Modeling and Implementation of a Ludic Application using Simple
Reactive Agents
Hydrological Impact of High Andean Ecosystems
J. A. Villarraga Morales and L. D. Alvarado Nieto
Department of Engineering, Universidad Distrital, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Keywords: Simple Reactive Agents, Complex Systems, Simulation, Playfulness.
Abstract: Intense human activity is causing drastic changes in the Colombian ecosystems. Therefore, a ludic mobile
app that uses simple reactive agents was implemented to teach children about some ecosystems, that are part
of the country and the role that they play for the balance of the environment. A test to determinate the app’s
efficacy was implemented, and the results obtained indicated that the group of children who used the app
obtained a better learning curve in comparison to the group that was only taught in class.
High Andean Ecosystems belong to high mountain
tropical forests, according to Quijano Prieto
(Quijano Prieto & al, 2015), and are fundamental in
the regulation of water. Colombia owns 50% of this
type of ecosystems worldwide and it has
approximately 98 different types of ecosystems
which make it in a natural power (Ministerio del
Medio Ambiente, 2015). However, many of these
environments are unknown to Colombians, as well
as the functions performed by them. This ignorance
the inhabitants have shown, the lack of rigor in
environmental laws and the excessive actions taken
by people against natural resources are generating a
great environmental damage to the country. Some of
these harmful effects are: erosion of soils, extinction
of native species, air pollution, etc. (Güiza Suárez,
2011). Which represents an alarming scenario for
living beings that depend on these environments.
Due to the difficult ecological situation that not
only the country, but the whole world is facing, and
given that this is a complex problem, the
Complexity's Group of the District University from
Bogotá Colombia has decided to take actions that
contribute to the environment care. For this reason, a
ludic mobile app that simulates ecosystems,
specifically: a paramo, a high-Andean forest and a
savannah, all of which are part of the Andean region
of Colombia (Avella-M., et al., 2014), was
developed. Although there are different simulations
game such as Simlife, Creatures and Among
Ripples, there hasn't been found an specific app
focused on the simulation of the Colombian
ecosystems, that allow showing the most relevant
characteristics of these environments.
Basically, the main scenario of the app shows
ecosystems in their natural state, then as the child
interacts with the application he will be able to
transform them, allowing him to cut and reforest
trees, build houses and hunt animals. Simultaneously,
indicators of temperature, water, oxygen and carbon
dioxide levels were added, in order to visualize the
changes that are generated when handling ecosystems
and the effects caused by such manipulations. All this
in order to demonstrate the importance of paramos for
the regulation of water tributaries, and the role played
by high-Andean forests as air-purifying entities and
main contributors to the rains that fall in paramos
(Ospina Rodríguez, 2005).
Initially, plant simulation and the role that they
play in nature was the main goal. However, the
simulation of animals had to be implemented too,
begining with the introduction of the spectacled bear,
a native specie of Colombian high-Andean forests
which is currently in danger of extinction. This in
order to evidence that this kind of bear is essential to
the ecosystem because being that it helps to reforest
its own habitat (WCS , 2011).
The modeling of the ecosystems and their
components was carried out using the technique of
simple-reactive agents. Subsequently, a mobile app
based on those models was developed. The app’s tests
Villarraga Morales, J. and Alvarado Nieto, L.
Modeling and Implementation of a Ludic Application using Simple Reactive Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0006793701420147
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2018), pages 142-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-297-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
were made in a rural headquarters of the Pedro Pabón
Parga school located in Carmen de Apicalá Tolima.
Taking into consideration that the objective of this
section is the ecosystems modelling, which, being
dynamic and presenting a complex behaviour, needs
to be managed as such (Ritter Ortíz & Perez Espino,
2011; Ladyman, et al., 2012), it became necessary to
apply complexity sciences techniques such the simple
reactive agents. This technique consists in analysing
an entity and identifying three factors: the sensors
(parties in charge of receiving information from the
environment), the decision rules (those that indicate
the actions that must be taken according to the
information obtained by the sensors) and the actuators
(responsible for executing the actions generated
through the decision rules) (Alechina, 2013).
Although, this section is widely described in a
previous paper named “Paramo and High-Andean
Simulation using Reactive Agents Hydrological
Role of High Andean Ecosystems” (Villarraga
Morales & Alvarado Nieto, 2017), It is necessary to
show the modelling of a bear as a simple reactive
agent, which is described below:
Figure 1: Model of bear using reactive agents.
Analysing the Figure 1. The bear uses two sensor
elements: The respiratory system (which allows it to
absorb oxygen from the air) and the mouth (used to
ingest fruits of trees). And two actuators: The respire-
tory system (responsible for releasing carbon dioxide
as a by-product of respiration) and the digestive
system (used to discard the seeds of ingested fruits).
Once the bear model is specified, it is necessary
to establish the control rules; therefore, the
following activity diagram was created:
Figure 2: Bear activity diagram.
Activities performed by the bear are shown in the
Figure 2. Highlighting two main processes: the
breathing process and how the bear reforests the
forest (the bear eats fruits, then increases its energy
and later the seeds obtained after the digestive
process are released into the ground).
Another important element in the simulation is
the house, because it allows the user to transform
natural ecosystems to artificial ecosystems.
Therefore, the following model was created:
Figure 3: Model of house using reactive agents.
Modeling and Implementation of a Ludic Application using Simple Reactive Agents
Analysing the Figure 3. The house element has
the same sensor and actuator (fireplace), because the
wood obtained from the territory is deposited in the
chimney and later, as it’s being burnt, carbon
dioxide is released by this element into the air.
Continuing with the development process, the next
step was to integrate the modelling performed in the
previous section, as a mobile app, where every
model of ecosystems and its components was
implemented. The resulting interface is shown in
this section.
Figure 4: Territory interface.
Visualizing the Figure 4. It can be seen that all
the ecosystems that were proposed to be represented,
are implemented: a paramo (on the right side of the
red line), a high-Andean forest (on the right side of
the blue line) and a savannah (on the right side of the
yellow line). Additionally, at the top of this figure
the elements of the air (temperature, O
, CO
, H
represented by icons, can also be seen, allowing the
user to identify if some change has altered the
natural balance of the territory.
Another aspect to detail is the button bar located
in the lower part of the application, that gives the
user the option to create trees or houses, allowing
him to perform functions of reforestation and
transformation of natural ecosystems.
3.1 Implementation of the
Functionalities of Ecosystems
Focusing in the main activities performed by trees,
the buttons described in the following figure were
generated, in order to implement processes such as
felling and harvesting trees.
3.1.1 Functions of Trees
Implementing activities such as felling and
harvesting trees, the buttons described in the
following figure were generated.
Figure 5: Buttons and icons of trees.
Analysing the Figure 5. It’s shown that when a
tree is selected from the simulated territory,
immediately in the upper right corner of interface,
icons that show the amount of wood, fruit and
energy that such tree has, appear. Similarly, the
fruits are harvested when the icon referring to the
fruit is selected, and the axe icon is used to cut a
3.1.2 Functions of the Bear
Another biotic organism characterized in the
simulated territory is the spectacled bear.
Consequently, interactions represented in the Figure
2, were implemented in the present app. Obtaining
as result the next icons:
COMPLEXIS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 6: Icons of bear.
Identifying the icons shown in the right side of
the Figure 6, that only appear when the bear is
selected, it shows that the first icon represents the
bear's energy, while the second one allows the user
to feed it but only if there are harvested fruits in the
territory. Finally, the third icon allows hunting the
3.1.3 Functions of House
Although this reactive agent (house) only has an
activity (turn on the fireplace), it was important to
implement it, since that way, the simulated
ecosystems could be transformed to an artificial
environment. Analysing the next figure (Figure 7).
As the savannah is being transformed into an agro-
ecosystem, is shown that the user is manipulating
that environment. Additionally, the smoke coming
out from the chimney indicates that the wood, that
had to be previously collected by felling trees, is
being burnt. The final phase of this process is
generated when CO2 is released into the air.
Figure 7: House implemented in the simulation.
Although the previous section indicates that the
modelling of the ecosystems and their components
carried out in phase 2 was implemented in the
development of the app, it’s important to verify that
the results obtained in the paper, entitled “Paramo
and High-Andean Simulation using Reactive Agents
Hydrological Role of High Andean Ecosystems”
(Villarraga Morales & Alvarado Nieto, 2017) are
evidenced. Additionally, due to the fact that the
developed app is made to have a ludic nature, tests
that validate the pedagogical effectiveness of the
developed tool were necessary.
4.1 Functionality Tests
Tests about changes in the ecosystem’s behaviour
when strongly modified or affected, were applied.
The first part was to destroy most of the high
Andean forest. The next figure shows that changes:
Figure 8: The high Andean forest is destroyed.
Visualising the effects shown in the Figure 8.
The thawing of the mountain and the reduction of
river flow are the main changes highlighted.
However, the increase in temperature and CO2
levels are also denoted. This because these kinds of
ecosystems do not only play the role of purifying
agents, but they also provide most of rainwater that
falls in paramos (Díaz-Granados Ortiz, et al., 2005).
Continuing with the test process, the next step
was to identify what happens when the paramo is
destroyed. The figure above (Figure 9) represents
that scenario. Analysing such figure, a great effect is
denoted, the river flow changes drastically in
different periods of time: the river flow decrease
severely in January (which is a month of dry season)
but in July (a rainy month) this one increases
disproportionately. Effect that is caused being that
the paramo is a hydric regulator (Jacobsen &
Dangles, 2017).
Modeling and Implementation of a Ludic Application using Simple Reactive Agents
Figure 9: scenario when the paramo is destroyed.
4.2 Efficacy Tests
Knowing that the purpose of this app was for
children to keep in their minds knowledge that,
although is very important, sometimes is taught in a
tedious way. The next step was to perform tests that
allowed identifying if the app did help to ease the
learning of topics related to ecology. Therefore, a
group of 18 children (who represented
approximately 60% of the total school children) of
third, fourth and fifth grade of a rural school located
in the Carmen de Apicalá (Tolima) were chosen.
The next figure shows a classroom where the tests
were made:
Figure 10: Children learning ecology.
The total group was divided in two. The first day
both groups were evaluated using a written test
composed by 10 questions about the High Andean
ecosystems and the greenhouse effect, this in order
to determine their degree of previous knowledge.
The next day, the first group (named group A) was
taught using the ludic application as a support tool
while the other group (group B) was taught using the
classic method. Finally, a new written test was
applied to both groups.
The results obtained are shown in the following
Figure 11: Score obtained by students of group A.
The improvement in the score of the children
after explaining the topics using the app is evident.
In the Figure 11 is analysis it’s shown that 100% of
the group members improved their marks or in the
worst, case maintain them.
On the other hand, the second group (named
group B), which was taught without the ludic app,
kept a low score. The following figure represents
their results:
Figure 12: Score obtained by students of group B.
Certainly, the results presented in the Figure 12,
are much lower than the results of group A. showing
that for group B: 22.5% of children improved their
score, while another 22.5% worsened the score and
the remaining 55% maintained their level of
COMPLEXIS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Analysing the results obtained in the implementation
section, it's evident that the technique of simple
reactive agents is an adequate tool for the simulation
of ecosystems. Because, not only allows to visualize
the characteristics of the agent, but also to define the
way in which the interaction with the environment is
The functional tests verify that the role played by
paramos and high Andean forests for the balance of
the environment is essential. Similarly, a strong
dependence between these ecosystems was denoted.
This agrees with the results obtained by studies such
as those of Antoine M. Cleef (Cleef, 2015) and
Thomas Van der Hammen (Estévez, 2009)
The characterization of simulated ecosystems as
complex systems was clearly demonstrated.
Because, even though each of its elements present
simple behaviours, the elements interaction
generates complex behaviours (such as the change in
the flow of the rivers or the melting of the snow).
That is, unscheduled actions emerge.
Children in rural areas are those who are in direct
contact with paramos and high Andean forests.
Therefore, they are the ones who should have the
best knowledge, about the importance and care of
these environments. Due to that, this work was
focused in the ludic learning of those children.
Finally, the importance of the results obtained
when the app was used to teach fundamental topics
such as ecology, is highlighted. Being that the
learning curve of the children who used the
application was much higher than the group that was
oriented with the conventional method, showing that
this kind of knowledge can be imparted to children
in a fun and ludic way, without losing the final
objective "that the topic explained is engraved in the
mind of the child and not just in a notebook".
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Modeling and Implementation of a Ludic Application using Simple Reactive Agents