Colin Pattinson, Kemal Hajdarevic
School of Computing, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
Keywords: Training network managers, denial of service attack, simulation
Abstract: One of the major challenges facing the e-Business community, and the broader telecommunications network
world, is the threat of electronic attack. Of the sub-categories of such attacks, the denial of service attack, in
which the intruder’s objective is to prevent legitimate users from accessing some or all of an organisation’s
computing resource, regularly creates headlines in the popular press. Whilst significant research effort is
being expended on the development of automated tools to recognise such attacks, for many businesses
(particularly the small business sector) network management (including security and intrusion detection) is
the responsibility of an individual employee (the “network manager”), among whose responsibilities is the
observation and monitoring of network behaviour, and who will be expected to monitor data, detect the
signs of intrusion, and take action, ideally before the attack has taken effect. Traditionally, this skill has
developed through a hands-on process, learning “normal” behaviour, using this knowledge to detect
anomalies, undertaking further investigation to determine more details of the cause. This will involve
interaction with the “live” network, and the first experience of an attack will be when it actually occurs.
This is counter to good training practice, in which a trainee will have had experience of “problem
situations” in a controlled environment, and will have the opportunity to develop their responses, review
actions and repeat the activity, so that when the situation occurs “for real”, responses are semi-automatic.
This paper describes a simulation-based training tool in which student network managers experience the
symptoms and effects of a denial of service attack and practice their responses in a controlled environment,
with the aim of preparing them more effectively for the time they meet such an attack in reality.
Reports of attacks on computer networks, aimed at
disrupting the service provided to users of those
networks, and the consequential effects on business
and consumer confidence are commonplace in the
popular press. These attacks vary in their method,
purpose and effectiveness, but one of the most
frequently launched attacks – probably because it is
also one of the most effective and easy to bring
about – is denial of service (DOS).
DOS has many flavours and variants, but the
common factor is that one or more nodes within a
network are subjected to some form of traffic which
requires the use of resources to handle it, for
example by directing an excessive volume of a
particular request message, to which the host is
obliged to respond. Resources (processing time and
buffer space) allocated to this task are resources
which cannot be allocated elsewhere, and, in
extremis, there are insufficient resources left to meet
the service requirements of legitimate users. The
result is that those users are denied service, so the
attack has succeeded.
The (human) network manager is the member of
staff with responsibility for maintaining the service
levels of the network, and it therefore appropriate to
consider how such an individual might be assisted in
identifying that an attack is underway, and the ways
in which the effects can be mitigated, if not
prevented. Consider first the identification phase, a
problem of this nature will be noticed because it
presents variations from the “normal” behaviour of
the system. In the best case, this will be early
enough to allow defences to be deployed against the
attacker. In the worst case, the anomaly will be some
form of failure. Clearly therefore, early detection of
anomalies is an important factor. Whilst the
development of automated anomaly detectors is a
fertile research area (see below), in many smaller
Pattinson C. and Hajdarevic K. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 269-274
DOI: 10.5220/0001386202690274
organisations the network manager will carry out
this task manually, using the current generation of
network monitoring tools. In essence, the network
manager will be expected to learn through
observation the “normal” signs of operation, and
also to spot any variation from “normality” in
sufficient time to react effectively. The most popular
network monitoring tools make use of the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) in one of its
variants, and monitoring in this situation is a case of
observing trends in the various counters and related
data, with anomalies being revealed as changes in
those trends.
This is a skill which develops over time and with
experience, but unfortunately, the most common
experience is that the onset of a real attack is the first
practical experience many network managers have,
they “learn through doing” in a very direct fashion.
We argue that it is desirable to have a more
structured approach to learning, and we borrow from
the “flight simulator” style of training to propose a
means by which novice network managers can
practice their skills in a controlled environment. We
have developed such a training tool, described in
detail elsewhere, this paper describes how we have
incorporated the effects of a DOS attack into that
tool, to give a student network manager the
opportunity to recognise these symptoms and to
practice their response to the attack.
Our network management simulator tool uses a
combination of synthetically varied SNMP
Management Information Base (MIB-2) objects and
external “messages from other systems and users”
(themselves produced according to a pre-set script),
to create the effect of different network scenarios.
The details of the simulation process has been
described elsewhere
(Pattinson, 2000), where we
also make it clear that we use an existing SNMP-
capable network management platform to collect
and display data from our simulated SNMP data set.
In the case described in this paper, we show how
these input stimuli are manipulated to create the
impression of a DOS attack.
The structure of this paper is as follows: we state the
need to detect and respond to DOS attacks, including
a review of current work in automated detection
systems; we then present the results of our analysis
of the symptoms of such attacks, with particular
reference to the effect on observed SNMP data; we
then describe how these symptoms are represented
in our simulation system, together with the other
related symptoms; we conclude with an analysis of
the effectiveness of our approach and a description
of further work.
Early detection of attacks or other anomalies which
could harm a network in some way is the subject of
much current research.
An automated system which is able to recognise and
prevent attacks or other anomalies, and work with
already standardized mechanisms for network
management, is preferable to those systems and
projects whose goal is to design new hardware
equipment such as D-WARD (UCLA, 2002). Some
research groups, such as MINDS, (University of
Minnesota, 2003) use more than one mechanism to
gather data about network behaviour such as
sniffers, syslog, tcpdump or net-flow (capturing
packet headers) while this offers better
understanding of what is really going on in each
packet, it makes the overall system more complex –
data has to be gathered and processed from different
sources. Dokas et al (2001) report work on the
detection of anomalies by setting threshold values
and treating an overstepping of this threshold as an
event worthy of further investigation. The major
concern with these automated systems is that of
reliability – in this context meaning identifying (and
not responding to) false alarms, while remaining
sufficiently alert to detect genuine problems early
enough to mount a defence. Typically, this leads to
the MINDS approach of gathering more, and
different, data, but for our work we are interested in
the situation where the (human) Network Manager
relies on manual interpretation of data, and on
SNMP MIB-2 data alone.
Our research has used only MIB-2 instances to
discover anomalies in the behaviour of network
protocols and resources. The reason for this is that
MIB-2 is a standardised database already installed
on many pieces of network equipment. If all network
devices (routers, switches, PCs etc.) are MIB-2
capable it might be possible to detect an attack or
other anomaly in its early development stages,
allowing enough time to prevent any serious damage
to the attacked systems. Many attacks come from
outside a secured network and are delivered through
network gateways.
Clearly, the collection of counters in MIB-2 (located
at various points across the network) will show the
impact of any attempt to overload a device within
the network. Although this impact will be most
obvious at the node being attacked (as we show
below), there will also be (probably lesser) impacts
on the near neighbour nodes, and particularly on the
gateway router devices. In view of the possible
failure of the “attacked” node, we must also pay
attention to the way in which neighbouring nodes
represent the developing attack, and include those in
our simulation.
We wished to develop a simulation in which
changes in behaviour of specific MIB-2 instances
could allow a network manager to practice their
interpretation skills and detect the onset of an attack.
We begin this process by presenting an analysis of
the effects of a DOS attack on a small network of the
type common to the environment in which our
trainees are likely to work. We then present a
structured simulation and show, through a number of
screen shots, what a trainee user will experience
when presented with this simulation.
The TCP/SYN attack (CERT 1999) is a well-known
variant of DOS, in which an attacker launches a
series of TCP/SYN packets (connection
establishment requests) at a target. These packets
typically each have a different (spoofed) source IP
address, which is unreachable from the target. The
“rules” of TCP connection establishment require the
target to issue a SYN-ACK packet in response, and
to allocate resources (buffer and table space etc.) for
the “new” connection. Whilst this is sufficient to tie
up resource at the target, and is therefore a DOS
attack in its own right, a consequence of attempting
to send a packet to an unreachable IP address is that
the next hop (router) will return an ICMP
“Destination unreachable” message to the sender, so
further consuming buffer space. Any existing
(legitimate) connections to or from the target will
experience a gradual reduction in their throughput,
and may, as the attack develops, timeout. New
legitimate attempts to connect are likely to fail via
timeout before completion.
Therefore, in order to represent the effect of such an
attack on node 1 of our simulated network
(presented at figure 1), we need to vary the MIB-2
objects representing the behaviour of node 1 in the
manner shown in table 1. Figure 2 shows how this
behaviour might be traced during operation.
As noted above, other users and systems will also be
affected by a DOS attack, in this case, the major
impact will be on those users who are, or would
wish to be, connected to the attacked node. We
represent this by reducing their “traffic flow” during
the onset of the attack, and by terminating some
“connections” as the effects of the attack worsen.
The simulation also allows us to generate “pop-up”
messages on the trainee’s console reporting (or
complaining of) connection loss / slowdown. Other
affected activities are those devices which share a
connection (bandwidth resource) with the attacked
node. In this case, this is particularly relevant to
other nodes sharing the router node X. They too
should experience a slow-down in connection speed,
with the occasional connection loss due to time out.
This gives rise to simulated “complaints” (via pop-
ups) about the service being offered.
Finally, the router which detects that the SYN/ACK
frames generated by the target cannot be forwarded
will inform the target (via ICMP) that the destination
is unreachable. In our simulation, this means that
this router should be seen to produce a large number
of these ICMP messages.
By arranging that these symptoms develop over
time, we create the representation of a developing
attack, and the trainee’s task is then to establish, as
soon as possible, the nature and impact of the attack,
and to specify remedial action to recover from it.
From this starting point, a number of possible
activities are possible: we can use the system as it
stands, allowing trainee users to carry out a set of
training activities (limited only by our creation of
different scenarios); we can record the users’
activities and review those records to determine
situations where other actions might have been more
appropriate, the ability to replay the same scenario
means that this can then be easily done; we can use
data mining techniques to determine whether
patterns of use emerge which might give us insights
into the way in which users react to these situations,
offering the opportunity to develop new network
management tools to assist by automating the
beneficial reactions. Work on the latter is already
underway, as described by Donelan et al (2004).
Table 1: Variation to MIB objects representing a simulated DOS attack
MIB-2 object Change Comment
tcpInSegs Increase at “attack rate” + Each attack is a tcp segment, others may still also be
transmitting data
tcpOutSegs Do. Each SYN should generate a SYN/ACK response
tcpPassiveOpens Increase at “attack rate” Each attack is a connect request event
tcpCurrEstab Do. Number of “established” connections counter
tcpConnTab entries increasing number of connections in state
SYN_RCVD with non-recognised remote IP
Connection table shows state of current connections
tcpAttemptFails Increase at “attack rate” after onset of attack After some time the “attack” connections will time out.
(Stevens 1997)
icmpInDestUnreachs Do. The router to which the SYN/ACKs are sent will be unable
to find an outgoing route for these frames, and will inform
the sender.
Figure 1: The simulated DOS attack will be mounted on node (upper left), and will arrive from the internet
through router
Note we use the tkined network editor (tkined, 2000) to present this information, but with MIB data taken
from a simulation rather than a “real” network – the work discussed here is our simulation technique.
Figure 2: Graphs monitoring the delta values of different MIB counters on node show the surge of a DOS
attack against lower “normal” background traffic.
We are aware that our model represents a form of
attack which is now somewhat “dated”, and that
newer forms of attack present different symptoms.
However, we believe that the basic premise of our
work does indicate the need to develop tools of this
form in order to meet the needs of the large number
of network administrators who may not have access
to large, complex and automated network detection
systems, but who are still expected to take
responsibility for the integrity of their network
Whilst our system does not address the problem of
prevention of DOS attacks, we believe that we are
able to present our trainees with a valid experience
of the kinds of network behaviour they may
experience in managing a network which is
subjected to such an attack. We also believe that a
system such as this is a valuable addition to the
learning experience of novice network managers.
We wish to continue development to present further
simulated network attacks, and to expand and
increase the size and variety of network types
involved. One particular area of interest is in the
incorporation of simulated mobile devices with the
simulated network. We are also recording the users’
responses, we then plan to study these responses to
gain greater insight into how network managers
react to fault situations, which may in turn allow us
to influence the development of tools to assist
managers in their task.
P. Dokas, L. Ertoz, V. Kumar, A. Lazarevic, J. Srivastava,
Pang-Ning Tan, (2001) Data Mining for Network
Intrusion Detection. Decision Sciences Journal, 32,
Number 4 Fall 2001, Decision Sciences Institute
H. Donelan, C. Pattinson, D. Palmer-Brown (2004), The
analysis of user behaviour of a network management
training tool using a neural network. International
Conference on Education and Information Systems:
Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2004),
Orlando, USA, July 21-25 2004.
C. Pattinson (2000) A simulated network management
information base Journal of Network and
ComputerApplications 23 April 2000 pp. 93 – 107
W.R. Stevens (1997) TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 1.
Addison Wesley Longman, Reading, MA.
The Carnegie Mellon University CERT Coordination
Center, (1999) 1999– UDP DoS.
[Accessed 12 October 2003]
Tkined (2000) is the network management interface
provided by scotty
[Accessed 12 February 2004]
UCLA, 2002 D-WARD Project, UCLA, Computer
Science Department.
[Accessed 12 October 2003]
University of Minnesota Dept. of Computer Science &
Engineering, 2003 Minnesota Intrusion Detection
[Accessed 12 February 2004]