Anália Lourenço and Orlando Belo
Department of informatics, School of Engineering, University of Minho
4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Keywords: Data warehousing systems, ETL Processes, Agent-Based Computing, Data Processing.
Abstract: Today’s informational entanglement makes it cruci
al to enforce adequate management systems. Data
warehousing systems appeared with the specific mission of providing adequate contents for data analysis,
ensuring gathering, processing and maintenance of all data elements thought valuable. Data analysis in
general, data mining and on-line analytical processing facilities, in particular, can achieve better, sharper
results, because data quality is finally taken into account. The available elements must be submitted to an
intensive processing before being able to integrate them into the data warehouse. Each data warehousing
system embraces extraction, transformation and loading processes which are in charge of all the processing
concerning the data preparation towards its integration into the data warehouse. Usually, data is scoped at
several stages, inspecting data and schema issues and filtering all those elements that do not comply with
the established rules. This paper proposes an agent-based platform, which not only ensures the traditional
data flow, but also tries to recover the filtered data when an data error occurs. It is intended to perform the
process of error monitoring and control automatically. Bad data is processed and eventually repaired by the
agents, integrating it again into the data warehouse’s regular flow. All data processing efforts are registered
and afterwards mined in order to establish data error patterns. The obtained results will enrich the wrappers
knowledge about abnormal situations’ resolution. Eventually, this evolving will enhance the data warehouse
population process, enlarging the integrated volume of data and enriching its actual quality and consistency.
Information systems are the core of any
organization. Every event occurred within
organization’s environment is registered and
eventually processed. Information acts as a key
differentiator. Competing businesses use information
to grant customers’ attention, preserving their
market share. However, the value of information
depends on quality, i.e., data quality sets the trust
one can have on decisions made upon the available
elements (Hipp et al. 2001). In fact, decision support
systems inherited two main goals: to manage and
make available valuable elements for analysis, and
to ensure data quality of their contents through
adequate processing (Naumann 2001)(Guess 2000).
One of the intentions of data warehousing
stems is to provide adequate contents for data
analysis, ensuring gathering, processing and
maintenance of data elements that was considered
relevant. Data analysis, in general, and data mining
and on-line analytical processing facilities in
particular, can achieve better, sharper results,
because data quality is finally taken into account.
Data consistency, integrity and non-volatile are main
premises that are preserved at all cost.
However, the process of extracting, transforming
and l
oading data into the data warehouse is anything
less straightforward. The scenario is inherently
heterogeneous. Gathering every piece of information
that is available and thought useful brings along the
conciliation of different data models and data
schemas, as well as the usual single-source conflicts,
inconsistencies and errors.
This paper presents an agent-based approach to
e traditional Extraction, Transformation and
Loading (ETL) process that populates data
warehousing systems. The proposed platform not
only ensures the traditional data flow, but also
contributes to minimizing the loss of data. It
performs error monitoring and control automatically,
recurring to software agents. The aim was set on
assisting the process, learning from past experiences
Lourenço A. and Belo O. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 411-415
DOI: 10.5220/0002629604110415
and thus providing more knowledge to wrappers
about how to deal with abnormal data formats.
In order to accomplish this, a multi-agent
environment was conceived following the
specifications and directives of the Foundation for
Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA). The intention is
to turn the system as generic, standard, robust and
flexible as possible. Moreover, the system was
developed recurring to Java Agent DEvelopment
Framework (JADE), a FIPA-compliant facility that
delivers all basic features to the creation and
management of a system of this nature. Eventually,
this evolving will enhance the data warehouse
population process, enlarging the integrated volume
of data and enriching its actual quality and
2.1 An Overview
Data heterogeneity is an unavoidable problem within
data warehousing environments (Lee et al. 1999)
(Jeusfeld et al. 1998). By definition, the purpose of
these systems is to provide the most complete view
of the organization. The available data sources are
quite diverse and can range from conventional
database systems to non-conventional sources like
flat files, HTML and XML documents, knowledge
systems and legacy systems. Thus, reuniting all
distinct, available data elements and building up an
unified content becomes a necessity.
While merging data coming from distinct data
sources, several kinds of problems pump up. Besides
“normal” single-source problems, there are now
different data models and data schemas to take care
of (Rahm & Do 2000). The occurrence of different
categories of errors depends on the intervenient data
sources and, more important, on their heterogeneity.
The data quality of a certain data source largely
depends on the schema and integrity constraints that
control the permissible data values (Fox et al. 1994).
When we are dealing with sources without schema,
like flat files, the probability of occurrence of errors
and inconsistencies is very high as there are not set
any restrictions to the inputs. When sources are
governed by some sort of data model, like it happens
with database systems, part of the damage can be
2.2 Abnormal Data Formats
Abnormal data can be classified into the following
categories: incomplete data, incorrect data,
incomprehensible data, inconsistent data and schema
conflicts (both naming and structural).
Records or fields that are missing and that, by
design, are not being filled in, belong to the first
category. Wrong (although valid) codes, erroneous
calculations and aggregations, duplicate records and
wrong information compose the second one.
Incomprehensible data embrace situations like
multiple fields put in one field, weird formatting,
unknown codes and confusing many-to-many
relationships. Inconsistencies may appear at
different levels such as coding, business rules,
aggregations, timing and referential integrity.
Besides, it is not exactly a surprise that, sometimes,
different codes are associated to the same object or
that the same code assumes different meanings or
even, different codes have the same meaning, as
well as, there may be overlapping codes.
On the other hand, there are conflicts that
emerge from the schema rather than from the data
itself. Schema conflicts can be divided into naming
conflicts and structural conflicts (Doan et al. 2001).
Naming issues are related to the use of homonyms
and synonyms, i.e., when the same name is used for
two different concepts and when the same concept is
described by two or more names, respectively.
Structural conflicts appear as a result of a different
choice of modelling constructs or integrity
constraints, arising problems with existing types,
dependencies, keys along with behavioural conflicts.
ETL processes are quite complex. A real-world
system embraces a large number of programs,
temporary data repositories and mapping tables for
data transformation and key generation, among other
items. All these elements have to be very well
conciliated, preventing the occurrence of breaks
along the way and ensuring the data compliance
with the specified requisites. The implementation,
and implantation, of abnormal data situations
detection and control mechanisms demands for more
resources and an additional effort from the system’s
administrator. Typically, most detected error
occurrences have to be worked out by the
administrators themselves. Obviously, their primary
concern is to ensure the non-stopping flow towards
the data warehouse, without putting in risk the
quality and consistency of the repository.
2.3 Relevant Resolution Schemas
Data cleaning (also known as data scrubbing or data
cleansing) is a relative new research field (Maletic &
Marcus 2000) (Marcus & Maletic 2000).
Computationally, the process is very expensive,
requiring leading technology that was not available
till very recently. Researchers are only now
attempting to tackle issues like dealing with missing
data, determining record usability or resolving
erroneous data.
There are still many kinds of problems that have
no solution at sight. Not all kinds of errors can be
eliminated using automated tools and the
development of strategies is most of the times
dependent of the interests of the application areas.
Right now, data cleaning methods take care of five
major error categories: missing values, outliers,
inconsistent codes, schema integration and
duplicates. Missing values can be worked out using
a co-relation with another attribute, i.e., by finding
some rule between the attribute containing missing
values and another one to whom it is somehow
related. Another possibility is to determine an
adequate polynomial model capable of deriving the
missing values. Outliers are an issue a little bit more
complex. Almost all studies that consider outlier
identification are performed within Statistics and
follow one of the following strategies (Knorr & Ng
Integrat or
Extraction Transformation Loading
the calculation of statistical values (averages,
standard deviation, range), based on
Chebyshev’s theorem and considering the
confidence intervals for each field (Bock &
Krischer 1998) (Barnett & Lewis 1994);
the identification of the data patterns that apply
to most records, combining techniques such as
partitioning and classification;
the appliance of clustering techniques based on
the Euclidian distance (Miller & Mayers 2001).
Duplicates make their entrance during the merge
of different sources, and there are three algorithms
considered particularly suitable for large volumes of
data (Hernandez & Stolfo 1998) (Monge 1997)
(Hernandez 1996): the “N-gram sliding window”,
the “sorted-Neighborhood method” and the “domain
independent Priority-Queue algorithm”. Inconsistent
codes can be resolved by using a code repository.
The number of existing codes is quite small when
compared to the overall volume of data. Therefore, it
is feasible to prepare a hash table of codes, checking
each appearing code against the table’s entries and
verifying its correctness.
The proposed platform is intended to perform the
process of error monitoring and control
automatically, recurring to software agents (Jennings
2000) (Wooldridge & Ciancarini 2001). The usual
tasks performed in any given data warehousing
system stay and share now room with abnormal data
formats resolution tasks.
The aim was set on assisting the process, learning
from past experiences and thus, evolving wrappers
knowledge about abnormal situations’ resolution. In
order to accomplish this, a multi-agent environment
was conceived and modelled following the
specifications and directives of the FIPA. By doing
so, it is intended that the system is as generic,
standard, robust and flexible as it is possible.
Moreover, the system was developed recurring to
JADE, a FIPA-compliant facility that delivers all
basic features to the creation and management of a
system of this nature. Eventually, this evolving will
enhance the data warehouse population process,
enlarging the integrated volume of data and
enriching its actual quality and consistency.
Figure 1: The distinct abnormal data processors
As Figure 1 illustrates, each platform embraces
two different processing modules:
the usual tasks related to the data warehouse
the tasks involved in the abnormal data formats
In the particular case of the extraction platform,
there are two main software agent classes: the data
extraction agents and the error analysis and
treatment agents. The first ones are typical wrapping
programs that extract data according to pre-defined
user directives and execute error detection and
classification procedures. The analysis agents are
concerned with the abnormal situations notified by
the extraction agents. They manage these situations,
proposing possible solutions and elaborating reports
about the abnormal situations’ resolution attempts.
When a wrapper spots such a situation, i.e.,
detects a given piece of data that does not conform
to the established quality standards, the process is
deployed. If agents are able to recover the affected
data, data will move on to the next ETL stage.
Otherwise, the occurrence will be reported to the
analysis agents and it will be up to them to keep the
treatment process going. If they are able to solve the
error, data will be back on track and if not, data will
be discarded.
Figure 2: The main agents’ general procedures.
There are three main agent groups (Figure 2):
analyzers, solvers, and miners. Analysers inspect
data, spotting possible error situations and when one
pumps up, they send it to a solver agent. Actually,
the detected abnormal situations are checked against
the resolution rules (based on heuristics) of a solver
agent; if a analyser is capable, by itself, to solve the
issue, the work is done, recorded in the abnormal
situations reports’ database and, the correct data is
goes back to the analysis level (main data stream).
On the contrary, if a analyser is incapable of solving
the problem, it posts a help message to the rest of the
community and a record gives entry in the abnormal
situations reports’ database. If another agent has the
expertise to solve the case, the announcement will be
made. There will always be a report about the
abnormal situation and all the efforts that were taken
in order to repair it. These reports are stored in a
database that, from time to time, is mined, trying to
understand the occurrences. By doing so, it will be
possible to evolve agents’ knowledge bases towards
sharper detection and more skilled resolution.
Obviously, in order to sustain all these activities,
the agents have to be conveniently instructed,
through specialized knowledge acquisition
procedures. It is necessary to collect information
concerning the different kinds of errors that we what
to cover and the correspondent resolution schemas.
All this information is then integrated into the
knowledge bases of the analysis and solvers agents.
Moreover, the agents have to be instructed about
their communication patterns, i.e., they have to
know with whom they can talk to and when each
interaction situation is in order. This implies the
existence of a robust communication medium and an
adequate communication language, capable of
sustaining all inter-agent communication acts.
In this sense, the choice was to set a
communication model that stands over FIPA-
compliant messages (Figure 3) and the multi-agent
environment is integrated in the JADE facility (Pitt
& Bellifemine 1999), a middle-ware that complies
with the FIPA specifications and delivers a set of
tools that support the debugging and deployment
phase (Bellifemine et al. 2001) (Bellifemine et al.
1999). It allows the spread of the agents across
multiple platforms which is essential for this kind of
application area, as well as, supports the agents’
configuration control via a remote GUI. Moreover it
sustains distinct communicative acts and allows the
creation of ontologies according to the application
(request-resolution-schema-begin, // message type
['wrapper', '999.999-99-99'], // sender identification
'2003-06-01 14:00:00', // date
[('extraction-error-manager', '999.999-99-00')], // receiver identification
[('wrapper', '999.999-99-99')], // receiver for the answer
'FIPA-Based-ACL', // communication language
[resolution-schema-suggestion], // expected message
[(*'information-source', '*system', '*table', // message’s body
155,’*attribute3’, ’NULL’ )]
Figure 3. A wrapper’s message example.
However, resolving these kind of situations is
anything less straightforward. Sometimes, the local
abnormal situations’ manager has not enough
knowledge to work around the problem. When this
happens, the manager takes the initiative of posting
the wrapping problem to a “higher” manager, hoping
that this helping effort will permit data recovery.
This paper presented an agent-based platform that
targets both regular ETL process and abnormal data
formats identification and resolution within the data
warehousing scenario. The aim is set on optimising
the volume and more important than that, the quality
of the data that populates these systems.
Unquestionably, ETL processes are quite complex,
consuming a large amount of processing resources.
Data keeps evolving and new abnormal data formats
are always pumping in. It is no longer feasible to
sustain such a process manually, urging for
automatic monitoring and control tools.
The software agents are able to balance work,
setting specialised workers for certain tasks (such as
abnormal data formats recognition and repair).
Moreover, it is intended to learn from the past
experiences, evolving the cooperative work.
Therefore, each event is recorded in a database that,
from time to time, it is mined. The obtained results
will be studied in order to better understand the
abnormal data formats that are appearing and thus,
keeping up-to-date the wrappers and the solvers
knowledge bases.
This platform is a FIPA-compliant, JADE
sustained multi-agent system. It allows the spread of
the agents across multiple platforms, as well as,
supports the agents’ configuration control via a
remote GUI. Moreover it sustains distinct
communicative acts and allows the creation of
ontologies according to the application area.
In the future, new resolution rules for abnormal
data formats identification and resolution will be
integrated. Also, the other two platforms, concerning
the transformation and the loading stages of the
process, will be deployed in a similar way.
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