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Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications VISIGRAPP - (Volume 1)

February 25-28, 2006, in Setúbal, Portugal

ISBN: 972-8865-40-6

ISSN: 2184-4321

Conference Link: http://www.visapp.org

Foreword: This volume contains the proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2006), organized by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Communication and Control (INSTICC), hosted by the Business School of Setúbal and sponsored by the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal. VISAPP aims at becoming a major point of contact between research scientists, engineers and practitioners in the area of computer vision applications systems. Four simultaneous tracks were held, covering different aspects related to computer vision, from Image Formation to Image Understanding including Motion Analysis and Stereo Vision. All tracks focus on real world applications and highlight the benefits of computer vision for industry and services, thus making a bridge between the Academia and the Enterprise worlds. VISAPP 2006 received 218 paper submissions from 41 countries in all continents. 81 papers were published and presented as full papers, i.e. completed work (8 pages in the proceedings / 30’ oral presentations), 50 papers, reflecting work-in-progress or position papers, were accepted for short presentation and another 23 for poster presentation. These numbers, leading to a “full-paper” acceptance ratio around 37% shows the intention of preserving a high quality forum for the next editions of this conference. Additionally, a number of keynote lectures were also held. These lectures, presented by internationally recognized specialists in different areas have definitely contributed to increase the overall quality of the Conference and to provide a deeper understanding of the Computer Vision field. A short list of papers will be selected for a book, entitled “Computer Vision Theory and Applications I”, to be published by Springer. The program for this conference required the dedicated effort of many people. Firstly, we must thank the authors, whose research and development efforts are recorded here. Secondly, we thank the members of the program committee and the additional reviewers for their diligence and expert reviewing. Thirdly, we thank the invited speakers for their invaluable contribution and for taking the time to synthesise and prepare their talks. Finally, special thanks to all the members of the local organising committee, especially Bruno Encarnação and Marina Carvalho. (More)


Vol. 1 - 972-8865-40-6

Vol. 2 - 972-8865-40-6

Show papers

P. 220 - 227

P. 236 - 242

P. 323 - 330

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