Removal of Unwanted Hand Gestures using Motion
Khurram Khurshid and Nicole Vincent
Laboratoire CRIP5 – SIP, Université René Descartes – Paris 5, 45 rue des Saints-Pères
75270, Paris Cedex 06
Abstract. This work presents an effective method for hand gesture recognition
under non-static background conditions and removal of certain unwanted ges-
tures from the video. For this purpose, we have developed a new approach
which mainly focuses on the motion analysis of hand. For the detection and
tracking of hand, we have made some small innovations in the existing meth-
ods, while for recognition, the local and the global motion of the detected hand
region is analyzed by using optical flow. The system is initially trained for a
gesture and the motion pattern of the hand for that gesture is identified. This
pattern is associated with this gesture and is searched for in the test videos. The
system thoroughly trained and tested on 20 videos, filmed on 4 different peo-
ple, reported a success rate of 90%.
1 Introduction
The detection and tracking of hand in a video sequence has many potential applica-
tions such as sign language recognition, gesture identification and interpretation etc.
But the aimed application here is to remove certain hand movements in video se-
quences that are undesired in the case of a video conference. For example influenza,
or scratching, are needed to be removed from video, as they are insignificant to the
actual video sequence.
Our work is basically focused around the analysis of hand motion and the identifi-
cation of some specific hand movements in a video. These specific unwanted portions
are subsequently removed from the video. In our case, we have tested our system for
the ‘scratching’ gesture which is scratching on face by the hand (see fig 3c for the
scratching sequence). All these scratching intervals are traced and removed from the
video. The method that we propose is robust and it works fine in a complex back-
ground. Overall the work can be divided into 3 stages namely detection, tracking and
lastly gesture recognition.
2 Related Work
A lot of research has already been done in the domain of gesture recognition and
there already exist various methods which are employed for that. For example, for the
Khurshid K. and Vincent N. (2007).
Removal of Unwanted Hand Gestures using Motion Analysis.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 231-237
DOI: 10.5220/0002435402310237
detection of the hand, the methods like skin color segmentation, edge detection [2],
and motion difference residue [1], are used. Using only skin color segmentation for
the detection of hand has a limitation, that the background cannot be complex and
cluttered. The method of motion residue detects all moving things in the video and
assumes that the object that moves the most is the hand. If something else moves the
most, then it will be wrongly identified as hand [1]. The main drawback of this
method is that if the hand does not move, it will not be detected. In our application
though, static hand has no significance.
For tracking of the hand, the frequently employed methods are Kalman filters[11],
particle filters and the condensation algorithm[5]. These methods use the prediction-
update framework. However, they need manual initialization and also they are unable
to indicate when the tracker is lost. Tracking is also done by the algorithm of Lukas
Kanade[7] but it is not preferred for the real-time applications due to its computa-
tional complexities[6]. Other methods include magnetic trackers[8,9] and glove-based
trackers but they need specialized equipment for tracking which is highly undesirable
in our application.
Hidden Markov Models [3] are mostly employed for the identification and recog-
nition of gestures. There is a separate model for each gesture. This approach is very
useful whenever the exact shape of the hand is required [4]. Else, this method is too
complicated. Neural networks [10] are also employed for the identification of ges-
3 Our Approach
We have divided the work into 3 broad stages. The first stage is the detection of hand
in a frame. It is done by employing a combination of skin color detection, edge detec-
tion, and the detection of movement in the video. In the second stage, the hand is then
tracked throughout the video using the trajectory justification algorithm. The last
stage is to analyze the movement of hand and classify this movement as either normal
or unwanted. This analysis is carried out using Optical flow. Motion vectors and
dominant phase are determined for the probabilistic hand area in each frame. This
dominant phase is coded and analyzed for each frame and the hand gesture is identi-
fied on the basis of this analysis.
3.1 Hand Detection
We insist on good detection of hand because if the detection of hand is good, tracking
becomes easier. Thus for this purpose, we employ a combination of methods namely
motion difference residue, skin color segmentation and edge detection. We find the
motion residue image, the edge image and the skin image and then do a logical AND
of the three to get an AND image. After that we label and identify the largest region
in the AND image.
Residue Image. In our system, the movement of the hands provides useful informa-
tion for their localization and extraction[2]. The motion detector can follow the mo-
bile objects by examining the gray level changes in the video sequence. Let F
(x,y) be
the ith frame of the sequence, then the residue image D
(x,y) is a binary image formed
by the difference of ith and (i+1)th frame to which a threshold is applied (figure 1a
Fig. 1. a) Frame F
b) Residue image D
c) Skin image S
with R>G>B d) S
using skin model
e) Edge image using Sobel f) E
after threshold.
Threshold is applied to get the mobile regions in front of complex background.
The threshold for the detection of movement is 0.2μ, where μ is the average luminous
of the captured image F
(x,y). We chose the factor weight = 0.2 as in [2] because we
do not need highly precise segmented image.
Skin Color Image. Skin can be identified using the color information in the frame.
Initially we used the simple constraint of R > G > B for skin detection, but it detects
many other colors apart from the skin as shown in figure 1c. So we devised another
approach for skin detection which is based on skin color modeling. The skin points
were manually obtained from training videos. Using these points, the mean skin value
and the skin covariance matrix were computed. We calculate Mahalanobis distance D
between the trained mean value “m” and each pixel x
, of the current frame that satis-
fies the condition of R > G >B.
= (x
We apply a threshold to this distance to get the skin region in the binary skin im-
age S
of frame Fi as shown in figure 1d. A threshold value of 3 was found to be ap-
propriate for our system. This approach shows a considerable improvement in the
Edge Image. As the arm region generally has less edges as compared to the palm
region, so edge detection becomes pretty useful for separating hand from the arm. We
apply Sobel edge detection [12] to find the edge image E
for the frame F
(figure 1e).
As we are not interested in very thin edges, we apply a threshold to remove those
extra edges (fig 1f). After experimentation, we found that 200 is an optimal threshold
value for this application.
AND Image & Region Identification. We find the logical AND of the 3 binary
images, i.e. the motion residue image, skin image and the edge image, and get a com-
bination image C (figure 4a).
(x,y) = D
(x,y) S
(x,y) E
This combination image consists of a large region in the palm area and some small
regions in the arm area. Now to identify the palm region, we use connected compo-
nents. We find the largest contour area and its center of gravity and then draw a
bounding box of fixed width and length which represents the hand region we were
looking for.
Fig. 2. a) AND image C
b) Largest Region identified.
As we don’t have any limitation oh a fixed background, we can allow small mov-
ing objects in the background. But if there is another object, of a similar color as that
of skin, and that moves more quickly, then the detection of hand can fail. Thus we
apply a motion smoothness constraint of hand for trajectory justification, to keep a
track of the hand area.
3.2 Hand Tracking
For tracking, we employ the Trajectory Justification Algorithm [2] in which the varia-
tions in the center of the hand in the video sequence are noted. We assume that the
hand moves at a smooth and somewhat constant pace. This allows us to set a Tracker
Limit for the center of hand, and this limit is checked at each frame. If the center of
the detected hand in the second frame is out of this limit (with respect to the center in
first frame) the tracking is stopped and the largest area within this tracker limit is
again identified in the second frame. If no candidate area is found within the limit,
then the center of the hand for the previous frame is maintained for this second frame.
Sometimes, there is some small error in the position of the detected hand and
thus, this identified region is not the exact true area of the hand. This is because the
position of the hand was initially found by employing the information of movement,
skin and edge. The extracted information is located on the border of the mobile ob-
ject. So, we need to make these small error corrections and position adjustments of
the detected region. For this, we obtain an AND image of skin and edge images. Now
close to the center of region already detected, we find a new center of the regions in
this image. We draw a bounding box of around this center and keep this new center
as a feature of hand for each frame.
4 Gesture Recognition
After the detection and tracking stages, we have a well defined hand region in each
frame. We also have the center of the hand as a primitive feature. Now we carry out
the motion analysis of this hand region (the core of this research) to identify certain
other features which characterize the gesture. These features include magnitudes of
motion vectors, phase histogram of the motion vectors and the dominant phase for
each frame. After that, we classify the motion of the hand using these features as
either being wanted or unwanted.
4.1 Motion Analysis
In the video, the most important thing for us is the movement of the hand. There are
two types of movements. Firstly, there is an overall movement of the hand in the
video and secondly there is some flexible movement of the fingers. We need to esti-
mate the motion field between two consecutive frames. The motion estimation is
based on the space-temporal intensity gradients of the image. This is known as optical
flow. We calculate the optical flow using Horn and Shunck algorithm [13].
Fig. 3. a) Phase histogram of frame Fi b) Phase coding compass c) Scratching sequence.
We analyse the phases of motion vectors of the region confined within the bound-
ing box. We find the phase distribution in 8 intervals starting from the first quadrant.
It gives us better chances of analysing the motion for gesture recognition. The phase
histogram (see figure 3a) is found for each frame. Because different fingers move
flexibly and independently, we get vectors in various directions. So for each frame,
we find a dominant phase. Dominant phase for a frame is the direction where most
number of vectors are directed. We have devised our coding scheme for the dominant
phase in which we have assigned each interval a code as shown in figure 3b.
We name this code as the dominant phase identifier and keep it as a feature of
hand for each frame. When a person scratches his face (figure 3c), the motion vectors
pass from 2nd and 3rd interval to 6th and 7th interval along with the motion of the
fingers. Thus these intervals are the principal focus of interest for us. We look for the
sequence of frames in which the dominant phase changes quickly from 2nd or 3rd to
the 6th and 7th interval.
4.2 Motion Classification
To find the sequence of the frames where the dominant phase changes quickly from
2nd and 3rd interval to the 6th and 7th interval, we make a plot of dominant phase
identifiers of each frame (figure 4). In this plot, we seek the areas where there are
sudden variations of the identifier from 2 to -2. We apply a condition that this interval
of scratching should be long enough for the person to scratch at least twice in one go.
After experimentation, we discovered that there are at least 8 to 10 frames between
the movement of the fingers from top to the bottom during normal scratching. Thus
we seek the area in the graph where this top-bottom identifier change model is fol-
lowed at least 4 times. This area represents the gesture which we seek. To check if
this movement is near the face, we obtain the location of face by using the basic skin
image and finding the largest component in that. When this identified movement of
hand is in front of the face, this is the required gesture.
Fig. 4. Identification of frames where the specific phase pattern of the gesture is found.
5 Experimental Results
During experiments, the subject is held under normal lighting conditions with non-
simple background. We can allow some small objects moving in the background that
will not be segmented as hand. For the results, videos were filmed on 4 different
individuals, 5 times each thus giving a total of 20 different videos to work with. Vid-
eos were filmed at a resolution of 320 x 240 using a normal webcam. The frame rate
was fixed at 20 frames/sec. Of these 20 videos, 4 (one of each person) were employed
for the training of the skin color model and also for the modeling of the movement of
hand. There are slight variations in the gestures because of different sizes of hands,
and also because each person makes the gesture in a slightly different way and at
different speed.
The results obtained using this approach are very encouraging (Tab1). 90% of the
times, the gesture was correctly identified in the video. This percentage for the
method of residue [1] is only 60%. Using skin color modeling also proved to be vital
as without it, the success percentage drops down to 75% showing that the method that
we employed for detection and tracking of the hand considerably improved the results
Analysis of the results reveal that the videos where the gesture was not correctly
identified were those in which the person did not make the gesture in a “correct” way
or made the gesture for extremely short duration.
Table 1. Success percentages of different approaches.
Experiment Correct identification Partially correct Success Percentage
Residue method
6 6 60%
Our Method
3 90%
Without skin model 9 6 75%
Region of interest
- 2
Phase identifier
6 Conclusion
We have discussed a method for the identification of an input hand gesture by em-
ploying a model based on the analysis of the hand motion. The detection and follow-
up of hand region is done using a combination of different existing methods to make
the system more robust. Analysis of the hand movement is done using the optical
flow. There is no limitation on the background to be fixed and noncomplex. We ap-
plied the system to identify the gesture of scratching on the face by the hand . The
training was made using a small sample of data and the results obtained were ex-
tremely satisfactory and encouraging. Currently it is tested only for this one gesture
but if we want to add new gesture to the system, we only have to add a new coding
model of dominant phase for that gesture.
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