Erki Eessaar
Institute of Informatics, Tallinn Technical University, Raja 15,12618 Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: knowledge management, reuse, patterns, Pattern Management System, reuse repository.
Abstract: Patterns allow division of knowledge in
to manageable pieces. It is necessary to develop Pattern
Management System (PMS) in order to effectively use patterns. In this article components of PMS are
proposed. PMS uses metadata about patterns and database of patterns to guide management of patterns.
Textual descriptions of patterns and models what specify pattern are stored in the database of patterns.
Reuse is a practice that uses existing knowledge to
solve problems. Patterns permit division of
knowledge into manageable and reusable pieces.
Knowledge about the problem, its context and
solution can be written down as a pattern.
Researchers have proposed repositories of
ble software components (Gaedke & Rehse,
2000), (Sugumuran & Storey, 2003). Authors like
(Halaris & Geroupoulus, 1996) and (Backlund &
Jonasson, 2002) have stressed that patterns can be
used during all the phases of Information System
Development (ISD) Process and therefore Pattern
repository is needed.
Author’s goal is to develop Pattern Management
m (PMS), which would allow creation / storage
/ modification / classification / search of different
types of patterns. It could be used for example
during ISD. PMS could also assist development of
methods for ISD (Method Engineering). According
to (Baskerville & Stage, 2001), information systems
development practitioners invent, combine and adapt
fragments of methods to a development situation
rather than wholly adopt published methods. It is a
process that is similar to the usage of patterns.
PMS must support current and evolving
andards, for example Pattern and Component
Markup Language (PCML), which describes among
other things metamodel of patterns.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows.
n 2 introduces architecture of PMS. It mostly
concentrates on the structure of database. Section 3
summarizes and points to the future work with
current topic.
(Marco, 2000) describes meta-data management
systems (MDMS) what help to collect and use
information about the structure of information
systems, processes that occur in the information
systems and parties that use these systems. (Marco,
2000) predicts that bidirectional metadata
architecture will evolve in the future where “meta
data is changed in the meta data repository and fed
back into the meta data's original source." (Marco,
2000, p. 311) Author of current article suggests that
PMS should be one additional component of
MDMS. For example logical and physical data
models can be created using the assistance of PMS
and then changes can be automatically made in the
databases based on them.
This article proposes architecture of Pattern
anagement System (PMS) what uses relational
database to store patterns data. PMS should have
web-based interface so that developers around the
world could use this.
2.1 Description of patterns
Description of patterns consists of two equally
important portions:
Structured textual descriptions. For example
description of the problem, context where the
problem occurs and solution to the problem.
Models that complement textual descriptions,
describing the problem, solutions to the problem
and also examples of pattern usage.
Models present more structured view to the
omain than descriptions in natural language and
therefore they provide better base for searching
Eessaar E. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 655-658
DOI: 10.5220/0002617106550658
patterns. Models can be created for example using
the CASE tools what have capabilities to save
models as XMI files. Information from these files
could be loaded to the database of PMS. For
example (Hay, 1996) describes universal data
models, which can be starting point for the
development of logical data models and are actually
patterns. It is possible to search model-fragments
using database queries if information about entities,
relationships and attributes is stored in a database. If
model element is found, then it is possible to search
other model-fragments and their associated
documentation, what contain the same or
semantically similar element. For example if user
decides that database must contain information
about persons and organizations then we can find
other patterns what reference to the entity “party” or
its subtypes. It helps to find new requirements to the
2.2 Main components of PMS
Architecture of PMS consists of following basic
Meta layer, which allows management of meta-
data about patterns. It will be used to guide
queries and changes in the database, because this
layer manages information about the structure
elements of patterns, pattern types and
corresponding database objects.
Pattern layer, which enables management of data
of actual patterns and objects what are associated
with them.
Pattern management will be performed using the
meta-data about patterns. For example user must
select pattern type for the registration of pattern.
Program will identify its structure elements (name,
problem, context etc.) based on selected type and
will generate user interface for the registration of
pattern. Program saves data about patterns to the
relational database based on the mapping between
pattern structure elements and corresponding
relations and attributes in the database. Next the
main functional subsystems of PMS will be
2.2.1 Main functional subsystems of PMS
Subsystem for managing meta-data of patterns. It
permits definition of the structure elements of
pattern description styles and construction of the
styles using predefined elements.
Subsystem for pattern management. Its main
functions are creation, modification, search and
evaluation of patterns and pattern languages. It
must also be capable to extract and load model
information from XMI files to the database.
Subsystem for managing opinions of users about
Supporting information management subsystems
for managing information about objects with
which patterns have associations.
2.2.2 Sub-components of PMS database
Next the sub-components of PMS database will be
1. Registers of patterns meta-data
Each pattern has description style. Logical structure
elements and domains are the building blocks, which
are used for the construction of the description
Register of logical structure elements of pattern
description styles where data about structure
elements and their attributes is registered.
Structure elements are for example "context",
"forces", "problem", "solution", "positive
consequences of pattern usage", "negative
consequences of pattern usage", "examples".
Attributes could be for example "description"
and "summary".
Register of domains. Author suggests that each
attribute has domain in the context of pattern
description style. Domain describes the rules that
apply to this attribute in the context of the style:
a) Data type of the attribute.
b) Is the value of the attribute required?
c) Is the value of the attribute unique among other
patterns? For example name of the pattern
should be unique.
d) What is the default value of this attribute?
e) Other constraints to the values of the attribute.
Register of description styles of patterns. Each
style consists of set of logical structure elements.
Appropriate domain from register of domains is
associated with each attribute of logical structure
element. System must also permit creation of
new styles based on existing styles. One
important fact (multiplicity of element) what is
registered about association of structure element
and style, determines amount of values what can
correspond to this structure element in the real
pattern. For example each pattern can have one
base name but many alias names, forces or code
Register of metamodels, which describe
elements of the model types. For example class
diagrams and collaboration diagrams illustrate
and explain patterns of object-oriented design.
Metamodels determine the structure of database
where models will be stored.
Register of physical structure of patterns
database. It contains information about relations
and their attributes in the database where
components of patterns are kept. Central relation
in the database of patterns is called “Patterns”. It
contains one tuple for each pattern, which is
stored in the database of patterns.
Register of pattern types. Pattern type is
associated with description style and one or more
domains where patterns can be used.
Register of mappings between elements of
pattern description styles and physical structure
elements of database of patterns.
Addition or modification of a domain or style
causes PMS to change the structure of database and
record this change in the register of physical
structure of patterns database and in the register of
mappings. If new domain is defined then system
creates domain object in the database. If structure
element is added to the description style, then PMS
creates new relation in the database. It will have
foreign key attribute which possible values are
identifiers of patterns from the relation “Patterns”.
Database might contain more than one relation
where attribute values of same type of structure
element are registered. Attributes in these relations
have different domains. Each relation has associated
triggers what enforce appropriate multiplicity of the
element. Meta-data guides management of data in
these relations.
2. Registers that contain actual patterns and
user opinions about them
Register of textual descriptions of patterns.
Textual descriptions are organized according to
the logical structure of pattern description style.
Register of models what are associated with
patterns. PMS has more than one such register -
one for each model type. Each model type has
metamodel, which describes model elements that
can be used to create model of that type.
Structure of each register is developed based on
Register of pattern languages. Pattern language
is a special case of pattern what describes
solutions to the set of problems. One pattern
could belong to many pattern languages and
language contains more than one pattern. Pattern
language as pattern might have its own structure
elements (name, problem etc.) and associated
Register of user evaluations of patterns. Patterns
can be searched based on them. Patterns have
different type of descriptive attributes:
a) Attributes, which are common to all the patterns
and have a same set of possible values in all
domains (type A).
b) Attributes, which are common to all the patterns,
but in different domains have different set of
possible values (type B).
c) Attributes, which are used only with patterns
from specific domains and have a set of possible
values (type C).
Value from a pre-agreed structured set of terms
may be associated with such attributes. Sometime it
is difficult to determine exact value of attribute from
the list of values. For example nowadays there is no
governing organization, which standardizes patterns
and decides that one pattern is still a candidate
pattern but another is mature and accepted pattern.
Some of such attributes (they have type A) are:
1. Success of a pattern.
2. Maturity of a pattern.
3. Usability of documentation of a pattern.
4. Level of abstraction of the proposed solution.
Creation of patterns is collaborative work.
Therefore judgements of users could be used to
determine the values of attributes as well.
Users could compare patterns in pairs in regard
to selected attribute, using values from the
fundamental scale of decision method “Analytic
Hierarchies Process (AHP)”. For example result of a
comparison might be that pattern p
has essentially
better usability than p
. If new pattern is created,
then the patterns manager, who has obligations to
encourage the use of patterns, compares it with
patterns which are well known to all or most
developers for their good or bad properties. Pattern
users can compare patterns what they have used.
If patterns are searched based on attributes which
values have been determined by users, then it is
necessary to determine other pattern, compared to
which the value of an attribute is found. For example
query could be: “Find patterns of type t which have
better usability than pattern p
Next example presents some attributes of type B
and some of their possible values in the Information
System Development domain.
1. Level of technicality of a problem (sample
values: “Business Environment”; “Enterprise
Model”, "Technical model").
2. View to the system (sample values: “Data”;
“Functions”; “Time”; “People”).
3. Extent of the problem what pattern solves
(sample values: “Subsystem”; “Component”).
4. Activities what the pattern helps to perform
(sample values: “Modeling”; “Programming”).
Users of PMS could associate patterns with
attribute (type B, C) values together with
membership function value (between 0 and 1). It
permits calculation of average membership function
value for each pair of attribute value and pattern.
3. Registers, containing supporting information
These registers are part of any major information
system. Common patterns what describe their
structure have been worked out and have been
published as patterns (Hay, 1996), (Fowler, 1997).
Register of documents what contain information
about patterns or what have been used to create
or complement patterns. Patterns of documents
data model (Hay, 1996, p. 205-234) can be used
to develop the structure of this register.
Register of parties (persons and organizations)
who have some role in the events, which have
happened or have been scheduled to happen with
patterns. Patterns of domain models about parties
(Fowler, 1997, p. 24-27) can be used to develop
the structure of this register.
Register of planned and happened events, which
have happened with patterns (for example
creation, review or modification of a pattern).
Patterns of proposed and implemented actions
(Fowler, 1997, p. 158-160) can be used to
develop the structure of this register. For each
event next data will be stored: time of an event;
reference to the parties who participated in the
event, together with the information about their
roles in the event; references to the documents
what where used during the event, together with
the information about their roles in the event.
Register of queries, what users of PMS have
constructed and stored for later usage by them or
other interested parties.
In this paper, principles of Pattern Management
System (PMS) were presented. PMS could help find
solutions to the problems and store evolving
knowledge in the form of patterns. Author proposes,
that meta-data about structure of patterns and
database of patterns must guide the operation of
PMS in order to manage different types of patterns.
PMS must manage both narratives and information
extracted from models. It makes possible to use
query capabilities of existing database management
systems to search patterns based on model elements.
Future work will involve the development of
methods for searching patterns. Search based on user
evaluations should take into account the amount of
evaluations and quality of experts who make them.
One expert could evaluate patterns in regard to some
attributes many times. If lot of experts have changed
their opinion recently in one direction, then it could
also be taken into account.
One promising methods is to search patterns
according to semantic similarity. For example during
requirements analysis functional requirements to the
system are documented using use cases. Data model
can be constructed by searching data modeling
pattern which model elements (entities, attributes
and associations) have the biggest semantic
similarity to subset of the use case text.
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