Converging Systems Via Self-explaining Services
Thomas Bopp, Birger K
University of Paderborn, Germany
Thorsten Hampel
University of Vienna, Austria
Christian Prpitsch, Frank L
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Converging systems, webservices, mediation, knowledge organization, digital repository.
Webservice-based architectures are facing new challenges in terms of convergence of systems. By example
of a web service integration of a digital repository/library, systems of knowledge management in groups,
and learning management systems this contribution shows new potentials of flexible, descriptive webservices.
Digital libraries are understood in their key position as searching, structuring, and archiving instances of
digital media and they actively provide services in this sense. The goal of this article is to introduce services
suitable for everyday use for coupling different classes of systems. Conceptually, the requirements of a possible
standard in the area of convergence of knowledge management, digital libraries, and learning management
systems are discussed. The results are publish and search services with negotiation capabilities with a low-
barrier for adoption.
Mashups - the integration of different web-based ser-
vices and tools is one of the key challenges of our
modern information society - not only the Web 2.0 de-
velopment. Thus, a big challenge for the information
society lies in the combination and cooperation of dif-
ferent tools, systems and services. In this context ser-
vice oriented architectures (SOA) play an important
role and show that the understanding of computer sy-
stems as monolithic applications changes towards fle-
xible, multi-layered service infrastructures. The em-
phasis of such systems is the interaction between
different web-based services using established stan-
dards. A common base for interoperability are web
services that allow integration of services through an
asynchronous, web-based protocol (SOAP). Web ser-
vices are self-explanatory and offer functionality on a
high abstraction level.
A critical look on existing software architectures
however shows a different picture than the one des-
cribed above. Service-oriented architectures are used
within certain classes of systems, but there are only a
few interoperable services between different classes.
Most of these services offer one-way reading capabi-
lities (e.g. search services of Amazon and Google),
but do not allow to write (the state of the system is
not affected). On the other hand, if a system offers a
broad range of functions, it lacks mechanisms for a
flexible integration of those services, because there is
no standardized API for most systems. Therefore, the
idea of SOA respective web services allowing the fle-
xible and scalable integration of web-based services
is not achieved in todays architectures.
Starting from scenarios of interoperability (Bopp
et al., 2006) of digital repositories, knowledge ma-
nagement systems, and planning systems, we un-
derstand a digital repository as a persistent locati-
on for documents. The repository provides document
(search) and allows their storage (publish and archi-
Bopp T., Kühnel B., Hampel T., Prpitsch C. and Lützenkirchen F. (2007).
KNOWLEDGE-MASHUPS AS NEXT GENERATION WEBBASED SYSTEMS - Converging Systems Via Self-explaining Services.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 307-314
DOI: 10.5220/0002360003070314
ve). Our research project mistel deals with conver-
gence of systems and ways to establish new standardi-
zed web services between the system classes of know-
ledge management, digital repository and planning
system. The sample implementation connects DuE-
Publico, sTeam, and ELM, but our approach is not
bound to these specific systems. Moreover, we iden-
tified different requirements and restrictions to be ab-
le to incorporate as many systems as possible. The-
refore, it is important to interoperate on different le-
vels and to find the minimal common base for such
a connection. In this context for example a keyword
search serves as a minimum search capability a sy-
stem must offer for a service provider, as well as a
service client. In order to match the different capa-
bilities of the connecting systems we introduce a ne-
gotiation phase, which serves as an additional expla-
nation for web services. Based on the results of this
phase the service client may decide in which way it
contacts the service provider. Therefore, mistel crea-
tes a new unterstanding of web-based integration of
services which can be described as a mixture of low
level mashups and high level web service integration.
Our web services are flexible enough to communicate
different levels of interoperability. On the other hand
they are easy to use (such as mashups) to be integra-
tied in most application out of the knowledge mana-
gement/digital library domain.
The Web 2.0 movement is mainly identified by new
social ways of user-centred forms of semantic struc-
turing of web content. Here, tags and folksonomies
stand for social forms of contextualization and or-
ganization of the web. Simultaneously, a new gene-
ration of successful web based tools, such as Flickr,
YouTube, or MySpace implement the ideas of user-
generated content and show the user new possibilities
of powerful ways of interaction on the net (for exam-
ple rich-client user interfaces such as Flickr).
Even more important in our understanding is the
paradigm seeing an application or tool not as a sin-
gle application in web 2.0, but understanding web
based applications as flexible services. Unfortunately
this idea is so far only focused on a small number of
applications such as the above-mentioned tools. The
broad spectrum of existing E-Learning environments,
knowledge management, planning systems and digital
The term folksonomy is generally attributed to Thomas
Vander Wal.
libraries are still separated in its system classes with
only very limited and inflexible possibilities for mas-
Nevertheless, E-Learning-systems and infrastruc-
tures nowadays have reached a high standard. At
the same time, it becomes obvious that the interac-
tion between different classes of systems and an in-
tegration of other classes into an E-Learning-system
becomes the critical task of for the next generati-
on of cooperative tools on the web. In the exam-
ple of a university-wide infrastructure, E-Learning-
infrastructures span a number of service providers and
service-consumers, and are highly process oriented.
In this context various systems from study organiza-
tion, examination administration, to planning/ autho-
ring systems, and knowledge organization are invol-
ved. Here, digital repositories take a special role, be-
cause previously media as part of learning systems
was limited to the specific system. We see that the
above-mentioned idea of Web 2.0 as a mashup of dif-
ferent services and tools is not only limited to classi-
cal tools and services on the web nor is limited to new
business models for services on the web. The idea of
service integration is the crucial task for todays ser-
vice architectures, such as the architecture for organi-
zing knowledge as part of a university infrastructure.
The same ideas can be transferred to most infrastruc-
tures of larger organizations.
The mistel approach solves the problems of
knowledge-SOA from that end. With the new para-
digm of service oriented architectures there is the pos-
sibility of opening up digital repositories for new sce-
narios of use. In this context, the consequences of
a coupling between digital repositories and coope-
rative learning environments have to be explored. A
digital repository is regarded as a natural partner in
finding, structuring, and persistently archiving digi-
tal media. Previously, it has been shown by scenarios
(Bopp et al., 2006) how services of a digital reposito-
ry can be integrated into modern forms of cooperative
knowledge management. The focus of this integrati-
on lies in the combination of different systems in a
standardized way. Such a coupling must fulfil a num-
ber of requirements, mostly in the negotiation of the
provided services.
As part of the next chapter we will show how the
above-mentioned integration of different classes of
systems as a knowledge-SOA, a mashup of services,
is accomplished. Here, new forms of flexible web ser-
vices have to be developed.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The presented approach to interoperating systems as-
sumes a lose coupling of service-oriented architectu-
res. Its central service provider is the digital reposi-
tory/digital library, which provides access to docu-
ments and collections of documents. In this context,
we distinguish between single documents (standalo-
ne), derivatives of a document, and collections of do-
cuments. In general, documents are not isolated, but
there may exist connections between different docu-
ments. For example, one document might be a versi-
on of another document in a different language (this
is a derivative of the original document). Another ex-
ample are several HTML-document including images
and stylesheets, which all together describe a single
topic and thus can be considered a single document.
This is important, when searching for documents, be-
cause such a collection should be displayed as a sin-
gle search result. Moreover, it must be retrieved as a
whole, because of the dependencies between the con-
tained documents.
Starting with scenarios of inquiry, and publishing,
the search for documents should enable a user to find
appropriate documents, collections, and derivatives.
Thus, if there are several derivatives found of a do-
cument, the user must be able to identify those do-
cuments and choose one of them (for example in a
language the user is able to read and in a format that
can be processed). Technically, the system must al-
so be able to display collections of documents and to
import those documents as a whole.
Besides the digital repository/library, Learning
Object Repositories (LORs), Learning Management
Systems (LMS), Knowledge Management, and Plan-
ning Systems have been considered. Digital librari-
es are able to store any kind of document, but LORs
are focused on learning objects and often restricted
to a limited set of learning object formats and meta-
data formats (Neven and Duval, ). They are capable
of consistently extracting parts of SCORM-Learning-
Environments (Dodds, 2004) out of their contexts.
Searching for documents is usually done as a keyword
search, which is also the easiest method.
LMS differ from digital libraries/repositories by
their editing capabilities for learning objects. The or-
ganization in a LMS is typically hierarchical and can
technically be seen as a classification.
The requirement for providing standardized and
open interfaces is derived from the interconnection
and the task sharing of the participating systems. Even
a simple life-cycle of a learning-unit from creation
in the planning/authoring-system, transfer to a LMS,
and finally to archival storage in a digital reposito-
ry/library already shows a couple of required interfa-
ces. This also includes search functionality for finding
learning units in all those places.
Currently, there are only a few existing solutions,
which can be considered for interconnecting diffe-
rent classes of systems. The standardized import and
export is limited to the context of E-Learning with
SCORM (Edutella (Nejdl et al., 2002), Ariadne GLO-
BE (Simon et al., 2005), and ADL CORDRA (Rehak
et al., )), which is not suitable to transport any kind
of document. There are no standardized interfaces for
transferring documents between arbitrary systems.
The standard OAI-PMH (Lagoze and de Sompel,
2001) of the Open Archives Initiative defines how me-
tadata of digital repositories can be exchanged. Howe-
ver, an exchange of documents itself is not specified.
Moreover, it is not suited for usage within E-Learning,
because metadata formats like Dublin Core are not ap-
plicable because of missing didactic details.
Some digital libraries/repositories like Aleph (Ex
Libris), or the open source system DuEPublico offer
proprietary interfaces for distributed searching in se-
veral installations of these systems. These interfaces
are not appropriate for searching in different reposi-
tories, because they are arranged around the peculia-
rities of the specific system. Importing documents is
not possible with any of the described systems.
In conclusion, there is an absence of standardized
interfaces between different classes of systems. Exi-
sting standards are not adequate in terms of openness
for using them in the context of the three classes de-
scribed above. Thus, we can derive requirements to-
wards an open architecture: It needs to be independent
from the organization of documents within a reposi-
tory, and must not depend on a certain metadata stan-
dard. Moreover, it should be easy to implement and
be able to adapt to different requirements. Therefore,
it should be possible to describe the capabilities of a
The goal of our work is to achieve integration of ser-
vices between different systems, which obviously re-
quires a common basis. Here, the starting point is
searching through a digital repository with its docu-
ments. In contrast to other functions search is a pu-
blic service of a repository, which generally does not
require authentication of users (only for certain docu-
ments or areas).
1 illustrates the coupling of the different systems.
Self-explaining Services
Planning System
Digital Library
Publish, Archive
Learning Unit
Publish, Archive
Figure 1: Coupling Knowledge Management, Digital Libra-
ry and Planning System.
Initially, we identified the most important services
between the systems as publish, search, and archive
in the digital library. The only connection between
planning system and knowledge management is ex-
port/transport of learning units.
The integration of services was initially imple-
mented as a prototype to attain technical expertise and
test the first version of our specification. The followi-
ng substantial characteristics have been considered in
this first version:
Simplicity: The service needs to be simple in use
in order to integrate a large number of systems.
An extension of the functionality should be pos-
sible with different layers of complexity. A low-
barrier solution is very important for widespread
adoption of the specification.
Openness: Existing standards need to be conside-
red. This includes transmission protocols, encryp-
tion and compression methods, and metadata for-
Adaptability: If possible, the absence of certain
features should not result into the exclusion of a
system. In fact, a common base should be found
that enables communication between systems.
Technically, web services offer a basis for a loo-
se coupling of systems, which meets all the require-
ments described above. Especially, it must be pointed
out that the implementation of the services guarantee
the openness of the system and do not use any specific
functionality of any of the systems. The negotiation
between the system’s capabilities is the central qua-
lity of our approach. This includes the goal to gua-
rantee communication between service provider and
service requester by finding a common basis for the
participants. The solution for this is a meta service
which encapsulates different services and standards,
and provides additional information about the indivi-
dual services. This meta service handles the commu-
nication in three phases. In the first phase the service
requester connects and authenticates (the authentica-
tion is handled within the SOAP header).
Serviceprovider Client
for service
Session identifier
Create XML-
skeleton for
If necessary
request further
Using the
actual service
Using the
actual service
Figure 2: 3-phase communication-structure between client
and service-provider.
In the second phase the interoperability is negotia-
ted by examining the capabilities of the participating
systems. Finally, in the third phase a service is called
based on the interoperability observations from the
previous phase. The actual call of the service might
take several communication steps.
The negotiation and description of the provided
services takes place in the second phase. This is
characterized by an explain-function, which is simi-
larly part of the SRW specification (SRW, 2005).
The SRW-explain method solely describes the SRU-
Server, e.g. the Endpoint URL of the web service and
its port number, the supported SRW version, or the
name and description of the server. Unlike this proce-
dure, the explain method, which is introduced in this
article, is strictly related to the individual services. For
each of the provided services all parameters are des-
cribed by an XML description, which basically mat-
ches the syntax of a query for this service. For exam-
ple, a search query includes the format of the meta-
data for the result of the query and the classifications
used for searching.
The following figure 2 illustrates this 3-phase
communication pattern between the client, wanting to
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
use the service and the service provider. The descripti-
on and negotiation takes place in the second phase by
using an XML-skeleton as the exchange-dataformat
of the explain-method.
4.1 Search
As a common basis for the integrated services each re-
pository allows certain types of search queries. Usual-
ly, this includes the classical keyword search, which
is the easiest possible type of query in terms of usage
and implementation. Such a simple search does only
return unspecific results. Thus, it is advantageous to
support a simple syntax as well as one or more com-
plex query syntax.
In general, we have to distinguish between the
query which is send from the client to the service and
the result of this query. Both have to follow certain
specifications and standards. Therefore, a system has
to support different syntaxes for the query and meta-
data standards for the result. A well established stan-
dard for metadata is Dublin Core (Dublin Core Meta-
data Initiative, 2005), which only supports a small set
of metadata (simple DC) compared to LOM (IEEE,
2002). Therefore, it can be considered a simple stan-
dard, which is easily supportable by any application.
Moreover, it is possible to find a transformation from
the metadata of knowledge organization and planning
system to Dublin Core. Typically, a digital reposito-
ry uses much more metadata to describe a document
than other systems.
There are already a few existing standards for
search queries. For example, SRW (SRW, 2005) spe-
cifies searching for documents with paging and as-
sembly of the result. Our approach is to use such stan-
dards within our service layer and to offer several pos-
sibilities for searching, retrieving and publishing do-
cuments. Therefore, it is necessary to negotiate which
methods and standards to use when calling a service.
To start the negotiation process for the search-
function, the user’s client has to call the function ex-
plain which is provided as part of our mistel-web ser-
vice. The explain-function requires the name of the
function, the client wants to get information about in-
put parameters, e.g. search for the search explanati-
on. The code listing 3 shows the exemplary XML-
skeleton code that the client receives upon the call
of explain(
search). The XML response uses some
syntax expressions, which are freely adopted from the
XML Schema Definition (XSD). The code in listing 3
offers two different search methods (keyword or SRW)
which are encapsulated by the tag (method). Within
the method tags you will find tags for all necessary
parameters for the respective method. The choice tags
are derived from XSD syntax and mean that the client
can choose between the two different methods key-
word or srw. The attribute id denotes the name of the
tags, the choice should be applied to. The remaining
two attributes minOccurs and maxOccurs describe the
amount of tags the client has to choose. In the search
example, the choice tag for method has minOccurs=1
and maxOccurs=1 which means, that the client has
choose at least one method but also not more than
one i.e. exactly one of the two available methods. The
choice tag is always used when the client has the pos-
sibility to choose from different available options.
A keyword-search needs at least one keyword to
search for, which is wrapped by the query tag. This
tag has the attribute use=“required” which means the
client has to provide the information within this tag.
The following choice tag offers the different metada-
ta formats for the search result, that are available. In
the example the client has to choose exactly one of
the two possibilities. The block of querymeta is labe-
led by use=“optional” meaning that all information
grouped within this tag are not necessary. The optio-
nal information are the maximum number of results
(maxresults), the offset for the start of the resultset
(startresults), the direction to sort the results ascen-
ding or descending according to a given field (sort-
by) or a transformation stylesheet for displaying the
resultset (transformation). This stylesheet is determi-
ned by a specific URL, where it is stored. The second
method, the SRW-search only needs a SRW-query as
input, because all further information are encoded in
this query.
The whole explain-XML-code of the search-
method uses the textstring ### as a placeholder for
content, the client has to add to the marked places in
the XML-skeleton. A method getExplainPlaceholder
can be called to query this character string.
4.2 Publish
Despite the fact that there are a lot of different stan-
dards for searching documents, there is still no stan-
dard how to publish documents to digital repositories.
Due to that, we propose a method for publishing do-
cuments in this section which obviously has some si-
milarities to a search. For publishing, various parame-
ters have to be negotiated:
What should be published?
Where to publish it?
Which metadata describe the document?
Who publishes?
Metadata as well as the target are important for pu-
blishing and searching. Additionally the document to
Self-explaining Services
1 <s ear c h xmlns =" ht t p : //www . syst e mkonv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ice id =" m ethods " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs="1">
<method name=" ke y w o rd ">
<qu e ry u se=" required ">###</ quer y>
5 <c h o ice id =" c l a ssif i catio n s " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs=" u nbounde d ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n i d ="### " t y p e ="PATH " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs="1" />
</ ch o i c e>
<c h o ice id =" me t a datas " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<metadat a format =" dc " />
10 <metadat a format =" rdf" />
</ ch o i c e>
<qu erym eta use=" o p tional ">
<m ax r e s u l t s use=" o p tional ">###</ m a x r e s ul t s>
< s t a r t r e s u l t s us e =" opti o n a l ">###</ s t a r t r e s u l t s>
15 <c h o ice id =" sort b y s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1 ">
<s o r t b y o r d e r ="asc ">###</ s o r t b y>
<s o r t b y o r d e r =" desc ">###</ s o r t b y>
</ ch o i c e>
<t r a n s f o r m a t i o n use =" op t i onal ">
20 <c h o ice id =" lo c a tions " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<l o c a t i o n t y p e =" h t tp ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y p e ="soap - att a c hment ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i c e>
</ t r a n s f o r m a t i o n>
25 </ q uery meta>
</ method>
<method name=" srw ">
<qu e ry u se=" required ">###</ quer y>
</ method>
30 </ ch o i c e>
</ s e a r c h>
Listing 1: XML-Code of the explain for the “search”-method
Service: Keyword-Search
List of available classifications
for search
Metadata formats
List of available metadata-formats for the
Pagination-, sort- and
Service: SRW-Search
Only needs a SRW-Query
1 <s ea r c h xmlns=" http: // www. s y stem k o nver g enz . de ">
<c h o ice id =" m ethods " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs="1">
<method name=" ke y w o rd ">
<qu e ry u se=" required ">###</ quer y>
5 <c h o ice id =" c l a ssif i catio n s " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs=" u nbounde d ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n i d ="### " t y p e ="PATH " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs="1" />
</ ch o i c e>
<c h o ice id =" me t a datas " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<metadat a format =" dc " />
10 <metadat a format =" rdf" />
</ ch o i c e>
<qu erym eta use=" o p tional ">
<m ax r e s u l t s use=" o p tional ">###</ m a x r e s ul t s>
< s t a r t r e s u l t s us e =" opti o n a l ">###</ s t a r t r e s u l t s>
15 <c h o ice id =" sort b y s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1 ">
<s o r t b y o r d e r ="asc ">###</ s o r t b y>
<s o r t b y o r d e r =" desc ">###</ s o r t b y>
</ ch o i c e>
<t r a n s f o r m a t i o n use =" op t i onal ">
20 <c h o ice id =" lo c a tions " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<l o c a t i o n t y p e =" h t tp ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y p e ="soap - att a c hment ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i c e>
</ t r a n s f o r m a t i o n>
25 </ q uery meta>
</ method>
<method name=" srw ">
<qu e ry u se=" required ">###</ quer y>
</ method>
30 </ ch o i c e>
</ s e a r c h>
Listing 1: XML-Code of the explain for the “search”-method
Service: Keyword-Search
List of available classifications
for search
Metadata formats
List of available metadata-formats for the
Pagination-, sort- and
Service: SRW-Search
Only needs a SRW-Query
1 <s ea r c h xmlns=" http: // www. s y stem k o nver g enz . de ">
<c h o ice id =" m ethods " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs="1">
<method name=" ke y w o rd ">
<qu e ry u se=" required ">###</ quer y>
5 <c h o ice id =" c l a ssif i catio n s " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs=" u nbounde d ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n i d ="### " t y p e ="PATH " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs="1" />
</ ch o i c e>
<c h o ice id =" me t a datas " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<metadat a format =" dc " />
10 <metadat a format =" rdf" />
</ ch o i c e>
<qu erym eta use=" o p tional ">
<m ax r e s u l t s use=" o p tional ">###</ m a x r e s ul t s>
< s t a r t r e s u l t s us e =" opti o n a l ">###</ s t a r t r e s u l t s>
15 <c h o ice id =" sort b y s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1 ">
<s o r t b y o r d e r ="asc ">###</ s o r t b y>
<s o r t b y o r d e r =" desc ">###</ s o r t b y>
</ ch o i c e>
<t r a n s f o r m a t i o n use =" op t i onal ">
20 <c h o ice id =" lo c a tions " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<l o c a t i o n t y p e =" h t tp ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y p e ="soap - att a c hment ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i c e>
</ t r a n s f o r m a t i o n>
25 </ q uery meta>
</ method>
<method name=" srw ">
<qu e ry u se=" required ">###</ quer y>
</ method>
30 </ ch o i c e>
</ s e a r c h>
Listing 1: XML-Code of the explain for the “search”-method
Service: Keyword-Search
List of available classifications
for search
Metadata formats
List of available metadata-formats for the
Pagination-, sort- and
Service: SRW-Search
Only needs a SRW-Query
1 <s ea r c h xmlns=" http: // www. s y stem k o nver g enz . de ">
<c h o ice id =" m ethods " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<method name=" ke y w o rd ">
<qu e ry u se=" required ">###</ quer y>
5 <c h o ice id =" c l a ssif i catio n s " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs=" u nbounde d ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n i d ="### " t y p e ="PATH " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs="1" />
</ ch o i c e>
<c h o ice id =" me t a datas " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<metadat a format =" dc " />
10 <metadat a format =" rdf" />
</ ch o i c e>
<qu erym eta use=" o p tional ">
<m ax r e s u l t s use=" o p tional ">###</ m a x r e s ul t s>
< s t a r t r e s u l t s us e =" opti o n a l ">###</ s t a r t r e s u l t s>
15 <c h o ice id =" sort b y s " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1 ">
<s o r t b y o r d e r ="asc ">###</ s o r t b y>
<s o r t b y o r d e r =" desc ">###</ s o r t b y>
</ ch o i c e>
<t r a n s f o r m a t i o n use =" op t i onal ">
20 <c h o ice id =" lo c a tions " minOccurs =" 1 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<l o c a t i o n t y p e =" h t tp ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y p e ="soap - att a c hment ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i c e>
</ t r a n s f o r m a t i o n>
25 </ q uery meta>
</ method>
<method name=" srw ">
<qu e ry u se=" required ">###</ quer y>
</ method>
30 </ ch o i c e>
</ s e a r c h>
Listing 1: XML-Code of the explain for the “search”-method
Service: Keyword-Search
List of available classifications
for search
Metadata formats
List of available metadata-formats for the
Pagination-, sort- and
Service: SRW-Search
Only needs a SRW-Query
Listing 3: XML-Code of the explain for the search-method “search”.
be published needs to be transferred to the service of
the digital repository/library. In this context the for-
mat of the document is important: is it a single do-
cument without any further relations, a collection of
documents, or a derivative of an existing document.
The transfer of documents also needs negotiation
between the service provider and service consumer
about the supported protocols. There are several dif-
ferent protocols for document transfer including http,
ftp, webdav and soap. Again, those standards are used
within our services instead of inventing new techno-
logies for upload and download. Generally, we distin-
guish between push and pull of documents. The ser-
vice provider might download the document, which is
provided by the service consumer at some location, or
might provide a location for uploading the document.
A SOAP attachment is useful for publishing small do-
cuments, because this method lacks streaming func-
tionality. When a document is published it also needs
to be classified within the structure of the reposito-
ry. Information about the target system is required,
which explains the used classifications and metadata
formats. Then, it is possible to choose a classification
and metadata format.
In order to receive the XML-skeleton of the requi-
red parameters of the publish method, the client has to
call the explain method of the web service using the
parameter publish. The given listing 4 shows a possi-
ble example of a XML-skeleton received from the ex-
plain method. The structure is quite similar to the one
shown in listing 3 and also uses choice-blocks and use
In general, one can divide a publish process into
three different possibilities: adding a new document,
changing or overwriting existing document or dele-
ting one. These three options are grouped into the ac-
tions choice-block, whereas the minOccurs=0 indica-
tes, that no action is also allowed. This implies, that
the action of adding a new document is used as default
action. After that, the client has to specify the kind
of document he wants to upload. In the example he
has three different types (document, collection, versi-
ons) from which he has to choose exactly one. The
type document is used for a single file (e.g. a PDF do-
cument), whereas collection and versions stand for a
package of several files. The type collection should
be used for packages of files, that need a special con-
version or treatment on the server, because they con-
sist of different types of files (e.g. SCORM packages).
In contrast, versions should be used for packages that
contain different formats of the same file (e.g. a ger-
man and an english version of a document).
After that, the source block starts, that contains
all the necessary information about how to receive
the document that should be published. Most of the-
se information are of course required. The packaging
block provides the client with a list of available packa-
ging or compression formats that the server accepts.
Within the optional mimetype tag the client may add
the specific mimetype of the document he wants to
publish. The following choice block of locations gi-
ves a list all possible types of transportation that are
supported by the server and the client has to choose
exactly one and specify the location where to find the
document he wants to publish. Additionally he is able
to use the checksum tag to add a MD5 checksum to
test the data integrity after transfer.
The remaining tags are used to describe the pro-
perties the new document should receive in it’s new
environment after publishing it. Essential is that the
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
1 <p u b l i s h xmlns="http: // www . s yste m konv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ic e i d ="a c t i ons " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" a dd " />
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" delete " />
5 <a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" update " />
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="types " minOccurs=" 1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<ty p e>document</ type><ty p e>c o l l e c t i o n</ t y p e><ty pe>v e r s i o n s</ typ e>
</ ch o i ce>
10 <s o ur c e us e =" requ i r ed ">
<c h o ic e i d ="p a ckagin g s " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<packaging>z i p</ packagin g><pa c k a g i n g>t a r</ p a c k a g i n g>
</ ch o i ce>
<mimetype use =" op t i onal ">###</ mimetype>
15 <c h o ic e i d ="l o cations " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" http" method=" GET ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" soap - a t tachme n t ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="c h ecksums " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1">
20 <checksum a l g o ri t h m ="md5 ">###</ checksum>
</ ch o i ce>
</ so u r ce>
<name use =" req u i red "># ##</ name>
<c h o ic e i d ="m e tadatas " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
25 <metad a t a format =" dc">###</ met a d a t a>
<metad a t a format =" rdf">###</ m e t a d a t a>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" c lassi f icat i ons " minOccurs=" 1 " maxOccurs=" unb o unded ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n id =" # ## " t y pe =" ROOM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
30 </ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" p e rmiss i o ns " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs=" unbo u nded ">
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="r" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="w" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="x" u s e r =" ### " />
35 </ ch o i ce>
</ p u b l i s h>
Listing 3: listClassifiation for PATH
Add / Delete / Update
Specification of the operation
Distinction of the type
Currently in three different ones
Specification of the source
Packet formats
Supported formats
Mime-type of the document
Source of the document
Could be available as download or SOAP
For verification of a correct transmission
1 <p u b l i s h xmlns="http: // www . s yste m konv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ic e i d ="a c t i ons " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" a dd " />
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" delete " />
5 <a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" update " />
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="types " minOccurs=" 1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<ty p e>document</ type><ty p e>c o l l e c t i o n</ t y p e><ty pe>v e r s i o n s</ typ e>
</ ch o i ce>
10 <s o ur c e us e =" requ i r ed ">
<c h o ic e i d ="p a ckagin g s " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<packaging>z i p</ packagin g><pa c k a g i n g>t a r</ p a c k a g i n g>
</ ch o i ce>
<mimetype use =" op t i onal ">###</ mimetype>
15 <c h o ic e i d ="l o cations " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" http" method=" GET ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" soap - a t tachme n t ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="c h ecksums " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1">
20 <checksum a l g o ri t h m ="md5 ">###</ checksum>
</ ch o i ce>
</ so u r ce>
<name use =" req u i red "># ##</ name>
<c h o ic e i d ="m e tadatas " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
25 <metad a t a format =" dc">###</ met a d a t a>
<metad a t a format =" rdf">###</ m e t a d a t a>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" c lassi f icat i ons " minOccurs=" 1 " maxOccurs=" unb o unded ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n id =" # ## " t y pe =" ROOM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
30 </ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" p e rmiss i o ns " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs=" unbo u nded ">
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="r" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="w" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="x" u s e r =" ### " />
35 </ ch o i ce>
</ p u b l i s h>
Listing 3: listClassifiation for PATH
Add / Delete / Update
Specification of the operation
Distinction of the type
Currently in three different ones
Specification of the source
Packet formats
Supported formats
Mime-type of the document
Source of the document
Could be available as download or SOAP
For verification of a correct transmission
1 <p u b l i s h xmlns="http: // www . s yste m konv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ic e i d ="a c t i ons " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" a dd " />
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" delete " />
5 <a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" update " />
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="types " minOccurs=" 1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<ty p e>document</ type><ty p e>c o l l e c t i o n</ t y p e><ty pe>v e r s i o n s</ typ e>
</ ch o i ce>
10 <s o ur c e us e =" requ i r ed ">
<c h o ic e i d ="p a ckagin g s " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<packaging>z i p</ packagin g><pa c k a g i n g>t a r</ p a c k a g i n g>
</ ch o i ce>
<mimetype use =" op t i onal ">###</ mimetype>
15 <c h o ic e i d ="l o cations " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" http" method=" GET ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" soap - a t tachme n t ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="c h ecksums " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1">
20 <checksum a l g o ri t h m ="md5 ">###</ checksum>
</ ch o i ce>
</ so u r ce>
<name use =" req u i red "># ##</ name>
<c h o ic e i d ="m e tadatas " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
25 <metad a t a format =" dc">###</ met a d a t a>
<metad a t a format =" rdf">###</ m e t a d a t a>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" c lassi f icat i ons " minOccurs=" 1 " maxOccurs=" unb o unded ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n id =" # ## " t y pe =" ROOM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
30 </ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" p e rmiss i o ns " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs=" unbo u nded ">
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="r" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="w" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="x" u s e r =" ### " />
35 </ ch o i ce>
</ p u b l i s h>
Listing 3: listClassifiation for PATH
Add / Delete / Update
Specification of the operation
Distinction of the type
Currently in three different ones
Specification of the source
Packet formats
Supported formats
Mime-type of the document
Source of the document
Could be available as download or SOAP
For verification of a correct transmission
1 <p u b l i s h xmlns="http: // www . s yste m konv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ic e i d ="a c t i ons " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" a dd " />
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" delete " />
5 <a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" update " />
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="types " minOccurs=" 1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<ty p e>document</ type><ty p e>c o l l e c t i o n</ t y p e><ty pe>v e r s i o n s</ typ e>
</ ch o i ce>
10 <s o ur c e us e =" requ i r ed ">
<c h o ic e i d ="p a ckagin g s " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<packaging>z i p</ packagin g><pa c k a g i n g>t a r</ p a c k a g i n g>
</ ch o i ce>
<mimetype use =" op t i onal ">###</ mimetype>
15 <c h o ic e i d ="l o cations " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" http" method=" GET ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" soap - a t tachme n t ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="c h ecksums " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1">
20 <checksum a l g o ri t h m ="md5 ">###</ checksum>
</ ch o i ce>
</ so u r ce>
<name use =" req u i red "># ##</ name>
<c h o ic e i d ="m e tadatas " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
25 <metad a t a format =" dc">###</ met a d a t a>
<metad a t a format =" rdf">###</ m e t a d a t a>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" c lassi f icat i ons " minOccurs=" 1 " maxOccurs=" unb o unded ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n id =" # ## " t y pe =" ROOM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
30 </ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" p e rmiss i o ns " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs=" unbo u nded ">
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="r" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="w" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="x" u s e r =" ### " />
35 </ ch o i ce>
</ p u b l i s h>
Listing 3: listClassifiation for PATH
Add / Delete / Update
Specification of the operation
Distinction of the type
Currently in three different ones
Specification of the source
Packet formats
Supported formats
Mime-type of the document
Source of the document
Could be available as download or SOAP
For verification of a correct transmission
1 <p u b l i s h xmlns="http: // www . s yste m konv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ic e i d ="a c t i ons " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" a dd " />
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" delete " />
5 <a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" update " />
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="types " minOccurs=" 1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<ty p e>document</ type><ty p e>c o l l e c t i o n</ t y p e><ty pe>v e r s i o n s</ typ e>
</ ch o i ce>
10 <s o ur c e us e =" requ i r ed ">
<c h o ic e i d ="p a ckagin g s " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<packaging>z i p</ packagin g><pa c k a g i n g>t a r</ p a c k a g i n g>
</ ch o i ce>
<mimetype use =" op t i onal ">###</ mimetype>
15 <c h o ic e i d ="l o cations " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" http" method=" GET ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" soap - a t tachme n t ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="c h ecksums " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1">
20 <checksum a l g o ri t h m ="md5 ">###</ checksum>
</ ch o i ce>
</ so u r ce>
<name use =" req u i red "># ##</ name>
<c h o ic e i d ="m e tadatas " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
25 <metad a t a format =" dc">###</ met a d a t a>
<metad a t a format =" rdf">###</ m e t a d a t a>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" c lassi f icat i ons " minOccurs=" 1 " maxOccurs=" unb o unded ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n id =" # ## " t y pe =" ROOM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
30 </ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" p e rmiss i o ns " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs=" unbo u nded ">
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="r" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="w" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="x" u s e r =" ### " />
35 </ ch o i ce>
</ p u b l i s h>
Listing 3: listClassifiation for PATH
Add / Delete / Update
Specification of the operation
Distinction of the type
Currently in three different ones
Specification of the source
Packet formats
Supported formats
Mime-type of the document
Source of the document
Could be available as download or SOAP
For verification of a correct transmission
1 <p u b l i s h xmlns="http: // www . s yste m konv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ic e i d ="a c t i ons " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" a dd " />
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" delete " />
5 <a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" update " />
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="types " minOccurs=" 1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<ty p e>document</ type><ty p e>c o l l e c t i o n</ t y p e><ty pe>v e r s i o n s</ typ e>
</ ch o i ce>
10 <s o ur c e us e =" requ i r ed ">
<c h o ic e i d ="p a ckagin g s " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<packaging>z i p</ packagin g><pa c k a g i n g>t a r</ p a c k a g i n g>
</ ch o i ce>
<mimetype use =" op t i onal ">###</ mimetype>
15 <c h o ic e i d ="l o cations " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" http" method=" GET ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" soap - a t tachme n t ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="c h ecksums " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1">
20 <checksum a l g o ri t h m ="md5 ">###</ checksum>
</ ch o i ce>
</ so u r ce>
<name use =" req u i red "># ##</ name>
<c h o ic e i d ="m e tadatas " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
25 <metad a t a format =" dc">###</ met a d a t a>
<metad a t a format =" rdf">###</ m e t a d a t a>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" c lassi f icat i ons " minOccurs=" 1 " maxOccurs=" unb o unded ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n id =" # ## " t y pe =" ROOM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
30 </ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" p e rmiss i o ns " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs=" unbo u nded ">
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="r" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="w" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="x" u s e r =" ### " />
35 </ ch o i ce>
</ p u b l i s h>
Listing 3: listClassifiation for PATH
Add / Delete / Update
Specification of the operation
Distinction of the type
Currently in three different ones
Specification of the source
Packet formats
Supported formats
Mime-type of the document
Source of the document
Could be available as download or SOAP
For verification of a correct transmission
1 <p u b l i s h xmlns="http: // www . s yste m konv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ic e i d ="a c t i ons " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" a dd " />
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" delete " />
5 <a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" update " />
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="types " minOccurs=" 1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<ty p e>document</ type><ty p e>c o l l e c t i o n</ t y p e><ty pe>v e r s i o n s</ typ e>
</ ch o i ce>
10 <s o ur c e us e =" requ i r ed ">
<c h o ic e i d ="p a ckagin g s " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<packaging>z i p</ packagin g><pa c k a g i n g>t a r</ p a c k a g i n g>
</ ch o i ce>
<mimetype use =" op t i onal ">###</ mimetype>
15 <c h o ic e i d ="l o cations " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" http" method=" GET ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" soap - a t tachme n t ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="c h ecksums " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1">
20 <checksum a l g o ri t h m ="md5 ">###</ checksum>
</ ch o i ce>
</ so u r ce>
<name use =" req u i red "># ##</ name>
<c h o ic e i d ="m e tadatas " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
25 <metad a t a format =" dc">###</ met a d a t a>
<metad a t a format =" rdf">###</ m e t a d a t a>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" c lassi f icat i ons " minOccurs=" 1 " maxOccurs=" unb o unded ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n id =" # ## " t y pe =" ROOM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
30 </ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" p e rmiss i o ns " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs=" unbo u nded ">
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="r" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="w" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="x" u s e r =" ### " />
35 </ ch o i ce>
</ p u b l i s h>
Listing 3: listClassifiation for PATH
Add / Delete / Update
Specification of the operation
Distinction of the type
Currently in three different ones
Specification of the source
Packet formats
Supported formats
Mime-type of the document
Source of the document
Could be available as download or SOAP
For verification of a correct transmission
1 <p u b l i s h xmlns="http: // www . s yste m konv e rgen z . de">
<c h o ic e i d ="a c t i ons " minOccurs ="0 " maxOccurs="1 ">
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" a dd " />
<a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" delete " />
5 <a c t i o n i d ="### " o p e r a t i o n =" update " />
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="types " minOccurs=" 1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<ty p e>document</ type><ty p e>c o l l e c t i o n</ t y p e><ty pe>v e r s i o n s</ typ e>
</ ch o i ce>
10 <s o ur c e us e =" requ i r ed ">
<c h o ic e i d ="p a ckagin g s " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<packaging>z i p</ packagin g><pa c k a g i n g>t a r</ p a c k a g i n g>
</ ch o i ce>
<mimetype use =" op t i onal ">###</ mimetype>
15 <c h o ic e i d ="l o cations " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" http" method=" GET ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
<l o c a t i o n t y pe =" soap - a t tachme n t ">###</ l o c a t i o n>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d ="c h ecksums " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=" 1">
20 <checksum a l g o ri t h m ="md5 ">###</ checksum>
</ ch o i ce>
</ so u r ce>
<name use =" req u i red "># ##</ name>
<c h o ic e i d ="m e tadatas " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs=" 1">
25 <metad a t a format =" dc">###</ met a d a t a>
<metad a t a format =" rdf">###</ m e t a d a t a>
</ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" c lassi f icat i ons " minOccurs=" 1 " maxOccurs=" unb o unded ">
<c l a s s i f i c a t i o n id =" # ## " t y pe =" ROOM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
30 </ ch o i ce>
<c h o ic e i d =" p e rmiss i o ns " minOccurs ="1 " maxOccurs=" unbo u nded ">
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="r" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="w" u s e r =" ### " />
<p e rm i ss i o n gro up="### " i d ="x" u s e r =" ### " />
35 </ ch o i ce>
</ p u b l i s h>
Listing 3: listClassifiation for PATH
Add / Delete / Update
Specification of the operation
Distinction of the type
Currently in three different ones
Specification of the source
Packet formats
Supported formats
Mime-type of the document
Source of the document
Could be available as download or SOAP
For verification of a correct transmission
For the document
Metadata formats
Which are supported by the target system
For classifing the new document
For the new document on the target
For the document
Metadata formats
Which are supported by the target system
For classifing the new document
For the new document on the target
For the document
Metadata formats
Which are supported by the target system
For classifing the new document
For the new document on the target
Metadata formats
For the document
Metadata formats
Which are supported by the target system
For classifing the new document
For the new document on the target
Listing 4: XML-Code of the explain for the publish-method “publish”.
document acquires a name on the server. The client
is able to add a list of metadata information to the
published document and should add at least on classi-
fication from the given list. The value of the maxOc-
curs attribute is unbound, which means, that the maxi-
mum number of classifications is not restricted. Each
classification itself is also labeled with the bounding
attributes which might allow, that one type of classifi-
cation is used several times with different values. By
using the mistel web service, it is possible to get mo-
re detailed information about one classification type.
With the concluding choice block the client should
determine the permissions for the document. The ser-
ver lists all available permissions which are specified
by an unique ID, e.g. r, w and x and the client has to
set these accordingly to the desired state.
The focus of this paper is to give a good overview
of the proposed new mistel web service integrating
different classes of systems of the knowledge mana-
gement and digital library domain. Hence, we are not
able to present our sample application in great detail.
Currently we integrated the mistel web service in our
mediarena composer application, which is a powerful
cooperative knowledge management system (Niehus
et al., 2006) (see As
part of using this tool for the cooperative structuring
of so called virtual knowledge spaces users are able to
search for relevant documents in various digital libra-
ries directly from the mediarena application. As pro-
posed in this paper mediarena also allows the storage
of documents (e.g. learning materials) in the digital
library. Our first user experiences show that the seam-
less integration (reducing discontinutes in the use of
digital media) is a great success - even on a relatively
low level of supported search functionality. - As part
of the Web 2.0 movements mistel proves, that the fle-
xible integration of web-based services inflates a great
potential on user centred tools and services.
Melnik et al. choose a different approach to cou-
ple services of digital libraries (Melnik et al., 2000).
An infrastructure for mediation between the services
is used to translate the queries (in this case search-
queries) in order to make them understandable for the
service provider. Therefore, it is possible to couple a
client with various target systems, that use different
formats and protocols.
The eduSource Project (Hatala et al., 2004) fol-
lows the IMS DRI speficiation (Global Learning Con-
sortium, 2003) and in this context implements ECL
(eduSource Communication layer) as a communica-
tion layer. Besides this ECL protocol a gateway fra-
mework is provided to include existing protocols and
formats. Here, it is distinguished between different
layers, which include the communication protocol,
the query language (for example ECL or OAI), and
the metadata. These layers are basically quite similar
Self-explaining Services
to the different phases of negotiation described in this
This article describes the integration of different ser-
vices into a unified framework, which focuses on an
extended descriptiveness of the services. This enables
a loose coupling of services with negotiation about
formats and protocols. Our specification does not dic-
tate the usage of a specific standard, but suggests the
intersection of available metadata fields, query stan-
dards and classifications. In order to guarantee a com-
munication between service provider and service con-
sumer each service needs to support the most simple
methods like keyword search and simple Dublin Co-
re. On this basis interoperability is achieved between
services of different systems.
Apart from the negotiation capabilities of our ser-
vice specification, we introduced a method for publis-
hing documents. Minimum requirements are a small
set of metadata, the name of the document, and the do-
cument itself. The transfer of the document data is ac-
complished using standard protocols like http or ftp.
Furthermore, the metadata can be negotiated between
service provider and service consumer.
The combination of search and publish ser-
vices successfully enables a loose coupling of di-
gital libraries, knowledge management systems, and
planning/authoring systems. Technically, publish and
search is similar to exporting and retrieving docu-
ments. Thus, the minimum requirement of exchan-
ging documents is fulfilled with the described speci-
fication. With dynamic negotiation of communication
between service provider and consumer we also met
the requirements of simplicity, openness and adapta-
The project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft (DFG).
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems