Ehsan Jahangiri and Shahrokh Ghaemmaghami
Electronics Research Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Data Hiding, Steganography, Encryption, Multi-band Speech Coding, MELP.
Abstract: One of the main issues with data hiding algorithms is capacity of data embedding. Most of data hiding
methods suffer from low capacity that could make them inappropriate in certain hiding applications. This
paper presents a high capacity data hiding method that uses encryption and the multi-band speech synthesis
paradigm. In this method, an encrypted covert message is embedded in the unvoiced bands of the speech
signal that leads to a high data hiding capacity of tens of kbps in a typical digital voice file transmission
scheme. The proposed method yields a new standpoint in design of data hiding systems in the sense of
three major, basically conflicting requirements in steganography, i.e. inaudibility, robustness, and data rate.
The procedures to implement the method in both basic speech synthesis systems and in the standard mixed-
excitation linear prediction (MELP) vocoder are also given in detail.
The modern broadband technologies have
significantly improved the transmission bandwidth,
which has made the multimedia signals such as
video, audio and images quite popular in Internet
communications. This has also increased the need
for security of the media contents that has recently
gained much attention. A typical approach to the
issue is to provide secure channels for
communicating entities through cryptographic
methods. However, the use of encrypted signals over
public channels could make malicious attackers
aware of communications of secret messages. Such
attacks may even include the attempts for
disconnecting the transmission links through
jamming, in the cases that the plaintext is
To solve the problem arising with encryption,
steganography is employed that refers to the science
of "invisible" communications. While cryptography
conceals the secret message itself, steganography
strives to hide presence of secret message from
potential observers. Steganography is essentially an
ancient art, first used by the Romans against the
Persians, but has evolved greatly over recent years
(Kharrazi et al., 2004).
A typical representation of the information
hiding requirements in digital audio is the socalled
magic triangle, given in Figure 1, denoting
inaudibility, embedding rate, and robustness to
manipulation. Basically, there is a tradeoff between
these factors. For instance, by increasing the
embedding rate, inaudibility may be violated. This is
particularly more critical in audio, as compared to
image or video, because Human Auditory System
(HAS) is more sensitive to deterioration or
manipulation than the human visual system (Agaian
et al., 2005). This means that embedding rate in
secure transmission of audio signals is more
challenging than that of digital images.
Figure 1: Magic triangle for data hiding.
Most steganography techniques proposed in the
literature use either psychoacoustic properties of
HAS, such as temporal and spectral masking
properties (Gopalan and Wenndt, 2006), or spread
spectrum concepts (Matsuoka, 2006). Gopalan and
Wenndt (Gopalan and Wenndt, 2006) employed
spectral masking property of HAS in audio
Jahangiri E. and Ghaemmaghami S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 287-292
DOI: 10.5220/0002137102870292
steganography. They used four tones masked in
frames of the cover signal and, based on relative
power of this tones, achieved an embedding capacity
of two bits per frame that led to a maximum
embedding capacity of 250 bps. In (Gopalan, 2005)
Gopalan used the same strategy as that in (Gopalan
and Wenndt, 2006) in cepstrum domain.
Chang and Yu (Chang and Yu, 2002) embedded
covert message in the final stage of multistage
vector quantization (MVQ) of the cover signal.
Because most of signal's data is extracted in the
primary stages, embedding data in the last stage
makes no substantial perceptual difference. They
could embed 266.67 bps in the four-stage VQ of
Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP) speech
coding system, introduced by (McCree et al., 1997),
and 500 bps in the two-stage VQ of G.729 standard
coder (ITU 1996). The phase coding technique
proposed in (Bender et al., 1996) could embed only
16-32 bps. The echo-based coding algorithm
(Mansour, 2001) achieved an embedding rate of
about 40-50 bps. Ansari et al. (Ansari et al., 2004)
claimed reaching a capacity of 1000 bits of data in a
one-second segment of audio, using a frequency-
selective phase alteration technique.
In this paper, we propose a different approach to
high capacity data hiding that can embed a large
amount of encrypted message in unvoiced parts of
speech signals conveyed by a typical voice file, e.g.
a wav file. The proposed method exploits the noise-
like signal, resulting from a data encryption process,
to construct unvoiced parts of speech signal in either
a binary or a multi-band speech synthesizer.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. The
main concept of the proposed method is described in
section 2 and basic implementation of the method is
given in section 3. Section 4 addresses the multi-
band based implementation and section 5 is
allocated to implementation of the method in the
MELP coding model. The paper is concluded in
section 6.
The key idea in the proposed method for increasing
the hidden data embedding capacity is to exploit a
voicing-discriminative speech synthesizer, within a
high-capacity voice filing framework, to generate
cover signal. This releases a large data space in the
voice file that is used to accommodate the encrypted
covert message. The simplest structure for such a
speech synthesis system uses a binary excitation
model, in which each frame of the signal is
reconstructed by applying either a periodic pulse
train (for voiced speech) or a random sequence (for
unvoiced speech) to the synthesis filter (Chu, 2003).
In this basic coding scheme, the covert message is
converted into a noise-like sequence through
encryption, which is employed instead of a random
generator to excite the synthesis filter to produce
unvoiced frames.
The encrypting process attempts to remove
correlation between samples and makes ciphertext a
noise-like sequence. This can be achieved by using a
stream cipher, for instance, in which the ciphertext is
obtained from a simple function of exclusive-or
between plaintext stream and key stream (C=PK;
Figure 2). In the simplest form, Linear Feedback
Shift Registers (LFSRs), which satisfy Golomb's
criteria in one period, can be used to generate the
key stream (Beker and Piper, 1982). It can be shown
that if any bit of key stream occurs independently
with occurrence probability of 0.5 for bits 0 and 1,
the ciphertext is also an independent identically
distributed (i.i.d) stream with occurrence probability
of 0.5 for bits 0 and 1.
There are some tests proposed by National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in
order to determine randomness degree of a stream
cipher. Any stream cipher of a higher degree of
randomness can be more secure. Stream ciphers like
SNOW.2 and SOSEMANUK, both with key sizes of
128 or 256 bits, can provide adequate degree of
Figure 2: Stream cipher scheme.
Figure 3 shows block diagram of the basic
embedding method using a simple binary excitation
speech synthesizer. The hiding process is reversible,
such that the ciphertext can be extracted from the
cover signal at the decoder and is deciphered to
attain the covert message. In order to exactly recover
original plaintext, it is required to employ an error-
free encryption method associated with a reliable
extraction process. Using stream cipher in
encryption comes with the advantage of avoiding
error propagation that is of great concern here. This
is because encryption in stream cipher is a bit-wise
process with no feedback loops. Conversely, in
block ciphers, like AES, a flipped bit could affect
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
the whole ciphertext or the reproduced plaintext
depending on the mode of use (see Heys, 2001).
Figure 3: Block diagram of the basic embedding method.
To achieve a higher performance in both cover
signal quality and information hiding capacity, we
use a multi-band excitation (MBE) speech coding
system (Griffin and Lim, 1988), rather than the
binary excitation model mentioned earlier. The MBE
based vocoders resolve the complexity associated
with “mixed” voiced/unvoiced characteristics of
speech. Some speech coding algorithms based on
MBE, such as INMARSAT-M (Kondoz, 1994) and
MELP (McCree et al., 1997), substantially improve
quality of the synthetic speech, as compared to non-
MBE vocoders in low bit rates.
Figure 4: Data hiding based on multi-band speech
In an MBE coder, the excitation spectrum is
taken as a series of voiced/unvoiced (v/uv) bands
that are computed and arranged based on the original
signal spectrum for each frame of the signal (Chiu
and Ching, 1994). This allows each speech segment
to be partially voiced and partially unvoiced in the
frequency domain. Although there is basically no
limits to the number and patterns of v/uv bands, it
has been shown in (Chiu and Ching, 1994) that a
small number of v/uv bands can adequately
reconstruct a near natural and intelligible speech
signal. Many other findings in low-rate speech
coding confirmed this assertion (see e.g. McCree et
al., 1997).
Figure 4 illustrates an MBE based speech
synthesis system. We replace the excitation signals,
in unvoiced bands, with the ciphertext that conveys
the covert message. The embedding procedure is
reversible, such that the message can be recovered
from the synthesized speech by an authorized
receiver. More details are given in the next sections.
The procedure described here uses a binary
excitation model in an LPC (Linear Prediction
Coding) system to generate the cover speech, as
shown in figure 3. This is a simple, basic structure
for implementing the method, in which a frame of
speech is assumed to be fully periodic (voiced) or
entirely noise-like (unvoiced). In this basic
experimental model, the signal is sampled at 8 kHz
and is decomposed into 40ms frames (320 samples),
with 50% overlap, using a rectangular window. The
whole excitation sequence is then reconstructed
through an overlap-add procedure applied to all
voiced and unvoiced frames. This long excitation
sequence, of the same length of cover signal,
contains noise-like parts that are replaced by the
ciphertext of covert message.
The resulting excitation sequence in then
segmented into the same frame lengths, with 50%
overlap, which excite the synthesis filter constructed
using the coefficients calculated in the LPC analysis.
The cover signal, now containing the ciphertext, is
generated by an overlap-add procedure applied to
the synthesized speech at the output of the synthesis
filter. The resulting speech, called the stego signal
(sounds like cover), can be located in a typical voice
file, e.g. in wav format. It is to be noted that the
ciphertext remains detectable if the excitation signal
is constructed with an error less than one-half of the
quantization step in unvoiced frames.
The ciphertext detection process uses inverse
filtering in the LPC model to retrieve the excitation
signal. However, because one-half of successive
excitation frames are identical in our basic 50%
overlapped framing procedure, same parts are used
to excite j
and (j-1)
synthesis filters in the first
half of the j
frame of synthesized stego speech,
over the range of (j-1)×160n<j×160 (n is the
sample index). Hence, we can extract the first half of
the j
frame of excitation by inverse filtering of the
stego signal in this interval, using (j-1)
and j
synthesis filters, as:
where g(0)=0, a
=0, and a
, a
, g(j-1), and g(j)
are coefficients and gains of (j-1)
and j
synthesis filters, respectively.
The above-mentioned procedure can precisely
recover the excitation sequence. However, due to
finite register length of calculations in the employed
implementation platform, some errors may be
encountered. For instance, in MATLAB (64-bit
floating-point), the error between original and the
extracted excitation sequence is bounded by
something less than 0.5×10
. This error determines
the number of bits that we can allocate to each
sample of excitation signal in unvoiced frames,
which is calculated as:
< / 2 = X
/ ((2
-1)×2) (2)
where is the quantization step for unvoiced
excitation samples, X
is the quantization range that
is 1 here, and n is the number of bits per sample.
In no-quantization case of stego speech, we can
allocate at most 39 bits to each sample of excitation
in unvoiced parts. In a practical system, however, we
need to quantize the synthesized stego speech that
restricts us to lower number of bits allocated to each
unvoiced sample. In this basic experiment, we can
use a 16 or 32 bits per sample PCM signal in 'data'
chunk of a wav format file. As an actual example,
assuming that 25% of speech frames are unvoiced,
and allocating 8 bits per sample to unvoiced
excitation, we reach an embedding rate of
0.25×8×8kHz=16 kbps, in 8kHz sampling rate.
The basic embedding procedure, described earlier,
can be applied to an MBE based speech coding
system that discriminates periodic and noise-like
components of the signal in individual bands in
frequency domain. To demonstrate the method in
such a paradigm, we use a simple dual-band speech
synthesizer as the simplest MBE structure. It has
been shown that for the case of two excitation bands,
the lower frequency one is usually voiced while the
other is unvoiced. Thus in our MBE implementation
we embed covert message in upper frequency band.
An example of such a dual-band speech synthesis
system can be found in (Chiu and Ching, 1994).
Cover signal, sampling rate, overlap percentage and
frame length are all the same as those used in the
binary excitation experiment. However, unlike the
binary excitation system, in which we embedded
ciphertext in time domain, we embed DFT (Discrete
Fourier Transform) of ciphertext in unvoiced bands
in frequency domain. This is due to the MBE model
that is typically implemented in frequency domain.
The ciphertext is embedded in every other
frames, e.g. odd frames, to avoid ciphertext muddle
due to overlapping structure (50% overlap in this
case), where deterministic random sequences are
used to form unvoiced bands of even frames. Hence,
an authorized receiver can generate even frames,
reconstruct odd frames, and then extract
corresponding ciphertext from unvoiced bands, by
removing the overlapping effect. Average
embedding capacity in this system depends on the
mean of voiced/unvoiced transition frequency,
which we found to be about 2.2 kHz in a typical 4
kHz 2-band excitation system (Figure 5). This leads
to an embedding rate of 28.8 kbps for 8 bits per
sample encoding schemes.
Figure 5: Demonstration of margin frequencies between
voiced and unvoiced bands for frames of cover speech.
In general, the embedding capacity is given as:
××= )2(
, and BPS are sampling frequency,
average transition frequency in cover speech, and
the number of bits per sample, respectively.
This MBE based scheme can be generalized for
most MBE based speech synthesis systems with any
overlapping structure. The use of the proposed
method in a standard MBE based coding system is
described in the next section.
A block diagram of the MELP model of speech
production is shown in Figure 6. Periodic excitation
and noisy excitation are first filtered using the pulse
shaping filter and noise shaping filter, respectively.
Signals at the filters’ outputs are added together to
form the “mixed” excitation. In FS MELP (McCree
et al., 1997), each shaping filter is composed of five
31-tap FIR filters, called the synthesis filters, which
are employed to synthesize the mixed excitation
signal in the decoding process. Each synthesis filter
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
controls one particular frequency band, with pass-
bands assigned as 0–500, 500–1000, 1000–2000,
2000–3000, and 3000–4000 Hz. The synthesis
filters, connected in parallel, define the frequency
responses of the shaping filters. Responses of these
filters are controlled by a set of parameters called
voicing strengths; these parameters are estimated
from the input signal.
Figure 6: The MELP model of speech production
(reproduced from (Chu, 2003)).
By varying the voicing strengths with time, a
pair of time-varying filters results. These filters
decide the amount of pulse and the amount of noise
in the excitation at various frequency bands (Chu,
2003). Denoting the impulse responses of the
synthesis filters by
51],[ toinh
, the total
response of the pulse shaping filter is:
being the voicing strengths. The noise
shaping filter, on the other hand, has the response:
Thus, the two filters complement each other in
the sense of the gain in frequency domain.
Normalized autocorrelation and aperiodic flag
determines voicing strength of each band, which is
quantized with one bit per frame. During decoding
for speech synthesis, the excitation signal is
generated on a pitch-period basis, where voicing
strengths are linearly interpolated between two
successive frames. Thus, even though transmitted
voicing strengths in coded bit stream is 0 or 1 for
each frame, they have values in the interval [0,1]
between two frames during interpolation at the
decoder side.
In order to achieve a reversible embedding
process, generation of the pulse excitation (shown in
the upper branch of mixed excitation in Figure 6)
should be repeatable at the decoder by an authorized
receiver. Following encryption of covert message,
the DFT of ciphertext is embedded in unvoiced
excitation bands (
), where each unvoiced
band is multiplied by complement voicing strength
) of that band. By adding noise excitation, that
includes the DFT of ciphertext, to the pulse
excitation, we construct a mixed excitation signal to
excite the synthesis filter.
The only random variable in the pulse excitation
is the period jitter (see Figure 6) that is usually
distributed uniformly over the range of ±25% of the
pitch period to generate erratic periods, simulating
the conditions encountered in transition frames. The
actual pitch period to use is given as:
xjitterTT +=
denotes the decoded and interpolated pitch
period, and x represents a uniformly distributed
random number in the interval [-1, 1]. For voiced
frames, the value of jitter is assigned according to
jitter0.25, if aperiodic flag is equal to one;
otherwise, jitter0 (Chu, 2003). Thus, in order to
build a pulse excitation to be reproducible at the
authorized decoder, we generate a random but
deterministic x uniformly distributed over the
interval [-1,1]. This deterministic random sequence
can be the key stream of a stream cipher that the
authorized decoder has its initial key.
To attain ciphertext, we produce mixed
excitation by filtering the synthesized stego speech
by inverse filter of spectral enhancement filter, pulse
dispersion filter, and synthesis filter in cascade.
Subsequently, the mixed excitation is subtracted
from the pulse excitation signal, generated at the
authorized decoder side, to get noise excitation
signal that includes DFT of the ciphertext. Then, we
multiply unvoiced bands of the noise excitation
signal by inverse of related complement voicing
strengths to extract the DFT of ciphertext, which is
then computed using inverse DFT.
In generation of pulse excitation, we use 31-tap
FIR filters but, for generating the noisy excitation
signal, we embed the DFT of ciphertext in
determined frequency intervals, using a flat
frequency response filter, to make the ciphertext
detectable at the authorized receiver. By using this
embedding method and allocating 8 bits to each
sample of noisy excitation, it is possible to embed
approximately 20 kbps in a phonetically-balanced
TIMIT phrase as cover speech.
It is to be noted that, unlike most typical
stenography methods, there is no simple tradeoff
between embedding capacity, inaudibility, and the
quality of reconstructed speech in the proposed
method. Rather, structure of the coding system and
the multi-band excitation scheme designate
interrelation between these attributes. This is while
inaudibility is always guaranteed, if no statistical
restrictions are imposed on the pseudo-random
sequences employed to generate unvoiced bands.
In this paper, we have introduced a novel method for
hiding data in a cover voice file that can yield a high
data embedding rate. In this method, an encrypted
covert message is embedded in the unvoiced bands
of speech signal, encoded by an MBE-based coding
system, which leads to a high data hiding capacity of
tens of kbps in a typical digital voice file
transmission scheme. By using this method, it is
possible to embed even a larger than the host covert
message within the cover signal. The method also
provides an unsuspicious environment for data
hiding strategies, e.g. steganography, due to keeping
the statistical properties of the cover speech almost
unchanged. However, the ultimate chance for an
attack to the system to detect the message will
remain the same as that in a cipher system used to
encrypt a secret message.
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