ATC: A Low-Level Model Transformation Language
Antonio Estévez
, Javier Padrón
, E. Victor Sánchez
and José Luis Roda
Open Canarias, S. L., C/. Elías Ramos González, 4 - Oficina 304,
38001 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Dpto. Est., I.O. y Computación, ETSII, Grupo Taro, Universidad de La Laguna,
Camino San Francisco de Paula S/N, Campus Anchieta,
38271 La Laguna, Spain
Abstract. Model Transformations constitute a key component in the evolution
of Model Driven Software Development (MDSD). MDSD tools base their full
potential on transformation specifications between models. Several languages
and tools are already in production, and OMG's MDA is currently undergoing a
standardization process of these specifications. In this paper, we present
Atomic Transformation Code (ATC), an imperative low-level model transfor-
mation language which decouples user transformation languages from the un-
derlying transformation engine. Therefore work invested on this engine is pro-
tected against variations on the high-level transformation languages supported.
This approach can ease the adoption of QVT and other language initiatives.
Also it provides MDA modeling tools with a valuable benefit by supporting the
seamless integration of a variety of transformation languages simultaneously.
1 Introduction
In the past few years, Model Driven Software Development, MDSD has successfully
positioned as one of the most promising strategies in the future of software engineer-
ing [3]. OMG’s MDA [2, 7] is a MDSD approach to software development based on
models and aimed to provide automation through the various phases in the software
development process lifecycle. It follows several standards, which include MOF [9]
for describing metamodels, UML [10] for systems modeling and XMI [11], which
can describe UML models in the XML format and promote tools’ interoperability.
Model transformations in particular allow MDA to achieve automatic model evolu-
tion and code generation, and to generally increase productivity in software systems
development. Languages to express these transformations have been devised and both
commercial and open-source supporting tools capable of performing these activities
have been released and are already used in production.
The MOF 2.0 Query, Views and Transformations specification, QVT [8] is par-
ticularly relevant to MDA, as it is an attempt to standardize the activities related to
Estévez A., Padrón J., Victor Sánchez E. and Luis Roda J. (2006).
ATC: A Low-Level Model Transformation Language.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems, pages 64-74
DOI: 10.5220/0002472000640074
automated transformations between models. This specification will define automatic
ways to apply queries, obtain views and execute transformations on models.
Experience gained during the development and handling of our transformation
tool’s first version, the Business Object Adaptor, BOA [12], has helped us detect
several problems that we have solved in our new environment, which is now based on
metamodeling and elaborating transformations as opposed to the former procedure of
performing transformations in a single, monolythic big step based on XSLT tem-
The long-term goal we pursue is to develop a fully compliant MDA IDE, so the is-
sue of transformation standards affects us deeply. The topic we’ll discuss here is the
ATC model transformation language. It was born with the aim of shielding our im-
plementation work against changes in the specifications of those supported transfor-
mation languages, which inevitably change over time. Now it serves as the low level
ground upon which higher-level languages, including the ones that are to become
standards, will be integrated in our framework.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 briefly outlines the main characteris-
tics of the latest QVT-Merge group standard proposal. Section 3 details ATC and its
main components. Section 4 shows an ATC transformation syntax example. Section 5
further discusses ATC issues. In Section 6 related and future work are presented. We
end with the conclusions in section 7.
2 QVT-Merge Submission v2.0
In 2002, OMG opened the QVT standardization process with the publication of MOF
2.0 QVT-RFP. As many as 8 proposals were submitted by different organizations and
companies during the subsequent two years [6]. In time these organizations gradually
converged into one single group, known as QVT-Merge. When the third review of
this group’s proposal (version 2.0) [13] was published, the latest to date, the group
was already backed by almost every previous submitter in an effort to speed up the
standardization process. At the time of this writing, this third review of the submis-
sion of the QVT-Merge group has become the only proposed candidate for the future
QVT standard and it is expected that the final QVT standard will quite resemble, or at
least be derived from this proposal, so here we show some of its main features.
2.1 QVT-Merge Layers and Languages
The QVT-Merge proposal covers a thorough specification of three transformation
languages. The Relations and Core languages are declarative, and the Operational
Mappings is imperative.
The specification contains the abstract and concrete syntaxes and the semantics of
the three languages. Their detailed metamodels are shown in UML class diagram
notation, and concrete syntaxes are described in EBNF. Hybrid collaboration between
the imperative and declarative languages is also specified, along with supporting
mechanisms for black-box invocations (see figure 1).
The proposal describes steps to convert Relations instances into equivalent Core
syntaxes, which are lower-level. The idea behind this seems to be that compatible
tools need only interpret transformation definitions written in Core, as those specified
in Relations could be supported by compiling them to an analogous Core syntax.
Fig. 1. Description of the QVT-Merge Languages.
3 Introducing the ATC Language
Usually there is no freedom in the election of transformation languages inside tools,
since it’s hard if not impossible to use any other than the one they come with by de-
fault. This also means that while MDA consolidates a QVT standard, tools that opt to
give it support are expected to face a rather high amount of refactoring in some cases.
Our primary goal is to provide a tool based as much as possible on industry stan-
dards. This is why the pending QVT standard has become a serious problem for us, as
the election of supported transformation languages at release time is unclear.
In the meantime we’ve focused on coding parts that are not affected by the final set
of supported languages selected. For instance, the implementation of the lowest-level
model transformation mechanisms, and on the establishment of a management infra-
structure around models and metamodels. This was the first part of the work and what
has emerged from it is ATC and its related transformation engine.
ATC (Atomic Transformation Code) is a general purpose model transformation
language designed to operate at the lowest possible level of abstraction, so it is a
somewhat harsh, verbose language. Above ATC, those higher-level transformation
languages subject to receive support in our environment, will be accommodated
through compilation. They are channelled and integrated into our framework to reach
the ATC underlying transformation engine, named Virtual Transformation Engine
(VTE) by being parsed and compiled into a set of equivalent ATC instances. This is
why ATC must be Turing complete in the lax sense.
The engine VTE was created with the sole purpose of understanding and executing
ATC instances, which carry information about how to transform models, and it is
already being applied successfully in several projects.
There’s currently an implementation of ATC and VTE in Java over Eclipse and the
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) [4] platforms. Its architecture is depicted in
figure 2. Metamodels in this environment are described in terms of the EMF meta-
metamodel, named Ecore, and equivalent to MOF.
Relations to Core
Fig. 2. Architecture layering of a particular transformation environment involving ATC.
3.1 Elements of a Transformation Instance
An ATC transformation consists mainly of:
an arbitrary number of parameters which represent the participant models,
identifiers for their related metamodels,
a set of functional operations that store a hierarchy of semantic objects,
ATC atoms, the semantic objects in question, each with its own runtime state
Model parameters for a transformation can be read-only, modifiable or created
from scratch. Any sort of configuration is supported, such as a single existing model
to be modified, or a new one to be created from scratch, one-to-one or many-to-many
configurations, and anything that goes in-between.
Execution starts with the transformation’s main operation call. Like every other
ATC functional operation, main contains a body filled with atoms arranged sequen-
tially. Some atom types are designed to hold others inside, so finally we get a hierar-
chy of objects representing the whole ATC transformation information. Therefore it
is possible to base the persistence of an ATC transformation as a model serialization,
for instance, in an XMI format file, just like EMF does. Interoperability of ATC in-
stances with other tools will be granted as long as XMI compatibility is guaranteed.
Atoms check their state when executed to properly carry out their duties. For in-
stance, state information often tells the engine which model fragments are to be proc-
essed. Each atom represents a kind of indivisible byte code with a minimum degree of
abstraction, which is why we give it the atomicity condition.
3.2 Language Description
Currently the ATC metamodel contains over one hundred elements among enumera-
tions, data types and classes. As it is impossible to discuss them all here, we’ll sum-
marize a classification of the ATC element types.
Atomic Transformation Code
Virtual Transformation Engine (VTE)
ATC Expressions. A class identified as an atom type represents a particular atomic
transformation semantic unit. Each atom type inherits from a base class named Ex-
pression, which contains an abstract method with the following signature:
AtcExpression act(TransformationContext tc)
in the reference VTE implementation, which encloses the particular semantic infor-
mation that makes atom types distinct from each other. It usually comprises no more
than twenty lines of code. The tc parameter keeps track of contextual information,
which includes the local variable registry, the calling stack, as well as parameters and
additional runtime information the engine needs to execute the transformation accord-
Execution Flow. A list of expressions related with the execution flow include, but is
not limited to: AssignVars, Block, ExceptionThrow, FlowOpReturn, ForEach, GetOb-
jectsOfType, If, InvokeOp, InvokeTransformation, While. For instance, a Block atom
simply encloses a list of atoms to be executed sequentially. ForEach takes a data
collection as source, usually containing model elements, and traverses it to apply
certain actions (which can in turn be an InvokeOp or a Block carrying further atoms).
FlowOpReturn works similar to a return statement but its effect on execution flow is
Model Transformation. Atom types dealing with model handling and modification
include: CloneModelObject, CreateDataType, CreateModelObject, CreateModel,
GetStructuralFeature, SetStructuralFeature, and those that deal with the contents of
lists or other collection types, which are relevant for attributes with multiplicity > 1.
Query and Pattern Matching. Atom types for queries provide us with means to
organize data on models and reach particular model types: GetAllModelElements,
GetObjectsOfType, GetModelExtent. The last one delivers the root elements that form
a model fragment. Its state information includes the local variable identifier that refers
to the piece of model to be queried. Pattern matching is performed explicitly in ATC.
It can be achieved if we have means to apply reflectivity over model elements. ATC
comes with IsOfType, which can be programmed to either perform exact type match
or to detect subclasses of a particular model type.
ATC Specific Types. ATC comes with: Bool, Float, Int, String. Types in ATC also
subclass Expression, so their instances are also atoms, and as such, can become the
return value of an atom’s act execution. String atoms come enhanced to support com-
mon string operations. Among them we find upperization of selective parts, length
delivery and substring support. Null is a special ATC type that does nothing on its
own but can help us detect null assignments in local variables.
Arithmetic and Logical Expressions. Many atom types are built around the ATC
specific types. Most of them give support to arithmetics: Add, Subtract, Multiply,
Divide and Modulus, and logics: And, Or, XOr, Negate, Equals. These atoms deal
transparently with both the ATC types and the primitive types of the native language
in which the engine is programmed. Thanks to the Expression nature of ATC types
and this transparency, these operations can be chained to provide a single final result
from a group of combined operations without having to store partial results.
There are still other metamodel elements left, like those that are directly related
with the transformation itself: Transformation, ModelParameter, Metamodel, ...
4 Transformation Examples
We have built a compiler for the Operational Mappings language, which is currently
quite mature. Certain issues in its EBNF definition and several ambiguities found in
its syntax and semantics specification have been sorted out. Future modifications
made to the language will be incorporated in the compiler so it adjusts its output ac-
cordingly. Obsolete ATC instances will be recompiled. As long as the VTE engine
remains unmodified, any other high-level language already supported gets unaffected.
In this section, two small pieces of the Encapsulation transformation are presented
both in the QVT-Merge Operational Mappings language and its equivalent ATC
instances. To make things more interesting, we’ll show the ATC transformation defi-
nition version from the beginning.
4.1 Mapping Definition
Text in Operational Mappings.
mapping inout Property::privatizeAttribute () {
visibility := "private";
ATC Equivalent.
<atc:AtcTransformation xmi:version="2.0"
[...] xmlns:atc=""
<metamodels name="UML2">
<modelParameters name="uml2Model" dirKind="inout"
<ownedOperations xsi:type="atc:AtcMapping"
<formalParameters xsi:type="atc:AtcMappingParameter"
name="a" dirKind="inout" typeQualifNm="UML2::Property">
<mBody xsi:type="atc:AtcBlock">
<atcAtoms xsi:type="atc:AtcCreateDataType"
uml2/1.0.0/UML" dataTypeNm="VisibilityKind"
sourceString="private" targetId="localVar1"/>
<atcAtoms xsi:type="atc:AtcSetStructuralFeature"
ObjectId="a" stFNm="visibility"
<ownedOperations [...]
Explanation. The first example consists of the complete definition of a small map-
ping, where an enumerated type is generated and assigned to a UML2 attribute of a
Property instance, which represents the contextual parameter for the mapping call.
To keep things clean we have omitted the Operational Mappings’ trace information
that stores bindings created between model objects during execution, and that can be
queried later on during the same transformation. This information is embedded ex-
plicitly in the ATC transformation instances during compilation.
Metamodels are defined outside the transformation block. A metamodel is made up
of a list of URIs. They refer to Ecore packages in our case. In this example only the
URI of our UML 2 metamodel is present. Model parameters for the transformation
follow. We can identify the main operation as being the operation number 7.
Finally a full list with the transformation functional operations follows. Only pri-
vatizeAttribute is shown here. Its type is AtcMapping. During compilation, the con-
textual parameter has lost the privileged position it held in Operational Mappings to
become an ordinary parameter, the first in the list. The visibility assignment, which
spans a line in Operational Mappings, has ended up being a Block containing two
ATC atoms. None of them acts as a container for other atoms.
The first atom obtains a private instance of the VisibilityKind enumeration type.
The second atom will assign it to the visibility attribute of the Property instance,
whose name identifier is ‘a’. The ‘localVar1‘ variable identifier is used as a key in a
map of Java variables in order to store its associated value. It is the link established
between both atoms. The behaviour of AtcSetStructuralFeature is straightforward.
4.2 Mapping Call
Text in Operational Mappings.
var attrs := c.ownedAttribute;
attrs->map privatizeAttribute();
ATC Equivalent.
objectId="c" stFNm="ownedAttribute"
<atcAtoms xsi:type="atc:AtcForEach"
collectionId="attrs" elementId="localVar12">
<forBody xsi:type="atc:AtcBlock">
<atcAtoms xsi:type="atc:AtcInvokeOp"
Explanation. The first atom we see here, which is equivalent to the first line in the
Operational Mappings sample, defines a new variable, ‘attrs’, which represents the
list of properties belonging to a given class whose identifier is ‘c’. In the next line a
hidden traversal syntax takes place, so that the mapping invocation is produced over
every element in attrs. This syntax becomes explicit in ATC, as can be seen by the
localVar12’ temporary variable managed by the ForEach atom. The body for this
ForEach is merely the AtcInvokeOp invocation of the operation number 0, which
happens to be privatizeAttribute. ‘localVar12’ is the actual parameter identifier.
5 ATC Considerations
Imperative Nature. Declarative descriptions are often naturally found in transfor-
mation environments. Mappings are established between domain artifacts, and so on.
But at the end an algorithmic approach must be followed to reconcile all this informa-
tion in order to be executed by a machine, so our assumption is that it will be possible
to produce ATC explicit imperative representations of those algorithmic semantics.
The hard task of evaluating declarative expressions is left to the language compiler.
But even if the ATC-based engine is unable to match the execution speed of a direct
language supporting engine, we’ll have sacrificed performace in favor of a flexible
Multi-Language Tools. The capability for simultaneous support of different trans-
formation languages in the same tool is very interesting, provided it doesn’t bloat its
responsiveness and general performance. As there is no such language capable of
solving transformation problems in all kinds of situatios with complete flexibility,
power and ease of use, the layering principle allows focusing on the integration of a
wide range of high level languages at the hands of the architect in the same develop-
ment environment. Future adoption of new emerging languages will also be possible.
This diversity opens up the possibility for the joint collaboration of several trans-
formation languages in the sense of Domain Specific Languages (DSL) [5]. Reuse of
legacy transformation languages, which in turn can see their longevity increased, is
also interesting. Entire repositories of transformation definitions can be translated into
ATC versions and related metamodels created to assist them. This has to do with the
added value the framework earns each time new EMF metamodels are provided and
ATC transformations and transformation language compilers produced.
ATC Unfolding to Java Files. Previously ATC execution performance was penal-
ized because of transformations being model objects to be traversed and the act
method having to be invoked for each executed atomic unit. Other issues, such as
ATC’s specific types operation handling, like addition, primitive type assignment,
and several ones like variable declaration, comparison or execution flow control
checks, came into play to further introduce overhead and slow things down.
Recently we have started a new version for VTE. To keep efficiency at maximum,
one last compilation step is now performed, this time to unfold ATC XMI instances
into native plain Java code. Each functional operation is analyzed and the code asso-
ciated to each of its composing atoms’ types already available in the previous engine
version is sequentially dumped inside a method that represents the entire original
operation. Specific arrangements are made for each different processed atom type,
and loose pieces of code are glued together inside the overall method. The surround-
ing class becomes the transformation itself. References to metamodels are automati-
cally embedded in the code.
The outcome of this plain java class matches the structural aspect of the original
transformation definition, That is, as many methods are defined in the class as func-
tional operations are present in the original transformation instance. The transforma-
tion context is treated slightly different now. To spread useful runtime information it
just becomes an explicit additional parameter in every operation (including main).
This new mechanism not only considerably helps in boosting performance, but
now it’s easier to promote blind transformation and operation invocations (black-
box), once a contract has been established concerning how to access the entrance
point of the transformation and to choose models as actual parameters.
Support for QVT Requirements. We won’t discuss here issues about supporting
QVT recommended features such as traceability, bidirectionality and incrementality
in our framework. These are still open areas for investigation in our case, but we
expect the ATC language to be agnostic of these features, as support can be expressed
explicitly in its transformation instances (similar to the trace classes infrastructure for
Operational Mappings) or integrated in the environment through the VTE engine or
in parallel with it. This helps keep the language structure focused and compact.
6 Related and Future Work
Following the same low-level principle discussed for ATC, another transformation
language, ATL [1], has recently added an imperative virtual machine to its layering
architecture with a similar abstraction level but different treatment of core types.
Similar examples include the QVT-Merge language pair Relations vs Core. Concern-
ing transformation representations as model objects, the QVT-Partners [14] group has
an open transformation implementation based on the composition of semantical units.
As future work, it will be interesting to see how ATC is able to deal with the Rela-
tions and Core languages. A compiler for Core will soon start development. We also
expect support for other languages to be developed through other research groups.
For the moment, we don’t plan to port ATC and VTE to other underlying tech-
nologies aside from EMF and Java. We expect to be able to apply the MDA para-
digm, so when the ATC metamodel matures to include semantics (it is currently
hardwired in the engine), versions for other underlying technologies (such as MDR,
or C++) will automatically be generated. Other future challenges include exploring
migration issues about the integration of ATC and VTE implementations in foreign
MDA tools.
7 Conclusions
In this paper we have detailed the ATC model transformation language, its composi-
tion and set of instructions, and its underlying execution mechanisms. ATC is a low-
level, imperative language designed for model transformations and thus, not quite
user-friendly. We’ve also introduced VTE, its supporting transformation engine,
which doesn’t understand any other language and to which a plain java compilation
process has recently been added to enhance runtime performance.
We’ve discussed the role of ATC in the transformation tools as an intermediate
layer that assists in the integration of the common abstract transformation languages.
Integration of each language is achieved by means of a compilation module that pro-
duces semantically equivalent instances in the ATC syntax.
We consider the current QVT-Merge standard proposal a reference regarding high-
level transformation languages suitable for common use by transformation engineers.
Here its architecture has been depicted. A compiler for ATC specifically tailored to
translate Operational Mappings instances is already available. Two examples show
what ATC instances look like and how they compare to their equivalent high-level
language original syntax. We’ve also presented several other transformation lan-
guages each sharing certain similarities with ATC or with the transformation engine
We’ve described how the layered arrangement brings benefits to the unification of
a transformation tools’ architecture, with a single central engine able to give support
to many simultaneous languages. Newer and older languages can coexist in the same
environment and even complement each other. Finally this layering can help tools in
their adoption of the upcoming QVT standard.
This paper has been supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (PTQ2004-
1495) and the Fondo Social Europeo. We would like to thank IZFE (Diputación de
Guipúzcoa), the Excmo. Cabildo Insular de Tenerife and the DG de Universidades e
Investigación del Gobierno de Canarias, for their overall support of this work.
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