process, first a high level
instantiation is conducted, followed by a gradual de-
tailed instantiation. The result is a project specific
process which is implemented as process visualisa-
tion, project plan, workflow support and management
of project documents. The arrows leading back to the
instantiation indicate the iterative character of our ap-
proach. Iterative instantiation is proposed because it
Figure 2: NSEF - New Software Engineering Framework.
is hardly possible to completely define a project spe-
cific process already at the start of a project (Becker
et al., 1997). A main reason is the volatile nature of
software development. It may also be necessary to
adjust the process during projects to achieve optimal
performance (Williams and Cockburn, 2003). The ar-
row leading from the implementation to the reference
process symbolises the continuous improvement of
the reference process on the basis of lessons learned.
In the paragraphs below the components of the NSEF
are examined in more detail.
3.1 Reference Process
A reference process of Siemens will be used as the
main input for the instantiation stages of the NSEF.
Processes are modelled by using EPCs, extended by
associated FADs (Scheer, 2000).
3.2 Instantiation
High Level Instantiation. High level instantiation is
a first step towards a project specific software process.
It bases on project characteristics and information that
can already be defined at the start of a project and are
unlikely to change. Such characteristics can be e.g.
the size of a project (a small project will only use a
subset of the process) or required high reliability of
the software product which requires certain activities
to be added to the process. In other words, high level
instantiation is a first adaptation of the structure of the
process by e.g. cutting away unneeded parts, the se-
lection of pathways, the addition of objects or the du-
plication of sub processes. The latter is required if e.g.
the system to be developed is split up into the develop-
ment of subsystems. For every subsystem, instances
of sub processes are required. High Level Instantia-
tion can be rerun during the project in case charac-
teristics of the project change severely. Because the
adaptation decisions are predefined, they can be ap-
proved by Quality Assurance (QA) when they are de-
fined and can be applied without any further approval.
Tool support for their execution includes maintenance
of the consistency of the resulting process.
Detailed Instantiation. Detailed instantiation is
run frequently during the project for the upcoming
process activities. It comprises operations which can-
not be decided at the beginning of the project. The
number of activities which can be instantiated in de-
tail is restricted by the time span for which accurate
estimations of the future can be made and has to be
adjusted if unforeseen changes occur. Detailed instan-
tiation includes detailed resource allocation including
the assignment of persons to activities. Instantiation
decisions have to be supported by tools, documented
and approved by QA. Required tool support includes
ensuring consistency of the resulting process due to
the complexity and dependencies in processes.
3.3 Implementation of Instantiated
As already mentioned, the instantiated process is im-
plemented by a process visualisation, project plan,
workflow support and management of project doc-
uments. These components depend highly on each
other. Interaction can be accomplished by an inte-
grated solution or by a framework of tools. A ma-
jor requirement for an implementation is ensuring the
consistency of data.
Visualisation of the Instantiated Process. The
visualisation has to offer all information required by
project members for executing activities. This in-
cludes a description of activities, project members in-
volved in execution, links to documents and their sta-
tus as well as links to further information. The current
status of the project has to be tracked and displayed in
terms of executed activities which enables monitor-
ing of progress and easy navigation to the next activ-
ities to be executed. Links to the project documents,
project plan and to the workflow support have to be
Basic Project Plan. A project plan including ac-
tivities and associated work products has to be gener-
ated on the basis of the instantiated process. Links
from the project plan to the corresponding project
documents, activities in the process visualization and
workflow support have to be provided.
Support for Workflow Execution. Support can
be implemented by workflow-management-systems
(WFMS) for particular sub processes. They are ben-
eficial when several people are involved in a pro-
cess and the responsibility of execution of activities
is transferred frequently between them. These kinds
of sub processes are generally executed several times
during a project and often triggered by events. Exam-
ples are processes for defect and change management,
creation of specifications or reviews for milestones,
documents or quality gates. Users are informed what
they have to do and when. Links from the WFMS to
project documents, project plan and process visuali-
sation have to be available.
Management of Project Documents. The man-
agement of documents has to provide additional fea-
tures in comparison to common document manage-
ment systems. This includes manual access to project
documents which is necessary in e.g. follow-up
projects where a great deal of documents can be
adopted from the previous project.
3.4 Design Issues
The framework above describes the target situation.
Below we detail and reason which parts of the frame-
work have to be addressed.
Reference Process. The current form of the given
reference process has to be maintained and major
changes have to be avoided due to Siemens’s corpo-
rate policy and in order to enable portability of the
instantiation approach.
Instantiation. Concepts implementing the stipu-
lated high level and detailed instantiation have to be
developed and tool support implemented. Although
instantiation in our approach is split up in two distinct
stages, it is advantageous if both base upon the same
principles. The idea is to define high level instantia-
tion as an aggregation of detailed instantiation (i.e. it
is batch processing of basic operations that are exe-
cuted individually in detailed instantiation). The only
difference is that process adaptations in high level in-
stantiation are predefined, depend on the existence
of particular project characteristics and are only ex-
ecuted at the beginning of a project or when major
project characteristics change. The basic instantiation
operations comprise all operations which are neces-
sary to adapt a process to project specific needs. Ex-
amples are the deletion of activities, the selection of
pathways, the duplication of sub processes or the as-
sociation of process documents with files implement-
ing them. The approach of using the same principles
for both instantiation stages improves flexibility. If
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
for instance a particular adaptation operation is not to
be executed in high level instantiation any more, the
operation can be easily shifted to detailed instantia-
tion or vice versa. Because of the inherent complex-
ity, tool support for executing these basic operations is
essential. For instance the deletion of an activity has
an impact on other activities if an artefact is created
in the activity to be deleted and used in others.
Implementation of the Instantiated Process.
Commercial implementations supporting process vi-
sualisation, project plan, automation of workflows
and management of project documents exist. Selec-
tion of tools depends highly on personal preferences
of users and organisational policies. Therefore it is
not reasonable to develop implementations of the in-
stantiated process but rather let users and organisa-
tions choose tools fulfilling their personal require-
In conclusion, our work focuses on the develop-
ment of a two-staged instantiation process fulfilling
requirements derived from interviews with practition-
ers as described in section 3.2. Both instantiation
stages base upon the same principles to allow flexi-
ble handling of operations. Input for the instantiation
approach is a Siemens Reference Process in its cur-
rent form as described in section 2 and 3.1. The im-
plementation of the instantiated process is only con-
sidered if necessary for developing the instantiation
approach. Desired output of the instantiation is a pro-
cess with its structure adapted to project needs and
containing all information required for its application.
It can be used for the generation of a process visuali-
sation, a project plan, workflow support and for man-
agement of project documents.
Research in the field of instantiation and application
of software processes in projects is not new. In early
software process approaches it was thought that a per-
fect process can be developed which fits all software
developing organisations and all types of projects
(Boehm and Belz, 1990). In the eighties and early
nineties it was already recognised that no such pro-
cess exists (Osterweil, 1987) (Basili and Rombach,
1991). Instead, every project has individual needs
which have to be accommodated. Therefore, the de-
scription of the general solution (i.e. the software pro-
cess model) has to be adapted in order to be applica-
ble to individual problems. Early approaches to tackle
this issue followed in subsequent years. For instance,
Boehm and Belz (1990) used the Spiral Model to de-
velop project specific software processes. Alexander
and Davis (1991) described 20 criteria upon which
the best suiting process model for a project can be
selected. Since then many different adaptation ap-
proaches have been proposed and the need for adap-
tation of processes is recognised in industry shown
by publications about tailoring approaches in practice.
For instance, Bowers et al. (2002) describe a case of
project-specific adaptation of the agile software pro-
cess XP. Fitzgerald et al. (2000) detail tailoring a
generic process derived from the IEEE 1074 software
standard (IEEE, 1992) and from the V software life-
cycle model (Sommerville, 1992) at Motorola.
Although so many different approaches have been
developed for adaptation, none has become a de facto
standard so far. A reason for this is certainly the di-
versity of software development and the different un-
derstandings of the term software process. There-
fore a variety of concepts and technologies is used
in practice. Instantiation approaches depend on the
concepts and technologies which form the basis of
the software process. Even when the same tech-
nology is used, models can be based upon different
concepts. Therefore none of the existing instantia-
tion approaches can be directly used for instantiat-
ing Siemens’ reference processes. Nevertheless, ap-
proaches which define software processes similarly
(i.e. as a kind of workflow with tightly coupled ac-
tivities and artefacts) might contain techniques and
concepts which can be adopted and we now discuss
The Emergent Process Acquisition method (Jauf-
man and M
unch, 2005) creates a project specific pro-
cess by choosing the most suitable model from a
database and by adapting it further. The latter is done
by adapting the Meta model of the process by adding
and deleting attributes. The remaining attributes of
the process are instantiated. The focus is on mile-
stones and on activities and artefacts which have to
be executed and created for the milestone. Tool sup-
port focuses on the adjustment of the prescript to the
actually executed process by tracking the actually ex-
ecuted activities and by showing the delta between the
reference, the instantiated and the executed processes.
The instantiation approach of Yoon et al. (2001)
uses processes in the form of Activity-Artefact-
Graphs. Activities are connected by artefacts. Semi-
automated addition and deletion of activities and arte-
facts is possible as well as split and merge of activi-
ties. Furthermore, syntax checks are available helping
process designers maintain consistency when adapt-
ing a process. The approach cannot be directly used
for the instantiation of the given Siemens process, be-
cause the structure of the process used by Yoon et al.
is much simpler.
Due to the fact that the given software process
has many of the characteristics of workflows, work-
flow related techniques may also be used for instan-
tiation. Rinderle et al. (2004) compare approaches
supporting structural changes of running workflow in-
stances and developed their own approach (Reichert
and Dadam, 1998). Although these approaches differ
from the given model, considerations regarding main-
tenance of structural correctness and consistency can
be partly applied. This includes control, data and tem-
poral dependencies.
A project to improve Siemens’ current approach in in-
stantiating and applying software processes has been
put forward. Siemens’ software processes were in-
troduced and the current practice of instantiation and
application was described. Issues of the current ap-
proach were identified and a New Software Engineer-
ing Framework (NSEF) for improving the adaptation
and application of processes was proposed. Particu-
lar goal is the development of a gradual approach of
instantiating software processes. The approach distin-
guishes between high level and detailed instantiation
depending on the nature of the operation.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems