Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering

April 21-23, 2023, in Prague, Czech Republic

ISBN: 978-989-758-642-2

ISSN: 2795-4943

DOI: 10.5220/0000172400003497

Conference Link: https://improve.scitevents.org

Foreword: This book contains the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2023). This conference is sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) and held in cooperation with the ACM SIGAI - ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence. This year IMPROVE was held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 21 - 23 April. IMPROVE is a comprehensive conference of academic and technical nature, focused on image processing and computer vision practical applications. It brings together researchers, engineers and practitioners working either in fundamental areas of image processing, developing new methods and techniques, including innovative machine learning approaches, as well as multimedia communications technology and applications of image processing and artificial vision in diverse areas. In 2023, IMPROVE features 3 invited talks delivered by internationally distinguished speakers: Elisa Ricci (University of Trento, Italy), Daniele Ravi (University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom) and Francesco Rundo (STMicroelectronics srl, Italy). The IMPROVE conference received 32 paper submission from 20 countries in all continents, of which 16% were accepted as full papers. The submission’s high quality imposed difficult choices during the review process. To evaluate each submission, a double-blind paper review was performed by the Program Committee, whose members are highly qualified independent researchers in the five IMPROVE Conferences’ topic areas. A short list of papers presented at the IMPROVE will be selected for publication of extended and revised versions in a special issue of Springer Nature Computer Science Journal. To recognize the best submissions and the best student contributions, several awards based on the combined marks of paper reviewing, as assessed by the Program Committee, and the quality of the presentation at the conference venue, are conferred at the closing session of the conference. We would like to express our thanks to all participants. First of all, to the authors, whose quality work is the essence of this conference. Next, we thank all the members of the program committee and the auxiliary reviewers for their diligence and expert reviewing. Also, we would like to deeply thank the invited speakers for their excellent contribution in sharing their knowledge and vision. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the professional support of the INSTICC team for all organizational processes in order to make it possible for the authors to present their work and share ideas with colleagues. We hope that the papers accepted and included in the proceedings will be helpful references in future works for all those who need to address topics in any of the IMPROVE knowledge areas. We wish you all an inspiring conference and we hope to meet you next year for IMPROVE 2024, details of which will soon be available at http://www.improve.scitevents.org/. (More)


Vol. 1 - 978-989-758-642-2

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P. 134 - 141

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