Do Current HRIS Meet the Requirements of HRM?:
An Empirical Evaluation using Logistic Regression
and Neural Network Analysis
Stefan Strohmeier
and Rüdiger Kabst
Chair of Management Information Systems
Saarland University, Am Stadtwald 61
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Chair of Human Resource Management
Justus-Liebig University Gießen, Licher Str. 66
35394 Gießen, Germany
Abstract. Our paper examines the question whether major features of current
HRIS actually meet requirements of HRM. To do so, we initially identify major
features of current HRIS, discuss why these features may or may not meet re-
quirements of HRM and derive corresponding hypotheses. Subsequently, we
employ an international large-scale survey to test these hypotheses by combin-
ing logistic regression and neural network analysis. Our results draw a rather
positive picture of HRIS: If equipped with the right functionality and delivery
features current HRIS are able to meet requirements of HRM.
1 Introduction
The usage of Information Technology (IT) in Human Resource Management (HRM)
dates back to at least the 1950s [47]. Since that time, numerous innovations have
considerably changed the features of the respective Human Resource Information
Systems (HRIS) [1, 4, 9, 18, 23, 34, 35]. At present, conceptions like virtual or elec-
tronic HRM denote the latest phase of HRIS usage [31, 39, 43].
However, describing current HRIS is a rather complex task. Likely, current HRIS
are best understood as configurations of different interacting systems that aim at the
generation and delivery of HR functionality in order to automate and informate
HRM. The configurational aspect emphasises that current HRIS usually comprise of
several different interacting systems. Roughly categorized, back-end systems aim at
the generation of HR functionality, while corresponding front-end systems undertake
the delivery of these functionalities to different categories of end-users [43].
In the interim, numerous back-end systems for HRM are offered by a bulk of spe-
cialised vendor organisations. With solitary HR applications, integrated HR applica-
tions (that provide a broader range of HR functionalities) and/or enterprise wide ap-
Strohmeier S. and Kabst R. (2007).
Do Current HRIS Meet the Requirements of HRM?: An Empirical Evaluation using Logistic Regression and Neural Network Analysis.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems, pages 31-44
DOI: 10.5220/0002418500310044
plications (that integrates HR functionalities additionally with other organisational
functions such as production, sales or finance) there are three general varieties of
back-end systems [1, 11, 43].
Front-end systems then have to deliver the generated functionality of the back end-
systems to different categories of end-users. For this purpose increasingly web-
browsers can be used as general user interfaces of HR back-end systems [23, 30].
Combined with the delivery potentials of web-browsers, portal-technology addition-
ally enables a simple, unified and personalized access to all the heterogeneous back-
end systems and services any user group may need [44]. As a consequence, by com-
bining different back-end and front-end systems a multitude of different HRIS con-
figurations is imaginable. Each of these configurations then will offer a different set
of specific features that may (or may not) support HRM.
Abstracting from specific features, there evidently are some main features of cur-
rent HRIS that refer to functionality and delivery. Regarding the functionality pro-
vided by back-end systems, in contrast to mere operational systems of the past func-
tionality now can be considerably expanded into managerial areas and integrated with
other business functions [23, 43]. Regarding the delivery provided by web-based
front-end systems, new HRIS user groups such as managers, employees and appli-
cants can be opened up thereby offering completely new ways of organising HRM
[31, 43].
Acknowledging that these features represent major innovations with far reaching
implications for HRM, and additionally acknowledging that innovativeness of a tech-
nology does by no means imply its appropriateness, our paper explores to what extent
these features actually meet genuine requirements of HRM. Does the automation and
support of complex managerial HR functions such as selection and performance man-
agement really meet a requirement of HRM? Is the self-service based handing over of
HR functions to managers and employees (and hence to layman) really desirable and
required by HRM? Previous empirical research has described major features of HRIS
[3, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 37, 46], however, has barely considered the
current developments in functionality and delivery, and especially, has not evaluated
theses features against actual requirements of HRM.
We hence try to fill this gap and provide some answers. To do so, we firstly ana-
lyse the HRIS features under debate, discuss why these features may or may not meet
requirements of HRM and derive corresponding hypotheses. Subsequently, we em-
ploy an international large-scale survey to test these hypotheses by combining logistic
regression and neural network analysis. After presenting and discussing our results,
we finally attempt to derive some conclusions for future work.
2 Features of HRIS and Requirements of HRM
2.1 Functionality
That it is functionality of a HRIS that centrally matters to HRM seems to be a truism.
However, according to previous empirical research the functionality of HRIS was
rather restricted. For a long time operational functions - repeatedly mentioned are
payroll processing, employee record keeping and attendance administration - consti-
tuted the main functional focus of HRIS [3, 13, 21, 25, 32, 33] while there is only few
evidence of non-operational HRIS in the recent past [3, 24, 46]. Owing to the ongo-
ing technological development, meanwhile the offered functionality of packaged
HRIS components has considerably expanded. Besides operational functions more
and more managerial applications, comprising also “softer” and hence harder pro-
grammable functions are offered. At present, there are extensive systems for all core
HR areas, such as recruiting and selection [e.g. 10], compensation and benefits [e.g.
14], training and development [e.g. 48], performance management [e.g. 36] and HR
planning [e.g. 23]. For some time past, there is no function in HRM, which cannot be
supported by corresponding systems [9, 23]. This gradually occurring transition to a
comprehensive managerial functionality constitutes a first alteration that - at least
optionally - characterises a main newer feature of HRIS.
Concerning the requirements of HRM, the identified previous concentration on
operational functions is consistently perceived as insufficient. Research manifested a
dichotomy of “unsophisticated vs. sophisticated” [33], “administrative vs. strategic”
[46], “administrative vs. analytical” [27], “transaction orientated vs. decision support
orientated” [7] or “non-strategic vs. strategic” [24] functionalities of HRIS. Though
slightly different in terminology and in main focus, these set of opposing pairs ac-
cordingly refer to the gap between actually offered operational functions and desir-
able, but - at least until a shorter time ago - not available managerial functions of
HRIS. The emphasis on managerial HRIS functions is directly derived from core
ideas of HRM: Rather than merely administering existing workforce, HRM crucially
aims at the proactive management of employees so as to actively contribute to busi-
ness strategy and organisational performance [19]. Hence managerial functions, in
particular recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and
benefits, performance management and HR planning, are core activities of HRM [6].
As a consequence, managerial functions of HRIS are considered as particularly im-
portant. HRIS increasingly are seen as measures to support organisational strategy
and to contribute to organisational performance by not only automating managerial
HR functions, but in particular by creating relevant information. This information
shall enable comprehension and appropriate decisions leading to improved HR results
[7, 11, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 40]. Hence:
H1a: The implementation of managerial HR functions in HRIS will meet the re-
quirements of HRM.
Given this, the offering of operational functions constitutes an ordinary and by no
means innovative feature of HRIS. However, it would be precipitate to deem opera-
tional functions as obsolete. Though the contribution of operational HR functions to
organisational performance may be minor, they are nevertheless operationally neces-
sary. Payroll processing constitutes a plain example: Justifiably employees expect
their salaries and being lastingly incapable to ensure a correct and timely pay is a
worst case scenario to HRM. So as to avoid the harm as well as the costs of a manual
payroll, HRM of course needs operational payroll functionalities. Quite similar, op-
erational functionalities are frequently necessary to ensure compliance with national
legislation. For instance, a number of European countries require the online delivery
of income-tax relevant employee data for their revenue authorities, what is usually
accomplished again by payroll systems.
Hence, in comparison to managerial functions operational functions may be less
valued. However, HRM would badly miss operational functionalities if they were not
implemented. Hence:
H1b: The implementation of operational HR functions in HRIS will meet the re-
quirements of HRM.
As a further feature, current HRIS may be integrated with other organisational sys-
tems. This vision of an integrated Management Information System (MIS) is as old as
the organisational usage of IT. However, the complexities of its realisation have
caused numerous setbacks. Hence, rather than being integrated into the functions of a
general MIS, HRIS of the past tended to be isolated. In the interim however, there are
two major working approaches to actually integrate the functions of HRIS into a
general MIS [29]. Firstly, for more than a decade Enterprise Resource Planning Sys-
tems (ERP) offer possibilities. Based on a common integrated database usually nu-
merous modules for areas such as HRM, finance, production, sales and accounting,
with predefined interfaces are offered by a single ERP-vendor. HR systems, then, are
integrated into a general business concept of the corresponding system, which allows
cross functional data integration, business processes etc. [1, 11, 29, 40]. Additionally,
even if there are heterogeneous, apriori non-compatible systems, Enterprise Applica-
tion Integration (EAI) offers a second approach for integration. Based on inter-
application “middleware”, EAI applications serve as an integrative bridge between
the heterogeneous back-end systems of HR, other organisational systems and the
front-ends [29]. Besides specific EAI applications, portal systems increasingly dis-
pose of comprehensive EAI features as well [44]. Hence, external integration of func-
tions is a further, gradually obtainable feature offered by current HRIS.
This external integration directly corresponds with another core idea of HRM, i.e.
the coordination with other managerial functions in order to achieve a “fit” with cen-
tral organisational developments [2]. Integration features of HRIS allow the system-
atic coordination of operational as well as managerial HR functions with other organ-
isational functions. Concerning operational integration, e.g. HR cost data as results of
monthly payroll processing can directly be transferred to respective accounting sys-
tems. Concerning managerial integration, e.g. the production schedules of production
systems can be integrated with work scheduling in the HR.IS. The functional integra-
tion of the HRIS into a general MIS therefore offers a decisive measure for achieving
the often postulated “external fit” of HRM [2]. Hence:
H1c: The integration of HRIS functions with functions of a general MIS will meet
HRM requirements.
2.2 Delivery
Besides the mere functions especially novel kinds of web-based delivery of functions
have gained much attention [43]. Previously, functionalities were delivered to the
end-users via graphical or textual user interfaces. Since the advent of the World Wide
Web over a decade ago, HRIS can increasingly be accessed via web. Technically,
web servers enable HR back-end systems to deliver their functionality in terms of
HTML-sites that can be accessed by web-browsers as front-end systems. As a conse-
quence, web-browsers are increasingly used as the main user interface of HRIS [30].
Web-based delivery of functions is often associated with several advantages.
Firstly, browsers are common practice and end-users are accustomed to it. Browsers
offer graphical interfaces that are self-explanatory and easy to use. As its main advan-
tage however, access to back-end systems becomes ubiquitously possible. Functional-
ity can be delivered worldwide to any desired site of the organisation, but also to any
home office thereby enabling new possibilities of HR telecommuting. If combined
with portal technology, numerous and heterogeneous back-end systems and services
can simultaneously be accessed using a single sign on, based on a unified interface
and presenting personalised access. Users can easily switch between back-end sys-
tems without knowing the corresponding system, its navigation features etc. This
releases users from the burden of conventionally using numerous different systems
simultaneously and should lead to cost and time savings [23, 43]. These general de-
livery advantages as compared to conventional user interfaces should be valued by
HRIS users as well. Hence:
H2a: The delivery of implemented HR functions to HR professionals via World
Wide Web will meet the requirements of HRM.
However, really striking changes due to web-based delivery arise from the opening
up of new user groups, mainly line managers, employees and applicants. Clearly,
based on an elaborated user and rights administration, these groups could have gained
access to conventional HRIS as well. However, besides security considerations espe-
cially the handling of the systems proves to be uncomfortable for occasional users.
Hence, the user-friendly, ubiquitous delivery via web constituted the technological
breakthrough for inaugurating new actor groups to HRM.
Concerning the requirements of HRM, especially the connection of line managers
to HRIS corresponds with a conceptual characteristic of HRM: Denominated as “de-
centralization of HRM”, the participation of line management in HRM is discussed
since the 1990s. Such decentralization can be well supported by so called “manager
self-service”-features that enable managers to perform operational and managerial HR
functions related to their subordinated employees. Though initially not an explicit
demand of HRM, likewise employees themselves can be provided with web-based
access to HRIS. Besides rather operational tasks such as data maintenance or travel
authorizations requests also the composing of compensation options, choice of (web-
based) training measures etc. can be assigned to employees (“employee self-service”).
Restricted to recruiting and selection “applicant self-service” concepts are feasible
Taken together, such delivery features have introduced novel ways of organising
HRM. HR functions can be assigned to a network of spatially segregated and hetero-
geneous actors that are supported and coordinated by IT [31, 43]. Especially this kind
of delivery has led to mentioned general notations like electronic or virtual HRM
[34]. These possibilities of organising HRM should comprise opportunities, but pos-
sibly also threats for HRM. This transfer of HR functions to external actors may save
time and costs, avoid redundant work and enhance cooperation between HR stake-
holder groups. Therefore, HRM may be “liberated” [40] for more important activities
that support business strategy and organisational performance. However, this also
puts pressure on HRM to truly act strategic and truly support to performance. Other-
wise e-HRM may result in an unwanted downsizing of the HR department so as to at
least realise the promised rationalisations. Though comprehensive e-HRM concep-
tions may entail challenges to HRM, the positive aspects should prevail. Hence:
H2b: The delivery of implemented HR functions to line managers, employees and
applicants via World Wide Web (“e-HRM-features”) will meet the require-
ments of HRM.
3 Method
3.1 Sample
The data employed in our study stem from the repeating Cranet Survey, which con-
tains data on HRM issues of private and public organisations in over 30 countries.
Data are ascertained by research partners in each of the countries. Information is
gathered from the senior HR person in the organisation via a postal survey using a
comprehensive address list. The data is broadly representative with respect to the
industrial sector (using European Union’s NACE categorization) in each country. In
the 2004 survey over 40,000 questionnaires were sent out worldwide. With a re-
sponse rate of approximately 17% more than 7,000 organisations participated [see for
details 8].
We restricted our analysis to European countries (5,771 organisations in 22 coun-
tries). Given this subset we additionally sorted out the organisations that did not dis-
pose of an internal HRIS (1,054 organisations/18.2%). This resulted in a sample of
4,717 organisations. As described below, we used a combination of logistic regres-
sion and neural network analysis to analyse the data. To assess performance, neural
network analysis (and optionally logistic regression analysis too) requires a holdout
or test sample of usually 20% of the total sample [42]. We followed this convention
and randomly selected a test sample of 957, while using the remaining set of 3,760
organisations for logistic regression and neural network analysis.
3.2 Measures
As the dependent variable, suitability of the HRIS was measured using a 4-point
Likert scale which referred to the extent that the HRIS actually met the requirements
of HRM. HRIS that met the requirements entirely or to a large extent were coded as
1, HRIS that met the requirements only to a small extent or not at all received a 0.
The provision of operational and managerial functions was measured by the num-
ber of implemented functions. In accordance with previous research [e.g. 3, 46] “pay-
roll processing”, “time and attendance administration”, “employee record keeping” as
well as “health and safety” were taken as operational functions. Managerial functions
referred to the “major four” HR functions (“recruitment and selection”, “compensa-
tion and benefits”, “training and development” and “performance management”) that
were completed with two HR planning functions (“career and succession planning”
and “work scheduling”). To ascertain cross-functional integration it was asked,
whether or not the HRIS was integrated into a general MIS.
Delivery was measured corresponding to the respective user groups. Concerning
the HR professionals it was asked whether the HRIS offered web-based access or not.
Concerning the novel user groups of e-HRM, the extent of web-based delivery was
measured on a 6-point Likert scale (from 0 for HRIS without any web-based delivery
to 5 for HRIS that allow highly complex web-based transactions).
3.3 Data Analysis
The kind of actual relationships between HRIS features and the requirements of HRM
are unknown at present. In order to map also more complex relationships such as
interaction- and threshold-effects, we decided to follow suggestions of the literature
and use a combination of the established logistic regression and the rather novel neu-
ral network analysis [5, p. 259].
Besides some further advantages, neural nets can identify and map highly com-
plex, non-linear (but also trivial and linear) relationships between independent and
dependent variables. For this general strength neural nets are increasingly used as
statistical tools in multivariate research [5, 17]. Neural nets are best understood as a
computational structure, which connects independent variables with dependent vari-
able(s). To accomplish this, neural nets arrange the independent variables in an input
layer and the dependent variable(s) in an output layer. Subsequently one or more
intermediate layers with several processing elements (“neurons”) are constituted to
mathematically map the probably highly complex, non linear connections between
independent and dependent variables as good as possible [see for a detailed descrip-
tion e.g. 5, 17, 38, 45].
As the most common approach, we used the multi layer perceptron (MLP) [5, 17,
41, 42]. Previously, the task of determining the adequate number of layers and com-
putational elements (“network topology”) and the adequate computational character-
istics of the elements were left to trial-and-error approaches of researchers [17, 5].
Meanwhile, this can be delegated to algorithms that systematically test different net-
work topologies and computational rules and select the individually most suitable
configuration [41]. The MLP that provided the best results showed a 5-2-2 topology
(5 input elements, 2 intermediate layers with 2 elements each).
To determine the relative influence of input variables on the output variable(s) of a
neural net sensitivity analysis is suggested. Sensitivity analysis systematically varies
the input values and measures the averaged variation of output values [41]. Sensitiv-
ity values, however do not allow determining direction and strength of the effects.
Hence, the supposed combination with regression may help to interpret findings.
The most meaningful measure of network performance is the accuracy of its clas-
sification and hence the generalizability of results. The accuracy of prediction is de-
termined on the basis of the test sample, i.e. data that were not used for the creation of
the net [38, p. 249ff]. We hence tested the classification results of the MLP and com-
pared it with the classification results of logistic regression.
4 Results
4.1 Descriptive and Bivariate Results
Means (M), standard deviations (SD) and correlations between variables of the study
are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics and Correlations between Study Variables.
Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Managerial Functions 2.14 1.52 -
2. Operational Functions 2.55 0.94 .31** -
3. Cross-functional Integra-
0.38 0.48 .15** .12** -
4. Web Delivery (HRM) 0.19 0.39 .11** .02 .08** -
5. Web Delivery (e-HRM) 1.25 1.17 .22** .13** .12**
6. Suitability 0.62 0.48 .32** .23** .12**
* p < .05 ** p < .01
n = 4,717
Concerning the managerial functions, 96% of HRIS offered at least one managerial
function. This basically confirms the notion that HRIS are increasingly managerial
orientated. However, this transition seems to be rather a beginning trend since only
3% of systems showed the full range of managerial functions. 38% of the HRIS were
integrated into a general MIS. Only 19% of HRIS offered web-based access for HR
end-user, while surprising 75% showed some e-HRM features. Overall 62% of HRIS
met the requirements of HRM and hence were seen as suitable. All examined HRIS
features were significantly positive correlated to its suitability.
4.2 Multivariate Results
Results of the logistic regression analysis are summarised in Table 2. Fit statistic first
shows that the selected features are able to explain suitability to a certain degree. As
expected, the results confirm that functionality actually matters. Especially, manage-
rial functions were valued, while operational functions as well showed clear rele-
vance. Additionally, the integration with general MIS functions proved to meet the
requirements of HRM. Therewith, all functionality related hypothesis could be con-
firmed. Delivery features showed mixed results. Web-based HRIS access for HR
professionals does obviously not constitute an essential requirement of HRM. Hence,
hypothesis 2a has to be rejected based on logistic regression. Conversely, web-based
delivery to new actor categories was an obvious predictor of suitability, therewith
substantiating the role of e-HRM.
Table 3 shows the results of the MLP.
Table 2. Results of Logistic Regression.
B Fit Statistic
1. Managerial Functions -.414**
2. Operational Functions -.331**
3. Cross-functional Integration -.296**
4. Web Delivery (HRM) -.074
5. Web Delivery (e-HRM) -.183**
-2 Log Likelihood 1248.68**
Cox and Snell .133
Nagelkerke .182
McFadden .108
** p < .01 n = 3,760
Table 3. Results of the Multi Layer Perceptron.
Predictor Sensitivity Rank
1. Managerial Functions
0.443 (1)
2. Operational Functions
0.279 (2)
3. Cross-functional Integration
0.064 (5)
4. Web Delivery (HRM)
0.097 (4)
5. Web Delivery (e-HRM)
0.160 (3)
Estimated Accuracy: 70.36% n = 3,760
Interestingly, neural network analysis shows similar as well as variant results.
First, the importance of managerial functions could be affirmed. Managerial functions
showed the greatest influence for the classification results of the MLP found. Also,
operational functions definitively influenced the classification result. While being a
significant predictor in logistic regression, cross-functional integration of these func-
tions exerted only minor influence for the classification results of the MLP and was
actually the least important predictor of suitability. Given this, hypotheses 1c is de-
batable from an MLP perspective. Concerning delivery features, the MLP concurred
with logistic regression, since e-HRM features proved to have a perceptible influence
on suitability, while the influence of the web-based access for HR was rather unim-
Table 4 compares the classification accuracy of both methods based on the test
Table 4. Comparison of Classification Results.
Neural Net Logistic Regression
Overall Correct Classified 71.16% 70.64%
Suitability Correct Classified 82.23% 84.27%
Unsuitability Correct Classified 49.22% 43.61%
n = 957
The comparison shows that neural net analysis was only marginally better in gener-
ally classifying suitable and unsuitable HRIS. While the MLP showed some advan-
tages in classifying unsuitable HRIS, logistic regression showed some advantages in
classifying unsuitable HRIS. Taken together, concerning the results commonalities
between both methods prevail, while the documented advantages of neural nets due to
there ability to map highly complex relationships [see the overview of comparative
studies in 16, p. 8ff] could not be exploited in our study.
5 Discussion
Our study aimed at the question whether main features of current HRIS actually cor-
respond with HRM requirements. The results generally underscore that offered fea-
tures are valued and mainly do meet the requirements of HRM.
At first, the long demanded transition from operational to managerial HRIS can be
confirmed: Managerial functions are actually valued by organisations. However,
though our study generally underlines the trend towards managerial HRIS the main
focus of current systems is operational now as before. Given the confirmed relevance
of managerial functions on the one hand and the only gradually growing usage of
managerial HRIS on the other hand, this seems to indicate a latent usage paradox:
Particularly the functions that are the best predictors of suitability are only hesitantly
utilized. Hence, concerning the numerous organisations with sheer or rather opera-
tional HRIS there is a simple message: Since managerial systems are both available
and, according to our results, suitable for meeting the requirements, it should be vali-
dated if and to what extent a transition to managerial HRIS will improve service de-
livery and decision quality in the respective activities.
Additionally, as hypothesised organisations attach importance to operational func-
tions as well. Therefore operational functions of HRIS are by no means obsolete. In
particular the time-consuming character of operational tasks is an ongoing driver
towards automation. Operational HRIS functions are thus the most important “libera-
tors” of HRM.
Taken together, viewing operational HRIS functions as “hygiene factors” and
managerial HRIS functions as “motivators” may provide an appropriate understand-
ing of the respective importance and the mutual interactions of both areas. Ordinary
operational functions of HRIS now as before are necessary and will cause substantial
dissatisfaction if they are missing. However, managerial functions will increasingly
constitute the more important and more interesting field of upcoming technological
support for HRM. This dichotomy gives also a glimpse of future competition on mar-
kets for integrated HRIS software. Coming competitive advantages will rather be
based on the offered managerial functions, while viable operational functionalities
will be seen as a matter of course. Hence offering extensive operational functions will
organisations not motivate to purchase software, but not offering them, may lead to
the refusal of a solution.
Concerning the integration of HRIS functions into a general MIS, there was mixed
evidence. This brings about some debate. Since the MLP showed at least few contri-
butions to satisfy the requirements too, possible effects of cross-functional integration
of HRIS should not be precipitately rejected but further examined. A possible expla-
nation of only minor contributions - should this be a lasting result - may refer to level
inadequacies [26]. The advantages of a fully integrated MIS may not, or at least not
mainly, refer to the departmental level and hence to HR and other departments, but to
the general organisational level. It hence may be simply not adequate to ask whether
this feature meets departmental requirements. In any case, the suitability effects of
cross-functional integration of HRIS need further investigation.
Referring to delivery features, web-based access for HR end-users obviously were
plainly overrated by hypothesis 2a. Given that in the interim usually all HRIS tend to
be graphically orientated, easy to use and self-explaining, the additional delivery
advantage that provides ubiquitous access does obviously not correspond with the
requirements of HRM.
Conversely and interestingly, e-HRM obviously satisfies a meanwhile frequent re-
quirement of HRM. This pivotally substantiates the status that e-HRM has achieved
in the interim. Concerning HRM requirements, e-HRM seems to represent an interest-
ing case: e-HRM seems to only partially arise from preceding requirements. Espe-
cially manager self-service may be seen as an answer to the preceding HRM discus-
sion and practical claims concerning a decentralisation. An empowerment of employ-
ees and applicants, however, to rather independently perform HR tasks and make
decisions for themselves was not broadly discussed and claimed before. Hence, larger
parts of e-HRM seem to be rather a “technology push”- than a “demand pull”- phe-
nomenon. This by no means devalues such a requirement, since a lot of technological
innovations, ranging from cars to television, were not broadly required prior to their
invention. Taken together, e-HRM features of HRIS evidently are the second major
innovation besides the managerial functions. Hence again, organisations without or
without elaborated e-HRM should evaluate, if the further utilisation and expansion of
e-HRM may result in improvements of their work. In the same way, HRIS software
vendors that have paved the way for e-HRM can be assured to have initiated a trend
that actually appeals to practical HRM and is of lasting importance.
6 Conclusions
This paper aimed at an evaluation of major features of current HRIS against the actual
requirements of HRM. Based on conceptual work, a large scale-survey and the paral-
lel application of two methodical approaches two major findings could be revealed:
First, managerial functions of HRIS (if based on adequate operational functions) are
especially valued by HRM. Second, in addition web-based delivery possibilities to
new user groups were particularly appreciated. Taken together, our study generally
draws a rather positive picture of contemporary HRIS. If equipped with the right
features HRIS are able to actually meet requirements of HRM.
Our study, however, also shows limitations. Firstly, our study is limited to five ma-
jor HRIS features, while there are numerous other detail features. A refinement and
enrichment of examined HRIS features hence would provide a deeper understanding
and probably explain more “variance”. Secondly, our study implies a universalistic
perspective [12] by suggesting that all organisations show more or less the same re-
quirements concerning HRIS. On the very general level of examined features this
seems to be admissible. However, at least when refining the analysis, contingencies
are to be expected. If for instance not functional categories but single HR functions
are examined, the suitability of HRIS will necessarily depend on whether or not the
corresponding function is actually performed. Hence a contingent perspective seems
to be a necessary future improvement. Thirdly, we used a perceptional summary
measure of suitability. Future studies hence may analytically distinguish several re-
quirements and - given the common criticism - should use objectives measures wher-
ever possible. Fourthly, our additional application of neural net analysis did not pro-
vide significantly better results and additionally yielded a deadlock situation concern-
ing cross-functional integration. However, accepting that each multivariate method
shows specific strengths as well as weaknesses a methodical enhancement of tradi-
tional methods with neural nets now as before makes sense if complex, non-linear
relationships are to be expected. After all, commonalities of both methods prevailed
and hence stand for methodical robust findings concerning the other features.
Despite of these considerations the technologisation of HRM forges ahead and re-
search is well advised to keenly keep up with it.
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